Make your own 4th faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Greddy, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Greddy

    As title says: If you could make your own 4th faction, which Empire Specific feature would you bring, to make your own 4th faction?

    I will start:
    The guns from NC (Meaty weapons, sound and feel)
    The AP mines from NC (Does not look like toys like the VS one)
    The Scythe for ESF (I like Scythe because of it stability and hovering, and its the ESF that looks most menacing when you see them from below)
    The Prowler for MBT (Prowler is the fastest and most agile tank, and its also PS2's answer to Siege Tank in Star Craft)
    The Lancer for ESL (Need only one battery to destroy a tank in the back)
    MAX: NC MAX ftw (obviously no further explanation is needed)
  2. RasFW

    All VS weaponry + scatmax.
  3. Sekaszy

    • Up x 1
  4. Cloaking

    My 4th faction would consist of scatmax as infantry with flying magriders for air support
  5. kungflu

    we'll be the amazon, the leftover protecting auraxis with bow and arrows against these human scum
  6. Arquin

    VS vehicles and weaponry, NC looks and TR music and colors.
  7. NightmareP69

    TR Assault Riffles
    TR Carbines
    NC and VS LMGs
    TR and VS SMGs
    NC Sniper Riffles
    VS shotguns
    VS MBT
    NC ESF
    NC MAX
    NC Aesthetic design
    TR Colours
    VS Ideology
    VS Music
    VS Voice actors


    Greddy :The Lancer for ESL (Need only one battery to destroy a tank in the back).
    Are you on crack ? A knife is more effective against tanks than the Lancer