Mag-scatter? Again shotgun?!?!? Stop it, STOP!

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by KXOPH, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. KXOPH

    Please stop giving NC shotguns. This is not funny, shotguns for MAX, shotguns for planes, tanks for shotguns is the idea sneered. Just for comparison, weapons MAX TR has 60 rounds in the clip + is very high damage from 125 - 143 at a distance of 65m, MAX VS has a clip from the 40 - 75 rounds of ammunition and enough high damage from 143 - 167 at a distance of 65m, MAX NC has clip from 5 - 8 rounds and dropped only at close range from 112 - 130, as well as the accuracy of the worst because it shotguns. It is for this reason max NC simply can not fight back at a distance of 40m +. And now you give TR and VS weapons capable of conducting koroe efektivnost fire at a distance of 8 - 100 meters and clip 18 and 15 rounds, while the NC will get another useless shotgun Effectiveness at a distance of 8 to 18 meters with four bullets in the clip . You must change the direction of NC, shotguns is the most stupid weapon shotgun replace Mag-scatter on the grenade or a normal gun with high damage. Weapons max change to more welcoming to newcomers.

    We want to be on a level with the other factions, but instead we find ourselves at the bottom, because we have almost no nothing distinctive.

    And lastly, if you still doavite a weapon in the game, I'll move on stronou TR because for them you need to try as their weapons individually and really has a different visual design. And most importantly has virtually no recoil!
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  2. Kriegson

    Shotguns wouldn't be such an issue if they were handled more "Realistically" or a more balanced version of those we had in beta. IE you have a spread about the size of your fist at 25 meters and still punching holes in people unless it's a sawed off or something. Not covering a room at 10 meters and marshmellows at 15.

    I've been lobbying for something other than shotguns since alpha, it's not going to happen. So it would at least be nice if they made them more versatile.
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  3. Sandpants

    Railgun pistol lolz.
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  4. Pikachu

    You didin't know NC was getting a shotgun pistol?
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  5. IberianHusky

    No. As a TR, I'm jealous of the Scatter. Our AMP is outclassed by our default pistol.
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  6. Shadoiex

    TR got the AMP?
    Wasn't that the fully auto one?
  7. Certs-For-Days

    Yes, but it only has an 18 round magazine, and like IberianHusky said, it is in fact outclassed by the repeater. Repeater has a 21 round mag and fires at 845 RPM (3x burst, not auto)
    I think VS got the best model though.
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  8. Shadoiex

    Reskins. Now.
  9. LordMatt XLVIII

    Does every NC on the forums just actively ignore the existence of Slug ammo?
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  10. McToast


    I hoped for something like a Deagle :). Something between Rebel and Commissioner.
    I won't ever buy a shotgun pistol, no matter how stupidly OP it may be at release.
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  11. Exonis

    You must be very mistaken, the Mag-scatter is and will be Stupidly UP
  12. minhalexus

    I'm not sure if I perform best with NC max (in terms of kills) but it's definitely the most fun max to play. (with and against)

    So you have an instagibbing machine, that can annihilate any infantry within 8m. All you have to do is get close to them.
    How do you get close? Get Creative. (Going from the front door won't always help)

    I don't really use my NC max if I'm gonna be using slugs, cuz it makes my max a lame max like the VS/TR only worse.

    Too bad most NC players don't know how to use it.
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  13. Sandpants

    Just the people that know if you get hit by a single bullet your bloom with the slug will be enough to miss targets within 10m.
    And that the velocity is crap beyond 30.

    Does every TR think slugs are just a magic attachment that makes shotguns good?

    Don't see TR running around with slugs. You got the same shotguns as we do.
    Jackhammer has no slugs.
    NC MAX is about the only place slugs matter. Only because there is nothing else.
  14. OddChelsea

    The scatter did not have access to slugs. That being said they removed all 3 guns from the PTS. They may be getting redesigned. Still I hope ours is a shotgun, just a bit better thought out one.
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  15. z1967

    They could pull off a shotgun pistol. The problem is that the Commissioner exists, negating the need for a close up high alpha weapon. Its either better or worse, but shotguns in general are pretty bad.
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  16. JesNC

    Please. Don't whine away my MagScatter. Or would you rather get another semi-auto/burst-fire pistol copy like the VS get now after the succesfully revolted against their charge-up design?

    Seriously, this is the ONE class of weapons where a shotgun would actually make sense and all I see is complaints.

    You know, you don't have to purchase it if you don't like it.
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    I will move to Tr!...
  18. libbmaster


    Welcome back!
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  19. Kriegson

    Jackhammer cannot use slugs. cannister cannot use slugs. AH cannot use slugs. Mag-scat cannot use slugs.

    Only thing that can use slugs is MAX, only thing worth using those slugs on is default and maybe grinders with some practice, otherwise too innacurate/pointless (on mattock).
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  20. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    The NC was always slated to get a shotgun-Pistol, it was in PS1 as well.
    As VS, I wouldn't complain too loud...
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