[Mattherson] Scarred Mesa Skydock fight

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheHalo1Pistol, May 23, 2013.

  1. Rown

    The thing is, every time there's a serious push towards the VS warpgate, everyone retreats to scarred mesa and let everything else fall. It's frankly becoming tiresome; I'd gladly give up that 10% infantry resources for doing something else than firing at a jump pad or Lancing barely seen vehicles.
  2. Delta102

    I can't help my self with this but does no one notice the irony of Vanu accusing the TR of zerging while simultaneously dropping 2000 people onto one hex and calling it strategy?

    Anyways this isn't the Vanu's fault it's soe's for allowing this hex to go unchanged with the lettuce update, the focus of big battle should be on Biolabs, Techlabs, or Amp Stations. The fact people are ignoring those bases in favor of a tiny hex on the side of the map should speak volumes.
  3. Ender

    Pretty sure VS just held out against massive TR and NC platoons. We were extremely close to losing the lock, everytime I deployed DA to grab any link behind the lines there was an immediate "multiple" squad response. Immediate as in 20-30 seconds. I was completely at a loss to see the NC move like this to be honest. You've never moved that fast before .... ever. I knew TE had that ability especially with Buzz on, and BWC is usually pretty good about it but damn.

    I'm surprised the VS held out really, you guys were all over our ****. Great fighting, props to the effort, but VS hold out again :)
  4. Phrygen

    skydock is always involved in a real last ditch indar lock defense.
  5. Aspergia

    Except literally an hour ago the VS held out against NC and TR at Ceres. I'm curious to what the excuse is this time.
  6. Hellhammer

    great fights all around, and congrats to VS for holding out.

    To anyone who thinks there was a population imbalance during this event, you're just plain wrong. It was fairly equal until the server restart, which basically ended "prime time.

    The NC did what they could at the Skydock, and congrats to them for trying. It's the most I've seen the NC do in weeks.

    Personally, since the intro to the lettuce system, I've seen a lot better fights going on, and less bull---t "side capping". The lettuce definitely helps direct the flow, which usually results in a lot of back and forth action.

    P.S. bringing up a "dominant victory" win at 11:30pm PST with +50% population is nothing to brag about. Besides, the NC had the first dominating victory, so it's not like we've never seen one before.... it's like trying to take credit for taking Indar first.

    TR were the first to take Indar, and NC were the first to have a dominating victory. VS were the first to lock all 3 continents
    • Up x 1
  7. Phrygen

    its not primetime. there i found an excuse.

    or you could blame pop imbalance. i wasn't there though (hey look another excuse... needs more phrygen).
  8. DreamlessLiberty

    Have you tried massive instant action pod dropping and spawn flares? If there are 150 people there that is 150 people you can squish with your pod. Or you can pile onto the roof.
  9. jak

    "Hey guys, great fight today!"

    "AMG you suck because you can't do anything without 65% pop"

    "But...I had fun, it was a good fight for everyone..."


    "Huh? We were the ones fighting them at skydock..."


    • Up x 4
  10. Radiculopathy

    TR complaining about NC back capping is hilarity. This is what NC does, hell any faction would and does. When TR was being relieved (hacked) out of their lock, NC were ghost capping VS.

    To break the VS lock, NC need to hold Skydock preventing VS from getting in there and TR needs to dedicate a platoon to pushing NC in the East. Boom, lock removed. Then we can have alerts where VS isn't wasting talent on a worthless Indar lock.
  11. Dotz0r

    yup, 9 man alarm clock op - all you need for an alarm clock op. - seriously...
  12. SEEkER

    Props to GOTR for trying to push us back.

    Props to Ender for the only VS comment that made any sense in here.

    Mad Doublefacepalm to SOE for not fixing their netcode before introducing the lettuce.
  13. Negator

    LOL TE tears, eliteeskimo tears, patcleburne tears.

    My lancer is almost fully charged guys, more tears pls.
  14. Skyl3lazer

    Uh this morning NC held skydock and VS stopped the entire TR/NC from capping Ceres Biotech. Get better.
  15. Cyridius

    About 75% of our Ops is spent redeploying to bases under attack. Stop lying to try sound cool.

    You must be new.
  16. Van Dax

    Breaking news: [DIG]nity of war took scared mesa skydock twice in one night despite overwhelming NC resistance.
    The lag was hell though, our first max push capped the point and we kept slaughtering the NC until we realized the ammo packs stopped working and around fifteen maxes were forced to melee scatmaxes to death (I got two :p), organization is key in a ***** to take facility like this.
  17. TheHalo1Pistol

    News flash: nobody on Mattherson cares about what happens on Miller
  18. Van Dax

    well thats just rude, just proving it can be done.
  19. SgtScum

    You must be TE..

    What passes for strategy and tactics in your outfit is usually mob rules in most civil disturbances.

    Notice today during the alert around 4pmish eastern that even though we were hard pressed by both tr and nc ignoring each other and focusing on us that we never gave up our core territories or even needed the holy skydock to repel a double team with the pop at 33 33 33.

    I break wind in your general direction..
  20. Kastrenzo

    I'd gladly let NC waste their time and lives taking Scarred Mesa. It's a boring place to fight because it's so broken.

    Each Continent has a couple places where people can flee to and be pretty much unconquerable if they have a competent organized Defense.

    Scarred Mesa on Indar
    NC Arsenal on Esamir
    Raven Landing on Amerish

    Raven Landing is kind of wonky though, as is NC arsenal, they are both surrounded by territory, NC Arsenal is on a Mesa and only has one land route through a lolbottleneck bridge

    and Raven is kind of the same, has other land routes but they are near vertical mountains that only infantry can use.

    EDIT: Actually I messed that up, I don't think Esamir has one at all, I think Auraxis Firearm Corps is the region I was thinking of. not NC arsenal