[Mattherson] Scarred Mesa Skydock fight

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheHalo1Pistol, May 23, 2013.

  1. Grittz_n_Gravy

    The NC leaders were telling those up top to leave the TR alone but there were literally only about 10-20 NC up there messing stuff up. There is only so much you can do for people who refuse to cooperate and get with the program. (past flying up there and team killing them of course)

    At least they knew to not cut you off except for the Vanu Archives fiasco which i assume was unintentional and those 2 guys didnt know how the latuce connections worked
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  2. SgtScum

    Keep believing that. Please. ;)
  3. Jadith

    This should be the TR Mattherson mascot:


    'Cause they just love drinkin' that kool-aid.
  4. Holomang

    Oh sorry, it must've been part of the VS strategy to lose every base but Scarred Mesa.
  5. TheHalo1Pistol

    It actually was. I was on leader chat the whole time.
  6. SgtScum

    If you already have the lock why do you need to push the other guys warp gates?

    Just sit back and defend farming away till it gets to the point you decide to hole up in a base that everyone knows you are going to hole up in but no one tried to keep you from holing up in.

    Sounds like the nc and tr leadership need a basic tactics refresher course.

    And yes we were laughing the entire time too. :)
  7. Holomang

    So the entirety of the VS leadership knows they can't actually beat the TR, by their own admission.

    I guess this removes all doubt as to whether or not TR is Mattherson's dominant faction, thanks for settling it.
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  8. SgtScum

  9. Holomang

    So you're so concerned with defending your hacked lock you can't actually play the game?

    VS sounds awful boring.
  10. SgtScum

    We did play the game. We sat back and defended whilst you guys came to us.

    Talk about service! Thanks!
  11. esperen

    To the TR *cough* TE ******** about NC ghost capping: The Enclave is never known for defending anything. Your pathetic leadership only knows to steamroll with massive numbers (not skill or thought). The TR never once tried to legitimately take skydock down. It was the NC, for quite a while. If you used your brains you would know how impossible it is to take with 150-200 vanu piled in there, because only a month or so ago it was YOU who were camping it like the scum you are.

    The regular players obviously wanted to do something better than throw free certs at the Vanu so they went to other lattice points for a fight. Holding the skydock proves nothing except you know the only viable strategy in keeping an Indar lock.
  12. SgtScum

    So why can't they formulate a strategy to keep us from holing up in it to begin with? o_O

    From what I have seen so far mattherson vs are the only faction to use tactics and strategy(even if its so terribly obvious it hurts, which also suggests some rather unkind things about the other side:p ) whilst the other two zerg around.
  13. esperen

    Yes, the viable strategy of.. "hey, guys.. uhh.. anyone wanna camp skydock for hours to see if the vanu finally push a mass gal drop on it"

    Or the ever popular "who wants to log onto their vs to see when the gals start to form up in the warpgate"

    The skydock is worthless in everything except defending. It is not a viable place to launch attacks from. If any impending attack is unnoticed it is relatively easy to take. Dropping your platoon/s on it and capturing it because we were off fighting the entire rest of the continent doesn't count for much.
  14. SgtScum

    That's all you can think up for strategy? Gods man I hope you are just a grunt especially as one of your, erm, 'stratagems' is considered an exploit...
  15. Mnementh2230

    We tried, man - we tried.
  16. AtroposZero

    News Flash, Current Events: Vanu is successfully defending Indar lock; Skydock not involved. TR and NC seen sighing to themselves and logging off to play Bejeweled Blitz.
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  17. Naehloseht

    Mattherson NC here, I approve and confirm this message, if only just to rub dirt in one other faction's eye's.
  18. Morticai

    Smear all the dirt you want, I'll continue shooting you guys.
  19. esperen

    Vanu player bragging about holding a lock with double the pop of the only other faction that can take it's lock.. AMAZING :O
  20. Van Dax

    just wait they may pull a 2am alarm clock op like BRTD.