Massive Faction population discrepancy on Waterson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Braken, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Braken

    Seriously... did some massive TR outfit move here? 40% of the pop is theirs.

    SOE, you NEED to do something make it impossible for things like this to happen. What happened to the faction pop-caps on servers?
  2. 12987

    not their problem sorry.
  3. Braken

    Actually, it is. If one faction has a massive pop advantage, the people playing the other factions will either quit, or make a character on the over-populated faction. Then, once enough of that happens, that one faction will have NO ONE to fight against, and then they will quit playing.

    Less players = less money for SOE.
  4. Fox234

    Doesn't help both TotalBiscuit and Angry Joe endorsed the TR but I know Angry Joe has his fans on Waterson TR.
  5. Braken

    I do NOT want another Leda incident. (Those who were in Beta and played on Leda as VS/NC will know what I'm talking about.)
  6. RottenGroinArea

    TR = PS2 on easy mode.


    Free 2 play is going to break the back of this game. :(
  7. PirateCrayons

    TR is coming in boat loads... fighting VS is rare and my NC buddies are only in very large battles.
    This is obviously because TR DOESNT HAVE A DOWNSIDE.
    They were supposed to be weak and inaccurate but shoot fast with a lot of ammo, but instead it seems they are the best of everything. Hard hitting, fast shooting, accurate, no recoil, great armor... Either there weaknesses need to be more exaggerated or everyone else needs a buff (I'd prefer the buff, NC weapons hit like a marshmallow gun and the recoil is worse than a screaming donkey)
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  8. FoolishFoolish

    The fourth faction is always a fun indicator of which side has need of 'balancing' in beta they were all over the NC and now look at them.

    All I'll say is if a server becomes horrible population unbalanced it will KILL that server as people on the other two factions will avoid it and move to other servers and that in turn will hurt the people who are left on the dead server as all their unlocks are nontransferable.
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  9. Braken

    I hate claiming something is OP, but I have to agree. They may have the worst MBT in the game right now (though it actually may be the best against infantry), but they have the BEST infantry.
  10. 3face

    Would agree with that post IF we were in CBT,now they are nerfed,hard.
    Had all 3 fanctions in cbt lvl 10 i was playing only infantry. I was invinsible with TR but after the game went live i can hardly kill Vanu and NC is on hard mode shield.
    Assuming that many newbies joined the game i should be able to kill easier,but no things got alot harder.
    So yeah i say TR got nerfed.

  11. Sarathun

    What a lot of people havent realized yet is TR guns are GREAT when your within say 30-40 meters (a very common distance when fighting over bases). Stay outside that range and I guarantee you will notice they stop hitting you nearly as much because further out than that their spread pattern widens dramatically.
  12. Diamondwing

    I'll have to say this. On Mathewson the pop is like 47% vanu. it's annoying as hell. I play TR and no, we are not OP qq nerf nerf please. I can barely take out a light assault as a heavy with my lmg. Vanu have low recoil, NO bullet drop, and their guns do insane damage. Not to mention Fagriders. Vanu get a lot of basic benfits that can't be valued. Such as strafing. The only thing I think Vanu lacks in is their air power and even then.
  13. bamelin

    As a PS1 vet, I can assure you if I looked hard enough I would find the OP word for word ... Dated sometime in 2003. Same goes for any variation of "the other guys weapons are OP" threads.

    Memories ....
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  14. LouCypher

    OP or not, if they don't do something about it then people will just roll on whatever server has more of their preferred faction and Waterson will be the TR server while Vanu and NC go play somewhere else.

    It isn't fun joining the game and finding every continent 75% owned by the enemy faction.
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  15. Viritus

    I love this game, but I can't play it in this condition. If there's no way to maintain balance between the factions, there's no point in playing. Essentially the only time on this server we gain bases is if the main TR zerg is somewhere else.
    I'm honestly not one to say this much, but this will kill this game. It's not a matter of what's overpowered or which side is better, it's a matter of people wanting to play on easy mode. If there is no way to balance out how many people can join on one side, everyone's going to jump to whatever faction has the larger army. The xp boost is essentially meaningless, as the reward is not equivalent to the stress of playing on this server.
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  16. Braken

    Exactly. The pathetic xp bonus for under-poped factions does nothing. The highest I've ever seen it get is 5%... Yeah, that's going to make people want to play the side that's getting owned... :rolleyes:
  17. Deringer

    The ReachCast Podcast went Waterson. I'd love to say it was all our listener base, but I'm sure we are some of the reason there are a lot of TR on Waterson.

    Thanks for listening :)
  18. 12987

    actually it isnt their problem,you cant force someone to go to servers,not their problem.
  19. Dradeeus

    Well, it is their problem and it isn't. They might not be able to do anything about it, but I'm sure they're not happy if people get fed up and leave the game because of the imbalanced populations. I don't know what the solution is, though, other than try to rebalance to make NC more attractive.
  20. Antivide

    A good way to see if an empire is OP is to see where the 4th empire players go.