Mattherson thanks you for the server merge.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badgered, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Badgered

    We finally have huge fights on all three continents. Nobody has the lock on a single continent. Carnage everywhere. Certs a plenty.

    Thank you for doing the right thing!
    • Up x 5
  2. FluffyDestroyer

    But at the same time..."servers are full" this means if the continent as too much people, your stuck on your continent... if you don't pay. If you do pay, you wont go in server priority which never happened to us (our outfit) before.

    So no, no thanks for the server merge. Before the merge I could find fights very easy. You just gotta look at the maps carefully.

    Now, if I'm on esamir and want to go on indar or somewhere else and if the servers are full (like now) I cant since I didn't pay lmao. So I'm stuck on my continent.

    Whats the problem... geee I don't know... 67% population on TR and about 20% on NC and less than 10% on vanu. That's the problem with this...

    I don't mind paying for stuff in this game but to change continent... hell no. I'm sorry but this is unaccaptable.
  3. FluffyDestroyer

    now why is it unacceptable. In Soltech, I remember huge fights from 2 other factions... with this... forget that, you'll get in queue... if you didn't pay. Now, I don't mind paying like I said before like guns and other "cool" stuff but this is a bit ridiculous.
  4. Badgered

    Quit being a cheapskate and support the game. You have zero, zilch, nada in the way of sympathy from me.
    • Up x 2
  5. [NC10]NCHeavyHunter

    hey shut up. Even members are in the queue. This is ridiculous. 6 month members are in the queue and the amerish continent is overrun with TR. We do support the game. Might stop though. if this continues.
    • Up x 1
  6. Badgered

    What's your queue? I've never had to wait more than three minutes in the queue (unless it bugged out on me) back when the game first released.
  7. FluffyDestroyer

    I don't want your sympathy... wasn't looking for it. I think your missing the point about my post completely which doesnt' surprise me since you didn't seem to know where are the big fights were. I mean, I always find big fights if I log in you just gotta look correctly.
  8. FluffyDestroyer

    from the first time I got that queue. I got 3 minutes. couple of minutes later 1 buddy of mine had 7 minutes. 15 minutes later, another buddy got 43 minutes...
  9. Cinc

    8 posts

    4 from the same guy

  10. Some1

    Multiple personalitys.
  11. Badgered

    I could always find big fights on Mattherson... they were all on Indar. Big fan of the enemy activity overlay.

    This is called prime time. That's why the queues are so big. If you don't want to wait in them pony up a subscription or enjoy your wait. Support games you enjoy rather than expecting everything to cater to those who get a free ride thanks to paying customers.
  12. FluffyDestroyer

    I'll repeat for you: MEMBERS HAVE WAITING QUEUES TOO
  13. Nocturnal7x

    I havent seen mattherson since 7pm. Guess its picked up? was pretty dead when I logged. Cant wait.
  14. Pat Cleburne

    I had to wait in a queue to get on the server, then wait in a queue to get on Esamir with my teamates.

    I guess that is good, but damn.
  15. ShakareeNC

    Really, Mattherson pops were focused on Indar with little to none of other 2 continents, now you get Pops accross all 3 and you complain because people are on the server playing and its difficult for you to get to another continent, hold on while I cry you a river
    • Up x 3
  16. Badgered

    But it is le short. There is absolutely no way anyone with a premium membership will wait 45 minutes. The estimate was screwed up. I'd believe it if this were the ONLY server left but it isn't.
  17. Rraymondo316

    Was so happy to see an actual queue to get onto Amerish :)
  18. Dawgpound12

    Your complaining about the end of Indarside? Wat.
  19. Uncle_Lou

    Love the availability of fights. Hate that render distance is back in the toilet again due to massive numbers of people in certain areas. Logged off in frustration because my guns all suddenly started firing blanks.
  20. Linc

    Amen to that, OP! Was rolling with The Ascended earlier today on Indar and the zerg on Amerish, and I was reminded as to why I love this game. First time in a long while that I've had a smile come to my face while playing this game.