[Mattherson] Scarred Mesa Skydock fight

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheHalo1Pistol, May 23, 2013.

  1. TheHalo1Pistol

    Good fighting to all involved. We almost killed the server.
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  2. fludblud

    Watching Buzz's stream and seeing a server die is fascinating.
  3. TallPaul_S

    You didn't crash the server.

    TE trying to pull 170 galaxies at the warpgate crashed the server :D;)
  4. NoClipMyst

    Haha. Crazy stuff. Halo. You and I still gotta do a gal fight with our platoons. (It's traxi btw)
  5. VSDerp

    Been having awesome fights on mattherson lately.
  6. Nucleardraft

    Good job dumping your entire population into the most defensible base in the game after you were warp gated. A great victory for Vanu.

    It's too bad Scarred Mesa didn't get removed with the other pointless bases.
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  7. TekTR

    Hmm... It's almost like this has been done before... Stop complaining it's a legitimate tactic. If the NC would've focused on holding Skydock rather than taking TR territory behind us, the VS likely wouldn't have their Indar lock right now.

    It's a shame we didn't really get to fight the VS at skydock because the server decided to take a massive ****.
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  8. Zeitgeiber

    I agree, this base needs to go or be seriously redesigned.

    I don't blame the VS for doing it to keep their lock, but there's simply no amount of tactics that's going to dislodge this base, and the lack of decent cover essentially makes this a sundy free bubble. We need some other mechanisms (love ANTs personally and resupply) to counter the I'm going to keep my whole population at X annoying base tactic. It becomes a real headache as you get closer to the warpgate if populations are remotely even.
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  9. Delta102

    Congrats to the vs for holding their lock.

    But SOE seriously needs to do something to fix skydock, not because its to easy to hold but because its breaking the server anytime a cont lock fight happens. For a good 20 minutes nothing was rendering at skydock and we literally flew a lib in circles around skydock doing nothing because the server was so backed up.
  10. Nucleardraft

    It's only a legitimate tactic because the base is horribly designed. Who was the genius at SOE who thought that a base on top of a mountain with only one way in was a good idea? I'm not blaming the Vanu for using it, I just wish it didn't exist. At the very least turn it into a tower and put it on the same level as the other bases on the southeastern edge of Indar.
  11. MrGurrenLemfox

    yeah need a hacker here, VS are getting Cocky.

    on the other hand the PTS forum already begged the deletion of scarred mesa skydock before the lattice, it is not a simple matter if 2:1 odds still lose on that place.
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  12. Pat Cleburne

    This ^^
    Mattherson NC doing what they do best, ghost cap TR territory in an effort to cut us off and thus prevent us from breaking the VS lock.
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  13. thrikerr

    This, or the NC need to learn to stop giving skydock to them in the first place.
  14. TekTR

    Honestly, I think if they simply added one or two more ways to get up to the base, it would balance out. What makes skydock so hard to attack is the fact that there is only one way to get up there. It's much easier to defend when you know exactly where your enemy is coming from. It also makes impossible for two factions to assault at the same time, unless they actually work together and don't kill each other. Which will never happen with Mattherson TR and NC.
  15. TheHalo1Pistol

    When the VS leadership decided to vote to send EVERYONE to skydock, I knew there was no dislodging us. Congrats to TE though; as far as I'm aware, they caused the first server crash in the history of Planetside 2.
  16. Viesel

    We all know that if Vanu lost their lock they would have ghost capped it back at 3 am when they had 60% server pop. Pushing them back to their warpgate was enough to prove they are legitimately bad during primetime.
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  17. TheHalo1Pistol

    Up until that comment, everyone was being respectful. **** *****.
  18. thrikerr

    It definitely goes without saying that they don't have the skill to make any progress during prime time, when they don't have their massive population advantage.
  19. TheHalo1Pistol

    Oh boy, a TE baddie ******** about our pop advantage of 2%
  20. Epic High Five

    Because **** the TR that's why.
