Magriders should just be allowed to fly

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Archlyte, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. MonnyMoony

    How should PPA be balanced?

    Should it's AI efficacy be brought in line with the other factions AI secondaries or can we accept that as a more specialised weapon, it's AI capability should be better?
  2. Diilicious

    Giant balloons with hot or light gasses are LIGHTER than the air in the space they occupy... which is why they float.

    Though it would be really funny to see somebody make a Magrider shaped hot air balloon.
  3. Xasapis

    I'm not sure. The Harasser variant seems to be in a good place. The ESF variant under-performs compared to Banshee. The Magrider variant overperforms. The tricky bit is to balance for the 2/2 platform and the reason is simple. Lets assume that all MBT AI variants get deleted and all three get an identical AI weapon, whether it's PPA or Fury or anything else. Then the overall performance will be dictated by the main cannon, which will need to be balanced accordingly.
  4. MonnyMoony

    By what measure does it over perform though?

    It may do if you look only at the AI stats - however unlike the other factions AI secondaries - the PPA does no vehicle damage.

    Nerfing the PPA to bring it's AI capability in line with the other factions AI secondaries could put the PPA at a significant disadvantage overall.

    To balance these weapons you need to look at the overall effectiveness. A weapon that is more specialised may out perform a more general purpose weapon at a specific task - but can it be considered OP when you look at the overall stats for the weapon.

    How many Prowler or Vanguard teams have been saved only for the fact that their AI secondaries do AV damage. Those couple of hundred extra hit points can make all the difference in a 1v1 tank fight.
  5. Xasapis

    I'm pretty sure the Marauder and Canister do not damage vehicles that don't take small arms damage either.
  6. Huishe

    Since i drive prowlers around a lot, i can answer that. All prowlers saved in a battle against other tank by AI secondary owe their thanks to our best and only AI secondary, the Halberd.
  7. MonnyMoony

    Really - in that case i'm mistaken sorry.
    • Up x 1
  8. Diilicious

  9. Iman7

    I personally don't understand why does not the lightnings have the turbo has a passive like the harasser's.. The papper tanks are slow even with racer chassis. And have the inferior attack power...
  10. The Walrus Whisperer

    Use the default cannon for the magrider and tell me again how "overpowered" it is it does about as much damage as a lightning.
    Mag rider's strafe speed isn't high enough to dodge missles at anything other than long range. Maybe you should invest in a lock on launcher because obviously your aim isn't superb if you can't hit a mag rider.
  11. The Walrus Whisperer

    That's your aim not the mag mags can't strafe as fast as you make it sound. You just need to AIM
  12. DQCraze

    Ya ive been pulling my prowler alot, sorry.
  13. z1967

    I am 90% sure that was Eska.
  14. Yuukikun

    Pretty sure the strong magnetic field under a magrider affects all the metal (and magnet affected) objects on your character (as in your helmet, which would just crush your head on the ground instantly, breaking your spine and such)
  15. Huishe

    I wear commisar's hat. Your arguement is invalid.
  16. sagolsun

    Your.. your bomber was just strafed by a tank.
    • Up x 1
  17. Xasapis

    Too bad magburn doesn't have the pull to do these kind of stunts any more. :(
  18. Chris Bingley

    What, like getting into the Crown by going up the western cliffs (pre-bridge)?

    Or sitting in the courtyard by the spawn room at Vanu Archives?

    Or jumping onto the landing pad of a bio-lab?
  19. Yuukikun

    Commisar's hat as you spell it, contains a huge amount of scrubbiron and noobuminium, making it even worse in your case.
  20. z1967

    I'm pretty sure it surfs on the magnetic field or something like that. It was never really clear to me how it works other than "nanites."