[Suggestion] Magrider needs some attention

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BorgUK1of9, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. BorgUK1of9

    Right now the Magrider is the weakest tank in the game, with the main gun being fixed its too easy to be out turned by Harassers even with max points put into manoeuvrability. In fact the whole point of the mag was its manoeuvrability to compensate for its weaker armour (as it was in PS1) however in PS1 the fixed gun was the PPA and it still had a rotating rail gun. Its needs the turn and strafe buffing as its falls very short of its PS1 original (dont get me going on why the AV is weaker than the other tanks, I cant understand that).

    Right now the current Mag is easier pickings for aircraft than the other tanks even with a 2nd gunner, overall its not cutting it, I do better in my lightning armed with AV. The front gun needs a higher angle of attack to be able to stand a chance of fighting back the same as a prowler or vanguard.
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  2. DashRendar

    Mag isn't easier pickings than anything, it's hell for leading slow moving explosives on something that can move in 4 directions, some of which also have drop. The only thing the Mag needs is the Harasser 3rd person camera mechanic where in 3rd person you can pan around without moving the actual tank. Other than that, the Mag is borderline OP and I wouldn't advocate any buffs to it. Don't make me link metrics that show the Mag as the highest scoring tank.
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  3. Cyrek

    No thanks, my fractures can't barely hit the things from so much freedom of movement.
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  4. ColonelChingles

    The Magrider is an excellent tank and generally performs about average. It is slightly inferior to the Prowler and slightly superior to the Vanguard.

    Main Cannons by VKPH or KPH (for HE cannon, since that's what it does)
    AP- Prowler>Magrider>Vanguard
    HEAT- Prowler>Magrider>Vanguard
    HE- Prowler>Magrider>Vanguard

    Secondary Weapons by VKPH or KPH
    ESAV- Vanguard>Magrider>Prowler
    NSAV- Magrider>Vanguard>Prowler
    ESAI- Prowler>Vanguard>Magrider (lol PPA nerf)
    NSAI- Magrider>Prowler>Vanguard

    So overall we see if we apply a 3-2-1 ranking in each category, the totals are:
    Prowler: 17
    Magrider: 15
    Vanguard: 11

    Two things here.

    First, although Magriders do run the most with 2/2, it's not by that much. Total main cannon time with the Magrider was 777.8 hours of usage, with 382.4 hours of secondary usage. Meanwhile the Vanguard has 879.2 hours of main cannon usage and 400.7 hours of secondary usage. This means that a Magrider is running 2/2 49.2% of the time, while the Vanguard is 2/2 45.6% of the time. The difference is fairly small, only by 3.6%. Hardly enough to explain the performance discrepancy between the Magrider and Vanguard.

    Second, while Lightning AP VKPH is better than the Magrider's AP VKPH, the Lightning also outperforms the Vanguard. In fact the only MBT with a higher AP VKPH than the Lightning is the Prowler (and even then the Prowler AP VKPH only beats out the NC Lightning AP VKPH by 0.03).

    All in all, what needs to happen is that the Prowler is toned down a bit while the Vanguard is adjusted up. The Magrider is right in the middle, so it needs no adjustments.
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  5. 00000000000000000000

    The Magrider isn't a bad vehicle, its just misclassified.

    Its amazing at popping out, taking a pot shot at something and ducking back before return fire, and flanking, and getting places no tank should really be.

    Its not so good at shelling, or being a tough front line vehicle. So its classification as "MBT" is just kind of wrong, its more of a skirmisher, closer in role to what the lightning is than the vanguard or prowler.

    Its a skirmisher tank not a forward combatant, stop driving it like its a meatwall.

    If you want to improve its tank capabilities then you will need sacrifice as well.

    I would suggest
    +Main cannon turret, This turns fast, the body of the vehicle then slowly turns to match it automatically

    +Less bullet drop, at the moment the vanu tank shells have no sideways movement but a horrid velocity and bullet drop, keep the slow velocity, reduce (or remove) the bullet drop.

    +Tougher, make the Magrider an overall tougher vehicle.

    +/-Replace the Magburner with a new ability, if the magriders role is to be a tank (Tough and/or Shelling) then its ability should reflect that. Perhaps a temporary ZOE-style buff that speeds up shell velocity greatly, but has a medium-long cooldown.

    -Less strafing ability: Only really effective at extreme ranges (think northern Indar ranges)

    Honestly gotta go but I was going to brainstorm up more negatives for the tank variant.
  6. BorgUK1of9

    Its funny how people go off on tangents, all I have said is it needs to be able to turn better, even putting all the points into the turning buff with a fixed gun it turns too slowly compared to a turret.

    It also needs a higher angle of attack with the main gun as again it doesn't aim up as well as the other tanks.

    Thats all I have said.

    For an MBT it is wrong classified, why they couldnt have given us the PS1 variant the same as NC and TR got I dont know, why they felt the need to change it just smacks of last minute (because we know they were going for just empires (fail) at the start).
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  7. Calisai

    They wanted driver gunners.... with that decision it sealed the fate on the Mag to be what it is. They thought dedicated drivers were too boring for their intended audience.... and honestly... i'm pretty sure they were right. Unfortunately, it means that there are a lot more MBTs running around and thus a lot more vehicle spam running around compared to PS1. That also means, the MBTs were nerfed down repeatedly since launch because of the results of those decisions.

    There was a very logical and easy explanation... whether it was a correct design decision or not is the true question, but the reasoning for it was logical.
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  8. BlueSkies

    PS1 Prowler was a 3 man vehicle (driver, 2 gunners)
    PS1 Vanguard gunner had both the cannon and a coaxial machine gun (driver, gunner)
    PS1 Magrider was the only MBT where the driver had a weapon (driver/gunner, gunner)

    PS2 Mag is actually the closest to its PS1 counterpart, they just switched the weapons.
  9. Ronin Oni

    Try binding vehicle turn to your mouse foward and back thumb buttons.

    Unless you have your vehicle senstivity already cranked WAY up, you'll notice a significant gain in turn speed.
  10. BorgUK1of9

    I will give that a go thanks.

    Any suggestions for cranking up the aim height lol ?
  11. Ronin Oni

    lol that's just something you have to deal with for sure. It's a downside for the ability to spider climb.

    Unquestionably the worst tanks for shooting down ESF's, BUT also least expected.

    Always roll with VPC so you can actually OHK, and know where even small inclines are facing differenct directions so you can get the angle needed.

    I LOVE ♥♥♥♥♥♥ the Magrider. Favorite MBT by far... though I only really like it if I have a friend to gun for me. I'm eagerly awaiting the ES AV overhaul.

    Your gunner will have a lot more angle too, and a Saron can do some good damage to an ESF if they get the angle.

    As an ESF pilot for all factions though... I will say Mag's are easily the most prime targets.

    If you're Mag driving solo I recommend getting a Walker. I have a loadout with that for specifically that purpose. Hell, if air is an issue in your AO, then even if you have a gunner take the Walker.

    Ranger is pretty effective at scaring pilots who don't know what's hitting them because it acts like they're being hit by bursters or skyguard with flak exploding... but it has the pathetic power of a single Burster. Walker is slightly harder to use since it requires direct hits, but it's got a SCREAMING 1000m/s velocity and has nearly the damage of a skyguard. Hardest thing is Walker has no tracers so it can be hard to learn. Once learned, it's golden.
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  12. vanu123

    It has the lowest DPS, slowest speed, tied for weakest armor, you can't look up, magburn is the weakest ability compared to the IWINSHIELD and arty, its secondaries are arguably the weakest all round, its prone to flipping/exploding on random things, it has the lowest velocity, most drop (NOBULLETDROPLOL), it is terrible in groups, etc. If the mag is the highest scoring tank that is simply due to the mags pilots being superior. Given the damage/armor of the other two tanks their is no statistical situation where the mag can outhit/outlast the van or prowler.
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  13. DashRendar

    No it's because its mobility can't be viewed as a stat in a spreadsheet. Its underpowered LOOKING spreadsheet stats are the result of balance changes that happened during Beta, where the Mag had better stats, but it was the strongest tank by far. The devs realized the role that mobility plays in open field vehicle warfare, and had to tone it down to give TR/NC even a fighting chance. You may not know this, which is why I'm telling you, but I was there, and I played through this phase. Mags were absolutely unstoppable, pulled at every fight, and everyone hated them. It was worse than ZOE.

    Since then, I've driven Vans, I've driven Mags, and I've driven Prowlers. Mags are the hardest to fight against and require the most concentration and adaption. Fighting as a Mag, you have a slow shot yes, but your enemy is either stationary or moving slowly in one predictable direction at a time, two possible directions total. The Mag can move in four directions and can change direction at any time. This is absolute hell for a cannon and his gunner to try and lead shots on when shell travel time gets too far above 1s. Some armor shootouts are had when shell travel time is over 2 seconds, and these the Vanguard/Prowler just can't win, that's when TR/NC pull AV turrets/Ravens. By the way, in close range using the peeking corners tactic, I've solo'd (no gunner) 2/2 Vanguards with shields and won enough times to know that it's a replicable occurrence.

    At this point in the game I think it's safe to say that the Mag is not overpowered, but if you are having trouble using it, it's YOUR fault or inexperience.
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  14. axiom537

    Get over yourself, it isn't superior players. It is a damn good tank and it scores well because of that. It's shape is naturally difficult to hit in combination with it's strafing ability and the Mag burner, make it a very difficult tank to combat especially in the mid ranges and a good mag driver will tear up even a Vanguard up close burning past them and hitting them in the rear, or getting the vanguard to pop it's shield and then get into position...
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  15. Izriul

    It isn't terrible in groups at all, it's by far the best MBT in groups (Of vehicles...worst with peeps running about since it just sucks them up).

    The reason it's the best scoring vehicle (and that's debatable in what you actually look at in the stats) is because of it's mobility and ability to roam. Prowlers typically the best infantry farmer but that's once it's in position and locked down. Mag however is great for sneaking up on a group of people and splatting them against their sundy parked in a bush up some random cliffs edge somewhere.

    It's secondaries are the lowest scoring last time I checked however.

    I dont agree with the OP and I think it's a fine tank as long as you're playing it's strengths. It's also the most fun but it does have the highest skill cap of all the tanks. It's not a brawler, so don't treat it as such and you should be fine. Statistically it may not win 1v1 against the other tanks AT RANGE but reality is different. You only need to aim for it's middle (which being the biggest tank isn't hard to do) and it shouldn't technically be able to dodge but in practice, it's very different but that's down to the vanguard/prowler pilot rather than anything else.
  16. Ronin Oni

    I'm NOT on the "buff mah mag!" train at all...

    BUT they do NOT scale well in large groups where their maneuverability drops off because they have no room to dodge, and their lower DPS and tied weakest armor is suddenly VERY apparant.

    I'm pretty sure VS uses more lightnings in front line combat than other factions with very good reason.

    Nothing wrong with that though, it's assymetrical, and overall it feels balanced but different to me having played tank warfare from all 3 sides.

    The great thing about Mags + Lightnings is the mags can float over the lightnings, so they don't traffic jam as bad.....

    so long of course as there aren't too many Mags. Once you hit critical mass... you're just effed. Unlike van/prowlers that largely sit still for shooting anyways, and the Prowlers have MUCH higher damage output while the Vanguards still have higher damage output and a lot more durability, suddenly the Mags start being unable to even land hits because we use movement as part of our aim.
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  17. vanu123

    If the shell travel time then the Prowler and Van have a clear advantage since they both have more DPS, faster velocities, less drop, etc. If you've solo'd 2/2 Vanguards then they either were running heat/HE, or they were completely oblivious/stupid. The mag isn't over powered its UP.
  18. Ronin Oni

    If prowler/vanguard shell travel time is 2 seconds, Mag is about 2.5 I believe. Not game breaking.

    We have a lot more drop we have to account for....

    BUT the other tanks usually aren't moving nearly as much. And the movement they make is more predictable.

    None of the tanks are OP/UP really. I use them all.

    Prowler might be slightly... but I have a feeling it's higher VKPH isn't from MBT fights but rather light vehicles.

    Prowler is the highest XP earner for sure... but that's in large part due to 2 OHK chances on infantry (and flashes)
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  19. vanu123

    Given the statistical values of all the MBTs for speed, armor, damage, DPS, etc. The mag is last in every category. If the shape is the problem then why not complain about lightnings, which have slightly less armor in exchange for having a faster speed, more DPS, a lower resource cost, and being able to pull anywhere. You can't get close with the mag, you have to move and bounce around at mid range and pray you get a rear shot. You have no chance in close against an AP vanguard as a mag. Unless the vanguard has no idea what he/she is doing you will lose.
    A magrider driver has to constantly play at or near perfection or they will lose even in the situation you described. A vanguard doesn't have to do that, a prowler doesn't have to do that, neither has to play a certain way to win. The magrider does.
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  20. vanu123

    If you mean best for flipping sure. Any tank can sneak up on people. The problem with being on that cliff: You are LA bait, Lib bait, ESF bait, other tank bait. You are a sitting duck and are pretty much defenseless as soon as any other vehicle/tankmine/c4 fairy shows up. Don't get me wrong, when enemies are oblivious and you do that it is amazing, but that goes for just about any vehicle/infantry player. Why don't we get a brawler tank, if we are going to get a heavy raider tank then it should be that (omniburner)? It can't win at range or in close (Vulcan).
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