[Suggestion] Make Striker = Javelin? And other random thoughts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Wind_Walker, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. Wind_Walker

    I was in my ESF yesterday and noted how the A2A missiles needed to stay locked in order to guarantee a hit. So...

    •) Striker has a very *meh* role atm, and while I'm not very upset at where it is, I have an idea. The Javelin is an IRL AVRL. We (PS2) have nothing that resembles it in terms of specific mechanics. So, the striker could be a mag fed versión of that. You'd have to maintain the lock to guarantee a hit, so LoS is required. AA capabilities are up for debate. Dumbfire doesn't really work outside of coyote locks, so idk. It's fun to use right now, but not very practical.

    Also, while I'm at it:

    1) I do think MBTs need an HP buff at the same time, tho. Too many options to take out tanks for what it is now.

    2) same thing for ESFs, really. A lot of flak (pun intended) has been hitting them lately in terms of AA options.

    3) The classes need differences in stats. Heavies should be slow, but not as slow as MAXes. Medic and Engie move at regular speed, and LA and Infils move at a relatively fast speed. This is all in terms of their equipment, and their HP/shields should reflect that too. Infil's are the only class that stick out in terms of stats (900hp vs. Other classes 1000hp)

    4) If DBG has such a hard time making ES stuff, why not hold a contest of sorts to invite the creative players of PS2? Ive seen developers do it before, and I know we have the artists, I've seen them on Deviantart. They've made some pretty interesting things, and they should at least receive a look in their direction

    5) On a related note, the current models on all the guns are too similar. DBG could take submissions from creative players on remodeled versions both 3d and 2d. Then it's up to them if it's cool enough to put in the game. When I die in game, I wanna just look at the player model and go, "oh, he was using THAT."

    6) We have the Ground game, and the air game, but where's the space game and the sea game? This is more of a map issue, and one that could be solved with either reworked maps or more maps. A lot of work, but I like to use VUE for something like that. Nice landscape software, that. Also, related vehicles would need to be made.

    7) GK is a hot topic right now. Since its long range AV, killing it's damage or accuracy would render the weapon useless. However, things that could change would be bullet drop (with a marauder-esque cross hair to match) and bullet velocity. Im too lazy to think of actual numbers, so I'll leave that to the Stat masters.

    Ta-da, the wonders of my post mid-term brain. I think I'm gonna go lie down now...
  2. Pelojian

    no. sustained lock works for ESF A2A because of their mobility and other ESFs cannot one shot them, expecting a TR heavy to maintain a lock for a slightly bigger damage potential is lopsided in favor of the target's ability to kill them with tank rounds or rocketpods, meanwhile NC have phoenix fire from cover and VS have peek-a-boo accurate lancer AV fire.
  3. Wind_Walker

    Ok. How about having them fire-and-forget for the Rockets fired during the lock, coupled with a faster RoF?
  4. Pelojian

    you already fire and forget them as-is i doubt a minor increase in rof will help accuracy much since striker rockets are subject to CoF.
  5. ColonelChingles

    A2A missiles actually used to work as "fire and forget", but back in a patch long ago they changed it to needing to maintain line-of-sight. It was actually a nerf, because the Devs seem intent on pushing us back to WWI trench warfare and we can't have anything modern or futuristic in this game.

    Anyhow, as a basic primer to missile guidance, there are different ways to have a missile lock on to something including:


    Current Tomcats are Semi-Active Radar Homing, which means that they need to rely on an external radar (your ESF) to maintain the lock. These missiles are less expensive (don't have to pay for a tiny radar inside each missile) and longer-ranged (your big ESF radar will be stronger than tiny missile radar). But the downside is that you need to maintain constant locks.

    Active Radar Homing relies on a radar on-board the missile. Maybe this is how Tomcats used to work prior to the patch. This means that the missile will find its own way to the target, but at a cost of decreased lock and flight range. Also pricier than SARH missiles.

    And finally we have Passive Homing missiles, which don't even have radar of any sort. They just follow some characteristic of the aircraft (usually heat in the form of IR). As such they're usually very stealthy... not much in the way of a lock warning. But also fairly short-ranged and easily confused by flares. Coyotes might work a little like these guys (though their range shouldn't be that short).

    The Javelin ATGM is an IR Passive Homing missile... which means it is essentially "fire and forget". I'm not sure where you heard that it requires a constant lock, but one of the main points of the Javelin is that you can run and hide after you have fired the missile.

    So the Striker already performs like a Javelin against air targets... maybe it ought to have the same "Coyote effect" against tanks?
  6. Taemien

    I thought they did this already? If not, no wonder no one's hit my crap with them :D
  7. Liewec123

    striker is the best AA RL for close-medium targets,
    its OK-ish for tanks since they removed the horrible CoF,
    one thing it totally sucks at though is maxes.

    i think its in a pretty good spot balance-wise.

    when i'm playing TR heavy 9.9/10 times i'll be using striker,
    i might switch to deci if theres an overwhelming amount of tanks or a maxcrash.
  8. TheRunDown

    They should of made it so it locks on to ground targets like it does Air.. at leased then you could arch your shots around or over a hill keeping "some" cover..

    It pains me deep inside when HA TRs have a the Striker equipped.. Then a MAX or Tank pulls up, it's just a painful stomach churning disaster watching people trying to shoot ground targets with the Striker, it doesn't have the TTK or the speed to unlock it's rockets enough to do both damage and get out alive, with a Rocket.. you shoot them in the face and run around a corner to reload.. with the Striker it's like.. PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW, No Damage, Painful Reload times, PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW PEW Resulting in either your own death from standing out in the open to long or still not doing any useful damage to a single MAX or armoured vehicle..
  9. Wind_Walker

    I actually didn't read that anywhere, I just though that'd make an interesting balance feature. But... the coyote feature on ground vehicles sounds promising. It also means less work for the developers. Yeah, I'm onboard.