[Suggestion] Make Pistols dual-wieldable.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by De_Dominator, Apr 18, 2013.

  1. Deadeye

    I don't see a problem with dual wielding pistols. If people want to try it, let them. I mean, hell, they're thinking of adding freakin crossbows; dual wielding pistols is far less crazy than that.

    And to the guy who wants to keep the game "serious". Lol, are you serious? It's a sci-fi semi-arcade shooter that takes place on an alien world. It's already pretty far from "serious" and I highly doubt dual pistols is going to hurl the game into the realm of the insane.
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  2. datfluttershy

    Dear lord someone make a "remove all the cod-kids" thread.
    No sane Combatsoldier would even consider dual-wielding anything, just because it looked cool in movies like Matrix or Equilibrium it doesnt make it viable, balanced or NEEDED in PS2. Its a bad idea and you should feel bad.
  3. Zorro

    When one's primary weapon is out of ammunition, a competent soldier caught in a firefight draws his secondary weapons. Dual-wielding trades accuracy for twice the fire-rate and twice the DPS. Considering that the usual situation when pistols are used is in an emergency, accuracy would not be the greatest concern in the first place. Someone should make a "remove all the cod-accusers" thread, because, though Call of Duty is a bad game to base Planetside 2 on, half of the suggestions are accused of being from Call of Duty. Seriously, I could count on one hand forum-users who play Call of Duty.

    How is dual-wielding not "serious" or realistic? Dual-wielding was popular in the Old West and is a viable tactic in close-quarters. In addition, this is a futuristic game, and tactics change. Those who dislike dual-wielding are the same ones who rail against crossbows and bunny-hopping, and such unconstructive criticism is growing old.
  4. Zaik

    the commissioner would be pretty hilarious DWed.
  5. Aisar

    Dual pistols sounds BA! I am kind of hesitant about it though, I guess if LA had them I would actually play the class just for that :D
  6. SgtScum

    I think max should be able to dual wield any infantry gun(NOT launchers) by default though of course dual smg max would be the new forum whinge rage.. :p
  7. prowler707

    that would be the best way to balance any dual wield. first off you've doubled the amount of bullet traffic towards your target which means accuracy is your only opposition to total domination... dual wielding may not be professional but provides similar results when killing your target... it's all in your choices. if you want to dual wield .. do not expect to be accurate. so get up close and personal and drill them to death ... sounds like a fair fight to me. XD
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  8. Sabreur

    Interesting idea, but I'm concerned it would be impossible to balance.
  9. Rolfski

    Go check the road map, dual wielded was voted down for a reason.There's is no interest in making this game more COD.
  10. Bill Hicks

    why is everyone bashing this guy? it has already been confirmed, dual wield is coming.
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  11. Varanis

    I find it amusing that you insult the cod community while displaying a level of intellect far below even the teenage cod players. It's even more amusing that you're a brony. Literally the most pitiful group of people in existence.
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  12. FlayvorOfEvil

    It's called Maxes, they are the only class that are allowed to dual wield. If you give an LA the ability to dual wield, that would make them stronger than Dual Slug NC maxes.
  13. Mythicrose12

    Depends on how SOE implements dual wielding. For all we know, SOE may have more an asthetic approach to LA dual weilding by introducing something held by each hand (even if it is a pistol or SMG or space ninja nanite Tanto) with stats putting it as somewhere between a carbine and shotgun (or anything). Dual weilding doesn't necessarily mean it will be related to something already in game. Taking a MAX in to account, it would kinda suck if the LA had to unlock a 1000 cert left hand then a 1000 cert right hand.
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  14. FlayvorOfEvil

    I still think dual wielding is kinda stupid for mere humans. I can understand dual wielding swords and melee weapons or dual wielding a pistol for more ammo, but it's very inaccurate with guns and such.
  15. xGreedFuSioN

    Except they aren't?
  16. Whiteagle

    Nah, you just can't Aim Down Sights...

    ...Yeah, your right...

    ...You just say that because you can't even Gun Kata in the Game, let alone real life...

    Indeed, it's not like I'm going to be able to get two screens and a mouse for each hand to pull off crazy feats of pistol marksmanship.

    Dude don't drag the Bronies down with him, Derpy is a monster duel wielding, and they don't call Gilda "Two-Talons" for nothing...

    Hence why the title is "Make Pistols Duel-wieldable."

    ...And who are you calling a "mere human"... I'm a New Type!
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  17. ThePackage

    I want to dual wield Klobbs like the good ol' days.
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  18. TheBloodEagle

  19. FlayvorOfEvil

    Have you ever seen a newtype dual wield pistols? No they are always in their Gundams with two handed beam rifles.
  20. Wulfen109

    save dual wielding for halo and cod please