[Suggestion] Make Planetside 1 Free to Play while Planetside 2 gets an overhaul.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duke, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. Duke

    Well the day you get John Smedly and Matthew Higby to Understand This... I'll be forever in your debt. With respect, you can't fix ignorance. They had 10 years of "what not to do" and pissed it away and I cannot figure out why.
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  2. Duke

    If you enjoy a simplistic meat-grinder that can be compared to Artic Combat with 2000 players? Sure. (woah.. hella dejavu)

    They shouldn't have used the IP Planetside while creating this... Even it's initial laggy buggy as frack launch, Planetside 1 offered SO much more in terms of depth and meaning.

    It's a business, they don't give a damn about anything other than making a dollar.
  3. Aisar

    I would never go back to PS1 because of the difference in graphics alone. I can't, I love the way this game looks. Sometimes I just go to Amerish and check out the scenery on completely maxed out beast settings. There's one little spot with a pond overlooking the map that I particularly enjoy and people don't bother me there.
  4. Chubzdoomer

    PlanetSide 1 does NOT hold up well, both in terms of graphics and gameplay. I can't imagine many newcomers would play it for more than an hour or two.
  5. ChaosRender

    Never played PS1, heck never even heard of it till I started playing this game. The more i learn about PS1 the more I cant see why it is any better than PS2. Still grindy, and far more broken, but I do still keep trying to find the gem that every one claims is there.

    So yes if the made PS1 ftp I would give it a try to see why people think it is great. However if they turned PS2 I would just stop playing , since I play to be part of the new game that is just starting, not the old one that has long died.
  6. Konstantinn

    PS1 has a lot more depth than PS2, but this game is still young. Before you completely write it off as a failure and grindfest look at history of other successful games out there. Take WoW for example, can't argue it wasn't popular. Did it start out with all the features it had at the end? It was actually quite lame the first year or so. Things got added later. I hope same thing happens here. More continents, latice system, continent lockdowns, bases that actually do something meaningful, nanite system where you have resupply bases, loading vehicles in flying transports and so on. All the cool things PS1 had and more (minus BFR, please SOE don't EVER try to put those in).

    By the way have you actually played original PS1 the way it came out? You know it also evolved quite a bit. Had several expansions, but even before expansions things were added and tweaked constantly with patches. I'd say PS2 is quite a bit better than PS1 was on day one. Just have to wait and see how things go from here. How awesome would it be if they added a volcanic continent, and then an urban one with lots of ruins? What about 4th faction?!? You know from planetside lore, those aliens that built warpgate are back!! That would have been a huge surprise if done right.

    Why was PS1 great? (small list off the top of my head)
    1. Loot enemies and use their equipment (even weapons). Scavenging was pretty cool.
    2. Galaxies as well as one other flying transport could carry vehicles
    3. You were only limited by your inventory size as to what you could have, could be an engie medic cloacker if you wanted all at same time.
    4. Had smaller continent with no air vehicles allowed.
    5. Had underground fights with no vehicles allowed at all.
    6. Latice system was way more strategic, could lock down entire continents.
    7. Could hack vehicles and make them yours. Yes could sneak up to that AMS and turn it into your own spawn point.
    8. Get in and out of vehicle animations... as stupid as it sounds they were simply cool and realistic looking.
    9. Nanite system, you had to keep your bases supplied with energy from warpgate! More people and vehicles you spawn from that base, more energy it drains. Once 0% energy can't spawn or use any terminals until resupplied. This adds a huge strategic element to the game, you had to escort ANTs (small 1 person vehicles that transported energy), could drop them off a galaxy. It didn't transfer energy instantly, had to sit there being vulnerable for a while when recharging.
    10. Some bases could only be captured by taking its core out of the base, then running it back to your base. Only then the base would be captured. This lead to some spectacular chases. If dropped, the core could be picked up by anyone on your team, or destroyed by enemy thereby securing the base again.

    Probably a million other things I'm not remembering. It was great mainly because it was so FAR FAR FAR ahead of its time it's unbelievable.
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  7. Zagareth

    Yep, PS1 for free - it's way more interesting than PS2, even with the early 2k graphics and the game depth is way better.
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  8. Ironside

    if it was f2p with a healthy pop i'd play, as for graphics, i don't care how dated it looks, gameplay beats eyecandy any day
  9. Copasetic

    PS1 was never going for a realistic look, I think that helps it hold up fairly well graphically. It even has a few things PS2 doesn't, like water, forests and buildings that actually render from any distance. Not to mention the projectiles always get drawn.

    What would really frustrate me today is the bad netcode and cheese tactics like the third person corner humping. And without a good population the game is pretty boring. It's just not the same when the best you can hope for is a yellow alert at a single base.
  10. }{ellKnight

    I would very gladly give PS1 a go if it was F2P.
  11. Herrick

    It's not ignorance, they are deliberately aiming to make this battlefield in space.

    I think it'd hurt less if all the screw ups were simply a result of incompetence.
  12. vastaitku

    It's still a complete mystery to me as to why people expect SOE to run the servers free of charge. All they would do is lose money to make a handful of neckbeards happy. Trying to implement microtransactions for it would either mean locking away game features for f2p players or creating actual new content to sell.
  13. Herrick

    Fine, re-establish the reserves system they had going where people could play for free up to BR 15 and any development beyond that requires a $5/month subscription fee.

    The complaint isn't that the game isn't free. The complain is that we are expected to pay $15 a month to play a decade old game with only one server running. Or even more illogically subscribe to a completely separate game just to play it.

    By the way, please remain civil.
  14. Copasetic

    These days server costs for a game with a few hundred people online at a time are miniscule. What's really going to cost them money is staff on hand to deal with all the hacking that will follow. If you think PS2 has bad cheat detection...