[Suggestion] lower how much points to get 1 cert

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dragonold103, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Dragonold103

    I have played this game a lot and still got knowhere.

    I got 30 certs for one week and that includes being killed by teammates (no I didn't run in front of friendly fire, he shoot me for no reason), shooting a enemy but no assists, getting rewards, killing enemies and more.

    It takes 250 points for 1 cert, to me it not a lot for a weapon that casts 1,000 certs.

    I will have to get 250,000 points for a new good weapon.

    lets say you get 1 kill every minute = 100 points, no bounces.

    1 kill X
    _________ = ________________
    100 points 250,000 points

    250,000 X 1 / 100 = 2500 kills needed to get that new weapon.

    We all don't have the time to put our lives in to a game this much, we have school/work, stuff to do like house work/homework, family and more...

    So can we have the points to earn certs lowered because at this point, it is pointless.
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  2. z1967

    The newer a player you are, the harder certs will come. Play a support class like medic or engineer to get the best potential cert income. Watch the certs roll in.

    Alternatively get a membership or some boosts and have your playstyle's cert income boosted. I would recommend the previous option, as it may be better for your specific case.
  3. Dragonold103

    I have been playing as a support class, I don't have the money to put in games like this. (If I want to put money in a game I will buy a new game, it be worth more then only MMO's)

    And I have played a lot for over 5 years and it is pointless to earn certs.
  4. iller

    I'm okay with 1 Extreme Menace kill = 1 cert.
    ...Or generally... by the time I see 2 ribbons earned, I've done enough stuff to earn a Cert from it.

    Either way it's MASSIVELY better than it was at launch where you basically had to assist-kill 10 people in a row to get a cert.
    Lately I've always been sitting on atleast 3000 surplus certs that I can't think of a use for right now.
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  5. Rogueghost

    Problem is, there are players currently earning around 300-400 certs an hour, this is a minority of the playerbase, but...

    If its easier to earn certs and there will be more people earning 300-400 certs an hour, some getting even more than that, people will have little reason to purchase SC, SOE doesn't make money, SOE gets unhappy and tries to devise some horrible scheme to milk itself player base more, which would of course upset the playerbase.
  6. Hatesphere

    even a bad player should be able to get up to 1 cert a minute without boosts with a bit of practice. sure thats about 16 hours of play for a major unlock, but you will get better with time. pick your battles and targets right and its easy to go over 2-4 certs a minute, with some play styles like maxes its even easier.
  7. Jedesis

    Well you're playing support wrong if you're earning 30 certs a week...
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  8. day ofm one

    Getting ~100 certs per hour on an averange day without boosts.

    That comes with practice ;)

    On what server and as which faction do you play?
  9. NinjaKirby


    I'm afraid Lowering Points isn't a Pointless answer, and you won't be walking away with this weeks jackpot prize. If only you had chosen to Buy Boosts, or try the Subscription model to support the game.

    Sorry, couldn't help myself, I'm just joking.
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  10. Ronin Oni


    Makes me laugh everytime a newer player complains about cert rate

    You shoulda played back at Release and beta.... XP per cert was the same... but you got like 1/4th the XP back then.

    Now XP is just dripping from this game. F2P players make more XP per action than a full membership player did at launch. :p
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  11. Hatesphere

    also EVERY weapon had a cost of 1000 certs back then, man that was a grind. now at least we have a few low cost options just to mix things up.
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  12. CrimsonPig

    250 exp for 1 cert seems fine to me. If I recall, at launch, whenever you destroyed an ESF, it'd net you a measly 75 EXP. Yes, 75 friggin' EXP for an ESF Kill, there was no such thing as dmg assist exp, flashes were 25 exp a pop.

    SOE has since raised the amount of exp you earn from kills, objectives, and support actions among other things. I think you might be stretching the truth just a TAD if you say you're netting 30 certs per week of play. While I understand that not everyone has systems that can handle the game, I think you might find it outrageously profitable if you played Engineer or Medic. You'll be laughing all the way to the cert bank during BIO-farms playing as a med or eng.
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  13. Ronin Oni

    maybe if he only plays an hour a week :p (and even then, 30 certs for an hour is pretty low)
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  14. BlueSkies

    Spec out engineer with maxed out repair tool and ammo packs. sit in a teleporter room at a biolab feeding ammo and repping maxs. enjoy your 200-400 certs per hour.
  15. CrimsonPig

    In about a month, he'll be able to unlock..4 scopes? :eek:

    SOE bring back free daily login certs for F2P please.
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  16. Ronin Oni

    haha seriously.

    Useless to players who play a lot (or, at lesat, insignificant) but if someone has time to at least login each day it gives them a solid perpetual flow (albeit slow) of certs... while encouraging them to login! (see dem dailys!)

    Best way to do it would be to have a redeem button on the store page... BUT make it so you only have to click the button once for all characters.

    This way, you increase visibility/views of store page, without forcing someone to log out and in 3 times pointlessly ;)
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  17. Leftconsin

    At some point you'll find a gun you really like and 500 kills in you'll notice you've banked 2-3 thousand certs and have to start thinking about what to spend it on. This problem of not having enough certs will sort itself out like that. This is especially true if you specialize in one vehicle or one or two infantry classes.

    SO! Don't worry. You'll get better and eventually you'll get to the point where your cert income feels ok.
  18. DashRendar

    The devs have no reason to listen to you if you don't support the game by subbing, and if you supported the devs by subbing then you would have no reason to create this thread.
  19. Dragonold103

    Ok first off I'm not going to put in really life money in this game to pay some boosts or something. I have played for 5 years and it not help, I have builded up my play-style a lot, updated my repair tool, the medic tool, looked up how you may get certs faster and more.

    I play for hours on this game and I know 30 certs a week isn't much yes I know.

    If you want to know my play-style then here it is:
    -Flank around the enemy
    -Push the enemy back
    -Get tanks or other heavy untils
    -Try not to kill teammates.
    -Be in squad

    It is hard when half of the team is defending the base and not attack the enemies, staying back or being trolls and killing other players.

    See my problem.
  20. Hatesphere

    No I really dont see your problem, since even when I lone wolf I can pull at least 60 certs an hour average playing infantry only (no boosts, or membership). If you dont want to put money in thats fine, but you need to know how to play to maximize your cert outcome when you want to unlock something new. that means you have to know when to stay at a battle and when to move to keep your score up as well as the standard FPS tactics. defensive battles with a lower player count (24-48) can tend to last a while and net consistent XP if you stick with a group of like minded people. dont be afraid to take a few risks to get more certs as well (defending in an under pop area can net up to 50% XP gain). would really need to see a video of your average play session to tell what you are doing wrong.