Mac Client Update?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Omegacomet, Nov 28, 2012.

  1. Omegacomet

    Just Wondering if anyone has an update on the Mac Client info for Planetside 2. Have a couple friends who are waiting on it coming out. I have look around to my avail i have not found anything new just thinking maybe you guys have seen something i missed.
  2. Mansen

    No specific plans yet - Don't expect anything before it becomes a big annoucement.

    In the meantime your friends will just have to make do with Bootcamp style playing.
  3. Omegacomet

    Yup Bootcamp is the alternative, just was wondering if any new information has been posted on the subject. I figure i could have just easily missed it.
  4. Omegacomet