[Mattherson] Scarred Mesa Skydock fight

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheHalo1Pistol, May 23, 2013.

  1. thrikerr

    This is why you have Indar.


    And yes, this happens every night.
  2. Pat Cleburne

    Taken tonight @ 09:45 CST. VS 40% to TR33%. Prime time of the big push to warpgate the VS and you had a 7% pop advantage.

    Taken 10 minutes after the server reboot. "Get to skydock" I can already hear the comms.
  3. Giggily

    Actual footage taken in VS Warpgate.
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  4. Viesel

    2% is more than fair. 20% or more is not. take a look at that map someone posted a few posts up.
  5. Badgerhax

    Oh so thats where you where. I was wondering how some of those libs managed to sneak up on us.
  6. Leal

    I hope this will never get fixed

    Maybe you should take off the like 150+ guys you had right outside of the warpgate to defend your own territories. I seriously don't get this: Hey guys like let's break their lock, everyone go there now. Oh man, why is NC capturing all the territories that we have left defenseless or have at most a squad defending it? THOSE NC ARE HELPING VS
  7. Leal

    Just watch that. Annoyed by people denying TR and NC both at the same place "coincidentally" , annoyed by people saying NC was helping VS by not attacking skydock (there was more NC there then TR), annoyed by people saying there is a population advantage. Look right there, 33% across the board. Quality sucks, but look at the bars, they're basically the same height.
  8. EliteEskimo

    The NC do this to us every time, and all the reasonable/intelligent VS know it's the only reason they hold the Indar cap right now:rolleyes:
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  9. Cl1mh4224rd

    That's happened before, too. It's like the NC are easily distracted. :p
  10. Cyridius

    I don't know why we thought it was a good idea to pull 170 galaxies.

    Anyhow, another sad story about how the NC are no good at what little metagame we have. Unfortunate, but I think it's safe to say the TR has claimed victory for tonight, we'll get the continent another day, after we're done rolling NC all tomorrow for their incompetence.

    Your outfit's a piece of trash, like most VS outfits. The only outfit worth a **** on your faction is GotR. When you stop piggy backing on them get back to me.
  11. Cl1mh4224rd

    Wasn't there some time after release when there were zero ways to get up to that base? I seem to recall someone praising it for being unique in that it was only accessible by air.
  12. TekTR

    The VS have to be warpgated to remove the lock. ULTRA did that. The problem was the incompetent NC who decided to take TR territory, rather than force the VS out of skydock. People are complaining because the NC have done this at every single opportunity we have had to remove the VS lock over the last month. Every time we get near the VS warpgate, the NC **** us over from behind like clockwork. They would rather capture defenseless territories that put up no fight at all. Are they doing it to help the VS intentionally? I doubt it. To spite the TR? Maybe. Most likely they just don't care, and their zergs take the path of least resistance. Which happens to be all of the undefended TR territory.
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  13. Badgerhax

    Cute. Its as if you think the TR even were at that fight. I think we killed 3 waves of libs from you, tops. NC were slugging it out with us for hours.
  14. TekTR

    I don't think many TR were at that fight. Where did I say we were? TR was busy holding the rest of your faction in your warpgate until you all decided to pile into skydock. When we did get there, the server went to hell. And the vast majority of the NC pop was ghost capping TR territory while we were busy at your wg. It's fine though. Now that we have Lattice, get used to your warpgate and skydock, you'll be there a lot.
  15. Cyridius

    I'm going to take a screencap of everytime the TR push VS. Why? Because this is always the end result;

  16. MeowMix986367

    It's really not that hard to take. You just need to know how to do it properly. VS took it over several times with multiple platoons defending it since this past update went live.

    Driving endless amounts of Sunderers to the jump pad is not how it works.
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  17. robo


    As an addendum, GOTR did not participate in the Skydock defense. We were pretty f***ing ticked off when the VS left Ceres Farms, which we had almost capped, to go "tactically withdraw" to Skydock.

    So we tried every conceivable attack pattern on anything we still had a link to. Ceres Farms (where the other VS outfits BAILED), Indar Bay Point, tried to save Peris, Ceres Biotech, Regent Rock, then we did a surprise attack at Ceres Farms again but the hack wouldn't start because it's bugged (see the hotfix notes).

    I hope you TR guys had fun at least. We gave it everything we had. And we felt like we were the only ones there that were wearing purple.
  18. Cyridius

    They were definitely some good fights, you guys were mobile and versatile, and you definitely caused us trouble around the place. Caught us off guard at Indar Bay Point for a few minutes there, for sure.
  19. SgtScum

    VS has kept the indar lock from all three warp gate positions.

    [heavy]Cry some moar![/heavy]

    edit; ok just to explain a bit about the supposed lack of skill during prime time think about this. If you have the lock why do you need to warp gate the other guys?

    Wouldn't it make far more sense to keep your lines tight and farm the enemy all night long? :)
  20. Lenox

    To be fair the majority of the NC outfits were dedicated to focusing their efforts on the VS, and ignored the TR for the most part. However, it's not like we can control what the pubs do with their time.

    On another note, have you ever noticed how phallic Scarred Mesa is? Not only on how it looks, but how it's like this license for the owners of the base to wave their **** at the entire continent.