Male VS soldiers have no *****

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Teegeeack, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Teegeeack

    You can clearly see there's nothing there.
  2. c4r151

    That spandex must be WAY too tight.
  3. Lamat

    Its in the lore, they no longer have genitals and reproduce using test tubes just like Vanu.
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  4. Hatesphere

    damn, the pixels aren't sexy enough :rolleyes:
  5. gigastar

    We can obtain implants for those as needed.

    Also you try running at the head of a tank zerg as a ZOE MAX and tell me i dont have balls.
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  6. Ghosty11

    Especially with Magmowers following you! If the enemy doesn't kill you, your team mates are sure to.
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  7. Ryme

    Through the wisdom of Vanu, the VS emulate the tactic of ancient Earth's digital gladiators, who would utilized female avatars to dominate against their enemies, and instituted tucking to give their troops an edge in combat.
  8. OddChelsea

    Just because Vanu balls aren't visible doesn't mean you guys don't have them, maybe they just never drop due to being genetically altered or playing too much Call of Vanu in your free time. In any case being infantry around magriders on ANY side is dangerous as hell. It's like they are homing TK roadkill missles.
  9. Mhak

    Well lets be honest, Old Man Evolution did sort of screw up on human biology and had to give human males external sex organs instead of internal ones.

    "Aw, damn, internal body temperature is too high for the testis to produce sperm?...Well, let's make a little sack and stick them in there then, that should solve the problem. Stomach cavity is too full to allow for a retractable *****?...Well, let's just make the whole thing rest outside the rest of the body, then. Sure it won't be fun when they have to run anywhere, and their biggest fear will be any sort of impact to that area...but it's the best I can do, I can't just start from scratch, this is millions of years of work in progress."

    Seems the Vanu *did* just decide to start from scratch, though. Technology: 1, Evolution: 0
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  10. EmmettLBrown

    You guys gotta get some radiation shielding on those ZOE units or you're going to keep loosing yours.
  11. HadesR

    Considering it seems they only have them while in ZOE maybe they got transplanted ?
  12. Ryme

    That's probably why a ZOE MAX can run so fast.
  13. OddChelsea

    Now THAT would be an interesting way to balance it. Instead of having decreased damage resistances you slowly lose health with ZOE on, making it a more strategic thing to use instead of always ZOE all the time. I mean it IS instantly on and instantly off so you could stop the drain right away. Kind of like a berserker disco space lobster.
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  14. Shadowyc

    That would be interesting, especially if you could get some Heal on Striking going on. Not a lot, but enough to counteract the fact your health might be dropping faster than if you just ignored ZOE for good.
  15. OddChelsea

    It would have to be enough so that you'd still feel it with an engi or causing auto repair to reset like normal damage but probably could be done so it wouldn't be crippling.
  16. Vixxing

    Sure but remove the +30% damage taken then...
  17. OddChelsea

    Did you read my post? "Instead of having decreased damage resistances", it's the start of the second sentence.
  18. Vixxing

    Thats what happens when you dont cert into shock-absorbers on your flashes...
  19. Klondik3

    [Suggestion] Give Male VS soldiers manboobs to complement their lack of *****
  20. EmmettLBrown

    I think I misread what the devs were talking about when they wanted to add implants. Godspeed, Vanu!