Massive server lag/desyncs on Mattherson

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by gregfox89, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. gregfox89

    I've been getting more of the server lag where everything freezes up, hits don't register, and then everything catches up several/many seconds later all at once (everyone flying over the map). Except now it's much worse than it's ever been.

    I've been flying in my Scythe and a lot of the time instead of my shots hitting one by one, they'll clump together in groups. I can't trust anything I see happening and it makes dogfighting very difficult. Enemy aircraft get stuck and jump forward in the air. I was trying to attack a base turret and I was getting no hit markers until much later after I had flown away. Then I went to land on an airpad like two bases away and exploded (was at full health) from a skyguard. All of his shots hit me at once, it must have been nearly a minute since he "killed" me on his end.

    Infantry combat has the same problems, but it's not as noticeable and dying because of it isn't as big of a deal.