Massive Latency instability in-game.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Devoneir, Sep 10, 2014.

  1. Devoneir

    Ok I might be the only one with this issue or not, but after yesterday's patch that was meant to fix the patch that causes crashing when the client loads up to 100%, the stealth patch, I've logged in to the game and the ping just decides to go crazy. My ping stays at a normal 200-290ms for awhile, then the world just goes into lag mode, tanks flying and eveyone skywalking, then ping goes insanely high to 10k ms then comes back down to normal for a few seconds to minutes, then it repeats. Over and over again.
  2. Acceleratio

    Same problem here m8... Wierd that so little people reply it must affect more than us