[Suggestion] Make certs vs SC cost porpportional.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hodo, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Hodo

    Currently the cert vs SC cost is not nearly porportional. Lets look at the MAX weapons for example.

    Every weapon costs 1000 certs but the cost in SC is wildly different between them. Why should I pay 1000certs for something when it runs me 250SC? But another weapon runs 750 SC and still costs 1000certs?!?!
    • Up x 1
  2. Maksimus

    Yeah, it's silly.

    Fix this.
  3. Monnor

    Have you no other problems.
  4. Hodo

    Oh I have other problems but I feel there are enough forum warriors on the forums fighting that battle for me. I figured I would bring up a valid problem.
  5. Monnor

    You may not think about, SC and Cert are separate, and have no relation.
  6. Hodo

    I know and thats why I am saying this, there should be some changes to make a reason for me to bother saving up 1000certs, or pay SC. I mean why would I want to spend 750SC when its only a few weeks of solid gameplay to get the same item in Certs. But that item shouldnt be as good as an item that costs 250SC but is still 1000Certs. Tracking?