Make sure you are collecting your DBC if you are a subscriber

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by metrotw, Sep 28, 2016.

  1. metrotw

    Long story short...I signed up for a sub back in August during the sale. Being a subscriber before, I just assumed I'd get my monthly 5 dollar DBC bonus. Having been busy traveling for work and just not really paying attention in general, I didn't realize you have to click on the in game button to get the credit. (I just discovered this tonight).

    Anyway I figured I'd just file a ticket and get credit applied to my account from customer service (should be easy right?).


    Both CSR's that responded to me refused to apply the credit, saying it was impossible to do.

    "Sadly, nobody, at any level of support will be able to fulfill this request. All Daybreak Cash claims need to be claimed prior to the expiration date to successfully fund the Daybreak Cash wallet with an additional 500 Daybreak Cash. Thank you for your patience and understanding with this matter."

    Needless to say, I am not pleased in the least with this response. This is simply bad business as usual on the part of DBG and is no way to treat the few paying customers they have left.
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  2. Valenz

    If, and this is a big if, their protocol states that CSR's can't directly intervene with any server values? What if CSR's are graded based on tickets responded in any given amount of time? You work a job right? You should know better than to be the thorn of any gaming community with attitudes like this...

    Has anyone done an actual petition to get this "you gotta log in to get the rewards" thing reviewed or are you (and your kind) just angrily trolling the company to bend to your demands?

    Yes I know I'll probably get flak for this, but your sickening attitude is closing you the very doors you're trying to force open. Do you even human?
  3. bLind db

    Just to get this straight, you're defending DBG for not giving the customer what they literally paid for, right?

    Of course OP is angry. He's literally being ****** out of the rewards that are part of the deal that he agreed to when he subscribed.

    Let this be a lesson to anyone considering subbing in the future - DBG and their ilk will **** you over at literally every opportunity and not give you what you're paying for. This company has a proven track record of treating their playerbase like ****.
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  4. Ryme_Intrinseca

    Why so salty?

    Plus when you say 'you gotta log in to get the rewards' it sounds like you don't even understand what the issue is, but threw a tantrum anyway.
  5. Movoza

    Let me get this straight. I see on the membership page a periodic "claim" reward. OP didn't claim this reward and now it's not valid anymore. OP still has right to this claim?

    So you still have a right to the 20 minutes you didn't call on your phone but payed for after the expiry date?

    It is just a reading problem. If I say you'll get 100 dollars for jumpimg, you sign it and jump.
    If I say you'll get 100 dollars for shooting your dog and you don't do it, you cannot claim it. But the moment you see this contract, you probably already decided you do not want to participate in it. So you don't sign it.

    Daybreak specified an action to receive the bonus. It is neatly written down. OP didn't qualify for the bonus as he didn't do the action. OP forfeited all rights to the bonus.
    OP saw the contract, didn't read or understand what was in the contract, signed it and is now angry he didn't read it well enough. Case closed.
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  6. cyb_

    It has been like that for ages! And they even state you will have to 'claim' the 500sc monthy manually yourself when subscribing.

    * 500 DAYBREAK CASH reward to claim each month
    * Free monthly 500 Daybreak Cash claim
  7. metrotw

    I haven't subbed since the first year...Back then, the 500 DBC was automatically applied to your account.

    It was an honest oversight on my part for not reading the fine print (should we have to read fine print for a game???).

    I expected DBG to make it right and say "hey, we'll help you this time but make sure you claim the reward every month because we cant do it again".

    I didn't expect them to say "tough luck".
  8. cyb_

    Actually you should _always_ read it when signing any form of contract (even more so when paying real money). But sadly most people do not.
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  9. Movoza

    Subscriptions change. You should have read the cintract you where signing.
    Secondly. Yes, you should have read the fine print.
    Thirdly. It isn't fine print if it is put in the very same sentence.

    This is what the support industry calls a "user error". Giving users stuff for their own user errors generally leads to more requests from user errors. That is why user errors like this, especially where the solution is "finish reading a sentence", will not be endorsed.
  10. SpectralAndroid

    well this is kinda dumb honestly...
    i never had all access but whenever i read that i thought players would get it awarded on the 1st of each month or something
    the fact that you gotta click a freaking redeem button or whatever is kinda silly
    though it probably gives a sweet $kaching$ feeling to it :p

    EDIT: speaking of all access how do i change the currency from dollars to euros ?
    i might get it some day and i actually looked it app but all i found was some old threads saying that i'd have to contact support ?
  11. Cymric

    It is the responsibility of the user to find out about manually claiming the reward? Yes. Is DBG within their rights to refuse to compensate? Yes. But is it good business practice? Nope.

    Refusing to compensate honest mistakes made by your customers cost you good will. How much is good will worth you might ask. I have a lot of good will towards planetside 1 for example. Even after I stopped playing, I stay subscribed for 6 months to support the game. When planetside 2 launched, it was rather incomplete and I was enjoying GW2 too much to switch but I brought alpha squad package and stay subbed for months despite not playing. (When I eventually play again I had 10k DBC from the package and sub)

    Another example, LOTRO, I made a "user error" and brought something by mistake, contact customer support and they helpfully fix my mistake efficiently. I brought 2 life time membership for that game and the good will generated by their customer support is a major factor.

    Refusing to help your customer is just penny wise, pound foolish.
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  12. metrotw

    Nice to see someone around this place who isn't an ******.
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  13. Liewec123

    there is plenty wrong with the subscription forcing you to jump through hoops.
    you'd think they'd want to make it convenient and enticing.
    ive signed myself up for spending several minutes logging through every single character every single day for the next 300-or-so days.
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  14. stalkish

    Worst part is, i know some1 who doesnt even play any more, hasnt done for 6 months at least.
    Still logs in to all 6 of his charcters each and every day for his certs, and claims his DBC once a month, because he bought the 12 month membership deal and doesnt want to feel 'ripped off by not getting what he paid for, even if he never uses it' (his words).

    It doesnt even convince people to play for a bit.

    I think the reason they do it is simply so they can say to their superiors / overlords / whatever 'look how many people played today' when infact many of them simply logged on for the certs / cash and logged straight off afterwards.

    I know for a fact ive missed some cash claims, not through not playing, but just through being an idiot and forgetting about it. I havent complained to anyone as i simply cant be bothered, but it would be nicer to their customers if it was auto-granted upon login at the very least, having to go into the shop to click claim is easy to overlook if your not playing for long and dont peruse the shop ever.
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  15. Liewec123

    exactly! i play for one night a week usually, and i still log in each and every day to get my 48 certs. its a massive time waste!
    as you said its probably just so they can say more people have been "playing".

    yeah they need to make subscription way more user friendly and less like paying to add an extra chore to your day.
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  16. Valenz

    Absolutely ******* not. The only thing I hope to drill into your heads is the common sense needed to stop slapping people across the face with rethorical wads of money over everything that kinda sorta pisses you off.
    Like, seriously don't you guys get tired of your own acidic **** everytime you pull that off? I probably don't have 30+ years playing games like some others probably do but 10 years is enough of this **** to be angry about it...How do you guys even manage real life?

    If you guys actually wanted change you would have already done something productive about it. But here we are, posting in a rage thread against the very people who run the game...that'll teach em right?