[Mattherson] Scarred Mesa Skydock fight

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheHalo1Pistol, May 23, 2013.

  1. Naehloseht

    Sooooooooooo wait a second here.
    Wait a tick... Hold on......
    Lattice did not stop ghost capping? Well slap me silly and call me Suzy, I thought I told you all this back when you suggested lattice. It's almost like I was correct in assuming there was no ghost capping at all, your all just too much of a lazy *** to defend anything.
  2. XDDante

    you know defending Scarred Mesa Skydock and then brag about it saying you are superior empire because of it is like saying you are a good infiltrator just because you know how to hide...just saying.
  3. SgtScum

    So your leadership knows that when vs are in the southwest warp gate that skydock is the key to holding the lock.

    Lets see if they can use a bit of logic and figure out how to deny that base as a fallback next time.

    I'm not even a traitor by saying this as its boot camp 101 stuff.. :rolleyes:
  4. Van Dax

    IF all your enemies gather in a single territory that you don't have adjacency to-I'd say its a bit of an exception to the rule.
  5. Naehloseht

    No no no my good sir, it was thoroughly explained and typed to death in the last 2 months, that the lattice system, in all of its god inspired glory and righteousness, would fix "ghost capping" once and for all. How is this term still being thrown around? The only reason you should EVER lose a base anymore, is because of having ****** defense abilities.....
    Oh wait..... This is something the lattice proposers have had since day 1, regardless of the capture system/mechanics but they didn't want to fix their skills with being **** for brains at defense, no, they wanted to change the game because they refused to adapt??
  6. Strykar

    I wasn't there, but let me get this straight. VS held the cont lock while fighting TR and NC at the same time again, the TR got mad and crashed the server, and then when they realized how bad they had failed they ran to the forums to whine and make excuses once again.

    Got it. Just goes to show that TR and VS are so equally matched that it takes a cease fire with the NC for either faction to overcome one another. Come on NC why can't you buddy up with the TR already?
  7. Van Dax

    To be fair on miller I haven't seen anything like this at all, all territories were defended.
  8. CrimsonDaemon

    It was a great fight with the Vanu and I respect their vigor and zeal for a good battle!
  9. Drealgrin

    AVSA fails, Why stroke the TR's inert junk NC? Keep up with ATRA and ye shall be greatly rewarded through ownership of Amerish and Esamir.
  10. Morticai

    I was just as keen on killing the NC as I was towards killing Vanu. In fact, I earned some free certs in the chaos. Nothing like farming NC that are playing pretend-peace-treaty in the middle of a war-zone.
  11. Aspergia

    Hey remember that time The Enclave did the exact same thing, except it was at The Crown, and HVAR, oh and Allatum, and there was one other place they did it. Oh that's right Scarred Mesa.

    I don't know how you're gonna moan about another faction doing the EXACT same thing.
  12. Plunkies

    I heard it's difficult to defend scarred mesa and not at all a broken and incredibly poorly designed base that allows for even a small amount of terrible players to hold it indefinitely.
  13. DamageKing

    What 2% means in the eyes of Vanu:
  14. The King

    On Waterson where the TR has 60% pop during the off hours. They still fail to cap Indar since the Lattice system.
    It seem to be staying neutral..

    Maybe, Indar on Matterson would see the same fate.
  15. malden

    Using a screenshot at 5am in the morning when the VS were about to get a domination victory during an alert does not prove anything other than how easy it is to go turncoat in this game.
  16. AtroposZero

    I would like to personally thank all of the Gal and ESF pilots that came at the Skydock in such overwhelming numbers. My buster MAX fed on many blackened hearts of his enemies last night.

    Even with all the lag, crowding, and rendering problems, I was still sustaining 55k XP/hr. It was a glorious, neverending stream of aircraft coming right at me, dive-bombing through a hailstorm of flak. I was ready to belt out a few lines from 'Murricas national anthem IRL; it was that epic.
  17. Holomang

    And yet, those TE baddies along with the rest of ULTRA rolled the entire VS faction last night, laughing all the way.
  18. Wilden

    From what I saw tonight NC have really fallen a long way from what they once were. You had Platoons capping TR territory up north, but whatevers, that stuff is gonna happen when we push one side. You cant keep pugs inline anyways, but what was really incompetent was you had actual outfit like BAX and TAS pushing on allatum trying to cut off TR territory and wasting our time to come back and smash your faces in. Not only that, after you lost regent rock garrison on a 50/50 split against the VS ( A tower base mind you, you know... towers that usually take 70/30 in favor of attackers to actually lose), It never occurred to any of you that the next base in line was scarred mesa skydock and ooohh i dunno put 1 whole squad there and win against 2 platoons of incoming VS. Nope not a single squad or platoon running at the time thought of it.

    SG was the only outfit that was doing anything productive, The remainder of NC are just shells of what they once were. Its like somebody just took the fight out of them or they all went down 80 points of IQ. Do the TR have to spawn camp scarred mesa sky dock for you next time, have 1 guy log into his NC toon, fly a galaxy over and cap the base for you before they stick their entire population on that hex??
  19. DamageKing

    Even if it was because of alert, why would VS get "dominating" victory in the first place? Yeah. At first "it's just 2% HURRRRR!!!", now "it's just turncoats!!!". Let's hear your next excuse, I'm genuinely curious.
  20. AngryPlayer

    I hope the TR crash the server every time VS has the Skydock. Maybe then SOE will ******* balance that ****hole.