[Vehicle] Make your bets, what will they nerf next?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LaughingDead, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. DirArtillerySupport

    You know it took me an entire year to get my friends to come and play this game? It took daybreak less then half that time to convince us it was time to leave.
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  2. OgreMarkX

    Next won't be a nerf. It will be empire specific weapons (yea!) that will be as follows:

    • NC will get something very fun to use and effective in key situations
    • VS will get something very cool to use and effective in key situations
    • TR will get the PART. Which will quickly be discovered to be the TRAP, in its exact useless form, only spelled backwards and still classified as a sniper rifle instead of a really long, weird, ineffective pistol.
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  3. Weeblz

    Now that we have machine guns that can damage armor, my guess is they will need to nerf armor since Infantryside 2 warriors will complain that the TTK is too long since the tank might kill them first in a face to face fight in an open field
  4. i6n0r4n7e

    TR blacklight retribution helmets?
  5. LaughingDead

    Also forgot to mention, the prize for being right is the ability to say "I told you so" in the forums.
    Double prize winners get an ice cream sundi.
  6. Magister Mundi

    Well, they already nerfed utility vehicles ridiculously hard. Seriously, with the new firing arcs you can't hit most vehicles in a Sundy (or Ant to a lesser extent), because they're smaller and they can just drive up next to you and you literally can't hit them. And they're faster, so you can't drive away. They tried to give infantry a fire window... and instead they made utility vehicles more or less completely helpless if someone just drives up to them.

    So hopefully they don't further nerf utility vehicles.
  7. Demigan

    Here's a bet: It'll take until eternity before all these people realize that tanks are actually OP right now.
  8. Magister Mundi

    I actually agree with you to some extent, at least when it comes to MBTs. But the bigger issue are the support vehicles. They really weren't OP, and I'd argue they just got hit with the biggest nerf of this patch.
  9. LaughingDead

    Welp, if they nerfed util vehicles that you didn't think needed a nerf and they nerfed MBTs as well which you think did need a nerf, what does that say? Either util vehicles were more powerful than you thought or take a second look at what you think makes the MBT OP.

    I can tell you, right now, no one thought the fury was OP. There was no complaints about it, there were no complaints about how far low the basilisk could go down, there was no complaints about how far down kobalts could go, etc.
    In fact the devs claiming the fury nerf was based on it's versatility is ********, they didn't engage targets at range well, they didn't take on air, they didn't even fight vehicles that well, but oops, gotta nerf that AoE that only applies to infantry. Not the obviously superior reason people actually buy it, the AV! Because they are SOOOO much better than bassys right?
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  10. Magister Mundi

    What? Their actions don't tell me anything of the sort. Their stated reason for nerfing the util vehicles is something I can understand but don't agree with, but what the nerf ACTUALLY did was make util vehicles less able to defend themselves against armor. Also, things can and do get nerfed without needing a nerfing. Especially in this game. And yeah, I do think that MBTs (some more than others) are a touch OP, but the fact that they nerfed them doesn't really have anything to do with the util vehicle nerf.

    Yeah, I thought that nerf (and the Bulldog nerf to a lesser degree) were really unnecessary and excessive.
  11. sovietwarbear NL

    6. Valks thy wil find some thing to nerf it :p think it wil go from 4 ppl to 2 ppl in back
  12. Kristan

  13. Moz

    Heavy crutch button is what needs nerfing.

    Lib is what will be nerfed.
  14. zeroxpain

    They got it out for ESF so they be nerfed even more since its still possible to kill sheep with air
  15. OldMaster80

    Maybe Libbs maybe nothing.

    After all what's left to nerf? We have so many NS and copy&paste weapons that faction diversity is being destroyed. That should be a feature, a resource. And it's dying instead.
  16. LaughingDead

    You see old, I thought that myself once, then I realized we were playing nerfside. So literally anything.
  17. freeAmerish

    Nah, they bring back vehicle timers which you can lower to 0 with certs or DayBreak cash.
    Or they nerf MAX AV weapons against infantry.

    I don´t think they will touch the ANT soon. It´s pretty new and they want more people to invest
    in construction system.
  18. Pikachu

    It was nerfed when the edit function was made broken, when roadmap was removed, when vehicle section and off topic section was removed, when devs stopped using it long ago.
  19. Crayv

    Weapons with good hipfire.
  20. Ziggurat8

    Compared to what? Infantry? Yeah you're right. Every infantry should have a 50/50 chance of taking out any vehicle 1v1 right? Tanks should only be able to kill 1 or 2 infantry before being destroyed, no matter the circumstances. It's only fair after all. Heck let's just make tanks infantry with wheels.

    All resistances on all vehicles should be set to 0 and their hp set to 1000. That way any player can kill any other player in any situation with any weapon.

    Only twitch shooter skill will decide the outcome of engagements per Wrels new world vision. Also vehicles now have HS locations as well. Hitting this spot will do HS modifier damage.

    Lmfao could you imagine? Kill an mbt with a knife TTK 0.4s or Sniper rifle 1HK on a tank turret... it's only fair since they can 1HK infantry!

    Edit: the more I think about it this might not be as far fetched as I think it is. The game could very well be headed down this crazy rabbit hole...I shudder to even think about it.
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