[Suggestion] Make Faction Specific Directive Rewards Account-Wide

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Afeltman, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Afeltman

    This is a follow-up/re-post of a thread I made on reddit a week or two ago. This is mainly to get this closer to the eyes of SOE hopefully. The suggestion is basically allowing use of directive reward weapons/cosmetics (lumi and armor) on other characters of the same faction (of course) on a single account, similar to directive score. And if you are to re-earn the directive tree on that faction you would receive the directive score but not the item (as you already have it of course.) This would make the whole directive grind a lot more rewarding by knowing you have that item whether you switch servers or not. This would of course not include black/white camo as those are not faction specific and require different weapons (possibly - such as golden guns) to acquire. I feel as a member of Briggs with a highly developed character mistakenly created there, (since I live in the U.S.) I should at least be able to have them account-wide if not everyone. Since Briggs is by-far not delivering Planetside 2-scale battles on off peak when I can play, coupled with ping problems. I accept the fact that I won't be able to move my character, so I'm suggesting this to just have directive rewards at least when I do move on from Briggs. Then I may experience Planetside 2 as I have in the past.
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  2. FieldMarshall

    Also black camo. Please.
    Atleast the NS guns. Things like SMGs are understandable.

    Grinded BR100 + black camo and got so bored of my faction that i wanted to try something else, as i had everything i wanted unlocked.
    Except i now get to use the exact same weapons a second time. All the downsides and none of the upsides to trying a different exciting faction.