A perfect candidate for this feature is the Battle Rifle. It's generally considered quite... useless by most (except those with a knack for the weapon). Its usefulness would be increased greatly if it got the ability to drop a HA WITH shield in two headshots, and it would still be a niche weapon. Give accurate+low DPS carbines the same ability. Give one or two sniper/scout rifles the same ability. No more whining about HA being overpowered, without altering them, no more whining about certain weapons being useless, without seriously altering them except for that one special ability. Many problems solved.
Well, they already drop pretty quickly when you ping them in the head... After the EMP Combo, it's the most reliable way to take down heavy assaults. It's mostly the people who can't aim who cry. They foolishly shoot the body and go for centre mass shots, and then obeying tradition, come to Forumside to whinge about how overshield is OP.
Why specific? Make it all weapons. And melee weapons should ignore the shield to, just as they ignore nanoweave.
If you are capable of reliably landing headshots, then a HA shield will not save them without this pointless change anyway, so what would be the point? Or is it just a symbolic continuation of the nerf HA bandwagon for dick shooters?
this already exists its called BASR because heavys and their shields play a reactionary play style that means as soon as they start taking damage they hit the shield its instant therefor doesnt really have a drawback like the infil cloak but when that fist bit of damage is from a BASR theres a chance your just dead.
If both you, and a heavy start firing at the same time, and are consistently landing headshots, then the person not playing the heavy should lose, simple as that.
Shoot the heavy in the head before the shield goes up and he might be dead before he can even push the button. More HA hate because people want to be able to stand at 10 paces and kill each other equally on every class 1v1 in a game not balanced around 1v1 encounters...
This should happen. HA's shield should be a damage shield that can be countered with skill, it's shouldn't be "press F to win" shield.
Lol as if any of the players complaining about the heavy shield were actually capable of headshotting people. (hint: if they were they wouldn't be complaining so much) omg you beat me to it.
I think though, there is a kind of point in what the OP says - BRs need something and in real life their sheer stopping power is their trademark. Rather than just make them do more damage in the game what about a trademark, like the ability at anything other than long range to ignore a certain amount of armour or even cover. Maybe something that would go through a wall and still hurt the guy sheltering behind it? ....................................then maybe call it the SLR (no, just kidding on this one)?
I'm just glad that ****storm ended as soon as it did. I was getting a might tired at yelling at those newbs.
I would consider myself as having a knack for the warden. It would become unimaginably OP for those of us who are amazing with it if this were implemented... In other words, I MUST HAVE THIS.