Am I the only one that doesn't like this? It annoys me that military vehicles have big glowing lights on them saying "shoot me!" especially at night. I think that it makes the vehicles look like toys, some blinged up street show-off vehicles, I can't take it seriously... :/
Meh, I'm fine with it, I don't play planetside expecting realism, I come here for fun. Lumifiber is just a "fun thing" like any other cosmetic in the game. If I wanted realism I'd go play arma.
I think they're cool looking, but I wouldn't equip it myself for the very reason you mentioned. I wish they had a black skin to go with it so players could get the full Tron effect.
You can turn them off, they're tied to your headlights. This also means you can strobe them and make your own light-switch rave!
yehp... instead of making these they could make some things which not only look cool, but add a little to game-play as well To everyone: I don't have any, and I don't expect realism (I do have Arma btw) it's just they seem a little odd to me, even out of place almost. I also don't like riding in lit up targets during the night (squad vehicles etc.) and I can do nothing about it unless I want to hinder the squads over all effectiveness by staying clear of them. Yes they do look cool and all the rest of it haha
You don't like the lumifiber (which can look pretty cool on some vehicles), but the hood ornaments are just fine? I know you didn't say that, but honestly. Which is the less tasteful here X3. Between the silly camo patterns and neon underglow lights, lumifiber is actually one of the cooler aestethic items available in my opinion.
Its only really a negative if your KDR is more important than looking cool. Its not for most people, and it shouldn't be. Buy it. Glow. Stop caring about being all stealthy.
Yeah, personally I'm much more bothered by the tacky skull hood ornaments and helmets. I mean, c'mon. A hood ornament that's a chrome skull that's on fire? Did they have a brainstorming session to come up with the most tasteless thing they could think of or did they just give the job to the least creative person on the team? As for why would someone put glowing bits on a military vehicle, well, the point of avoiding detection in warfare is to avoid being shot when spotted. The reason you want to do that is because both military personnel and materiel are in limited supply in real life. Not so on Auraxis, dying is a minor inconvenience and military vehicles literally materialize from thin air. I have a feeling the people on Auraxis take warfare somewhat less seriously than we do for this reason.
I happen to like the lumifiber trim, I think it looks cool but that's just my opinion if you don't like it then you do not have to buy it and it will not affect you at all. So tell me, why is this being complained about again?
Guys as I said I do like it, and I do think it is cool But sometimes it just annoys me, not all the time but sometimes. As for the skulls, I don't like them, but they are far less noticeable. I play how I like when I like, Stealthy or not, That does not stop the lumifiber being annoying for me. It's like a rave party rather than a battlefield with all these lights flashing on and off and lumifiber glowing lines everywhere and underglow. I guess my question has been answered, I am the only one who doesn't like them being around all the time
I did not complain, I asked if anyone else didn't like them much being around everywhere. That is all There is a difference between a complaint and an opinion, a simple complaint without any proper proof is useless and redundant (most people on these forums are annoying due to this) a complaint becomes a whine, a useless waste of breath without proof, there are not many proper complaints on these forums
Guys.. I asked If anyone else didn't like it... NO, it is not only negative if my KDR is important (which it isn't), It is purely a matter of personal taste. I am not the most stealthy person in the world, and that is not the whole reason I posted this, in fact, it is one of the lesser. I asked a question, which you failed to answer properly, But at least it is not the usual The Usual - Simple post gets targeted and becomes aimed at by others. The OP gets a **** tonne of ******** and nobody is civilized. ^ I hate censoring ^ xD
I like glowy stuff But I don't use lumifiber myself. If chassis lights were like 4x stronger I would use those.