I do this all the time in prox chat, so why not the forums! i got certs, too many certs, so many certs that I bought Ammo belt for engineer Darklight for archer 2x optic for both my furies on the sundi Max mineguard for flash Dogfighter frame for my esf Nightvision on my tank turret (those mans are hard to see!) Add some good buys below
This one can be good. Clearing mines for friendlies or just to survive them when you drive around inside the octogon and the enemy is getting tired of being furyied so they start placing mines.
I dont know man i just went through and maxed out everything on every gun and all vehicle weapons, still have thousands.
Buy ALL THE RESTO KITS! Then ammo belt! Then nanite auto repair for max! Then mineguard for ESFs! THEN ALL THE GOLD WEAPONS *foams at mouth*
You think your list is cringe-worthy? both the ES and NS version of the Flare launcher, Candy-Cannon and Deep Freeze, 4300 certs total, a 6x scope for my Jackhammer, a 3.4x scope on my CQC TR carbines, one of which (TRAC-5) I have auraxiumed using nothing but the scope, laser sights on shotguns, slug ammo and 4x scopes for them (lasers don't do anything at all, tested this multiple times both in VR and in-game), Completely certed out Spur and Duster, Got ejection seat and IR smoke on ALL vehicles available to them, Forward grip on all bolt-action sniper rifles (that don't do anything BTW), 4x scopes and compensators on non-NS SMGs, The no helmet helmet, The activation OHK knife, Fully certed dogfight frame, Fully certed Kobalt for my Harasser, Sunderer and MBT complete with 2x zoom, max rank reload and more total ammo, RESTO KITS!!!!111 Extra ammo pool for ALL my MAXs (that replace Charge), Under 15% HSR on my SAW... And on my alt, I have Scr1n as a friend! (Not cringeworthy at all, but eh, it's a plus) Come at me bro
Mineguard on flash stopped being useless after they made it so it also protected the driver from tank mines.
I frequently pull out my Reaver featuring Airhammer just to eject out of it and kill people with mag-scatter instead. Valkyrie with scout radar is good for that purpose too
I have a decently decked out walker attached to my tank, and I use it. As well as a maurader > Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.
I bought the impendus and the guass spr. Both of them.... also bought the paralax and trap. Then I opened my infiltrator budget....and bought....resto kits!!!