[Suggestion] Lower Valkyrie's Flying Altitude.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChUnKiFieR, Mar 13, 2016.

  1. ChUnKiFieR

    A circling Valkyrie at almost ceiling altitude can barely be hit by AA turrets or AA maxes as players jump out, drop down and throw C-4 on vehicles while they fall very quickly in protected mode. The ship is too small and too hard too hit at high altitude to do any serious damage to especially with an engineer onboard. Since players can spawn into Valkyries now, they have and almost endless supply of C-4 and tank mines until they run out of resources, temporarily.

    As we all know, vehicle drivers and occupants cannot look or shoot straight up, except for Skyguards and Walker gunners, who by the way also can barely hit a high flying Valkyrie. So there is little to no chance to defend a vehicle from such attacks other than to be in constant motion, making the use of range finding guides virtually useless by the way. Tank and Sunderer losses are skyrocketing and players rarely see it coming. Circling Galaxies are large enough to hit successfully so no fix needed for them and Reavers and Mosquitos use to much in resources for the same tactic to be very practical.

    It was my understanding that Valkyries were suppose to be hybrids of the low and slow flying helicopter family and not the high and fast flying jet family.

    Please join me in calling for a resolution to this imbalance. Thank you.

    (If all you can say in response to this opening post is "git gud" or the like, your unimportant to this thread, the betterment of the game and most likely the game itself.)
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  2. JohnGalt36

    Put your flame-suit on. You're going to need it.
    I agree with you, but you will just get trolled for having an opinion.
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  3. Khallixtus

    I don't think it's too hard to hit them at this height. A bit of dedicated AA gunning and they go running. I can understand why you'd want their max altitude lowered though. It can be annoying.
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  4. ChUnKiFieR

    Obviously you haven't run into people like Vanu Societies BakaRaymooTR on the Connery west coast server yet. This is all he and his crew do. I believe this tactic borders on being an exploit without actually being one.
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  5. cobaltlightning

    Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine. Did a lockdown HE Prowler snipe you from his Warpgate again?

    Or need I remind you that the PS4 (and Xbone, by extension) are little more than subpar PCs to begin with, both under the guise of an 'Entertainment System?'

    At least Nintendo still makes Dedicating Gaming Consoles, because that's the smartest thing to do in a 'Console' race.

    With how OP Describes it, they'd be directly above, and even then most if not all AA has a blind-spot of 'directly above' where you can't put your crosshairs on the target resulting in missed shots, flak or no flak.

    I think another way to fix this is to give the AA Guns an even higher pitch, enough to sort of aim slightly behind as to cover all the degrees above them. To demonstrate, look up as high as you can, and then tilt your head back a teeny bit further until you can see what would technically be behind you.
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  6. Taemien

    This game has some issues in some cases. Buy Valkyries being able to do SOMETHING is not one of them. This is literally the first time I've seen someone post a serious Nerf Valk thread.

    Sorry to say.. there's nothing imbalanced about this. The effort this takes, the resources it takes (200 per person per drop) means it isn't an effective tactic. Its annoying. But not effective. And then its easily countered by a stock ESF. But even then I probably wouldn't waste the resources to even bother countering this.

    You're literally asking to nerf something.. that can be ignored. You're talking about Engies.. dropping C4 and Mines from ceiling. That only hits afk drivers of tanks. The mines 'could' be an issue, but every tanker runs a form of EOD hud (or mineguard).

    This isn't a git good situation. There's nothing to git good about. Its a just go about your business one and don't be afk.

    I'm dead serious.. I've seen this done on Connery myself and the only thought that goes through my head is 'Wtf are they doing?". Its a very useless tactic.. but I mean I guess they have fun with it.
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  7. MiguelZaibatsu

    or you could have better awareness but that's too hard isn't it?
  8. ChUnKiFieR

    Please re-read the opening post. I did not say they drop them from the Valkyrie, I said they jump out and drop down. As for not being an effective tactic, I watched this evening and last evening as for over an hour this particular Valkyrie with the same name on it both nights did this over and over while many AA maxes tried to stop it unsuccessfully. Furthermore, If it was not effective, wouldn't they would have stopped doing it? Regarding nerfing, Nothing gets nerfed in lowering the ceiling in my opinion.
  9. vilehydra

    Okay, so I had a masochist streak and decided to auraxium the Valkyrie. So take with some salt.

    The Valkyrie is literally the weakest vehicle in the game.
    It can be countered by
    -Stock ESF
    -Stock Liberator
    -Stock Galaxy
    -Other Valkyries
    -Lock ons of any sort
    -Small arms fire
    -Angled tanks
    -Walker fire

    Essentially anything that can aim up can be used to force off a Valkyrie.
    I've played against BakaRaymoo in my own Valk, and guess what? He's not that great in a air combat situation. Because quite frankly the Valk is not great for air combat, it's only competent role is as a logisitics/support vehicle which is what he was leveraging it for. This role would not be workable if your side had any competent ESF's because guess what, the Valk can't outrun them and most of the times it won't be able to outshoot them.
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  10. Cyropaedia

    As Baka's Squad's A2A Scythe, I can attest that even 4-8 NC Reavers + 2-3 Libs had a difficult time shooting him down. It might be a question of skill and organization.
  11. Azawarau

    I think its not far from as bad as ceiling height galaxies that can just take an hour of punishment before safely going out of view for a heal

    At least any air vehicle or max can get a valkyrie out of there

    AFAIK, a Valkyrie doesn't stand a chance against a single ESF that knows what it's doing (keeps distance and higher elevation).

    It's certainly not a "git gud" issue, but a "learn to appreciate combined warfare" issue. If I see a Valkyrie high above (probably getting ready to drop C4 or already doing that), I spam General Chat mercillesly to alert any AA and A2A players in the area, as well as tankers to ready their Spitfires.
  13. Taemien

    Jump out you say?

    I was under the assumption you had competent gunners. Where's the Basilisks (these things have been buffed nicely lately)? Or the Kobalts? Or heck you're NC right? Where's the canisters?

    Maybe put a Titan AP round into their face when they run up on you.

    How about this. Lets see a video from your PoV showing this madness. I want to see what your teammates are doing when this happens.
  14. AxiomInsanity87

    Seriously, i really should have put something on the end of it when i banged your mum.
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  15. AxiomInsanity87

    Op gets a 10/10.
  16. Liewec123

    one big problem is the angle that infantry and even AA turrets can arch up too,
    flying really really high over a base will make you unattackable by any AA at that base
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  17. Reclaimer77

    Yeah let's just call anything we don't like an "exploit". That seems to be the fad lately.

    You guys are SO bad and you should feel bad. The Valkrie was clearly expressly DESIGNED to promote this tactic. And any idiot in an ESF should be able to easily shoot a Vakrie down.

    The issue is ground based AA just sucks at damaging air at distance. The solution isn't nerfing how high the Valkrie, a flying cert pinata, can fly.
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  18. Gleerok

    What is that?

    I eat Valkyries for breakfast, and ceiling altitude doesn't help them with that.
  19. Azawarau

    Do you think lowering the ceiling for everything or just Valkyrie and Galaxy would be good?
  20. Liewec123

    nah, high skybox is a good though, but AA weapons and infantry need to be able to look up at a higher angle (straight up)
    currently its capped at something like 80 degrees, so if something is flying over your base you can't actually aim at it.