Massive Faction population discrepancy on Waterson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Braken, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Curze

    actually its even worse

    "oh, this side has bonus? that means they are outnumbered, so Im not going there"

    bonus = visual indicator from the get-go of where NOT to go

    the bonus needs to be MUCH bigger
    and AT THE SAME TIME here has to be a CRIPPLING PENALTY for those in the stacked side

    thats the only way to havethis game survive past the first month
    • Up x 1
  2. Verranicus

    Care to explain why I, who along with my three friends chose TR because we liked the way they looked and not because it was stacked (we joined the minute the servers opened, when Waterson was 33% for every faction), should have to suffer a CRIPPLING PENALTY?

    Instead of crying, try to get more people on your side. Advertise, don't make innocent bystanders like my friends and I suffer because you think everyone on TR is a team stacking no life.
  3. Enzo

    I played on Wasterson yesterday and it was like 33% across the board. Must bug a huge influx of new players today or just a fluke.
  4. Landtank

    Yeah I always see 33% across the board, today was 40% TR though.

    However, the TR stack Esamir and Amerish and leave Indar for NC and VS. Then when they cap a continent they move onto Indar, which will never be capped.

    The NC and VS seem to split evenly across all three continents, which is a huge mistake. Either way, I play NC and I have a FANTASTIC time.
  5. Verranicus

    Nice to see some positivity here.
  6. Rebur

    Wish I had known that all these caster would be on Waterson. Would have chosen a different server. It's like this for every sever a big caster joins. WoW Horde heavy on Earthen Ring due to Instance and another I know of. Guild Wars 2 heavy pop on Blackgate for And now Waterson due to TotalBiscuit with [BRIT] TR faction Outfit.
  7. Boron

    Totalbiscuit is on waterson, so that might explain why there are a few more TR, but as someone said earlier there are more VS on mattherson. Im guessing the TR alliance had many major outfits go to waterson, **** happens deal with it.
  8. Garmerr

    And the Angry Army.
  9. Rebur

    And it's not going stop it seems:
    @Totalbiscuit Doing another invite session for the outfit for the next 20 minutes. Login then tweet me your char name for an invite

    @Totalbiscuit cap the outfit at 500 members.
  10. Tecnotronics

    From my experience, VS are amazing on Waterson and the dominant force. NC are rock solid despite lower pop at times (the players are good, the 4th faction has gone). TR usually have the population advantage, but it's just in appearance and not gameplay beyond some infrequent zerg. For example, they attained the 4th faction players from the NC who are not an issue. The lil biscuits are a very finnicky bunch, it takes a certain type of dude to follow around a guy (when he's not online, it's a non-force due to their nature). There are great TR players on the server, but lots of fodder that will probably not play for long.

    Overall a very well balanced server, and it's been a blast playing on it!
  11. Skyllus

    Playing as Vanu on Waterson - it hasn't really been an issue at all. Lots of back and forth, although I do think we abandoned one continent entirely and have been focusing on the other two. We had a line of about 60 tanks storming through everything earlier today, was a ton of fun.
  12. BeardHunter

    For the past 2 days both NC and TR have abandoned Esamir and Amerish on Lithcorp, VS owns those continents but no one cares. I play NC and have been playing on Indar the entier time and dont see myself playing on those continents because Indar is fairly balanced with the population. I'm having fun on Indar but something does need to be done.