Low FPS on a computer that meets the recommended requirements. Any suggestions?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by JerryB, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. JerryB

    As I mentioned in the title, my computer meets the recommended system requirements listed in the pinned thread, as far as I can tell.

    My processor is a Phenom II X6, 2.90GHz
    RAM: 8GB
    Operating System: Win 7
    Video Memory: 1GB
    Graphics Card: Radeon HD 6750

    In an empty area, I'll get ~50FPS, but in any decently sized fight I'm lucky to break 20. In large fights, I average 13-15FPS. A friend of mine has an almost identical graphics card, the same RAM and video memory, and his processor is an Intel i5 - but he has more than twice my FPS at all times. Changing my graphics settings seems to have no effect on my FPS, regardless of what I change them to. This leaves me with a few questions I'm hoping someone can answer.

    Does an Intel i5 usually run the game better than a Phenom II x6?
    Is my video card sufficient?
    As a side note, my PSU is 350 watts, but my graphics card lists 450 as a requirement. I've had no PC crashes since I started using the card. Could my low power supply be adversely affecting performance?

    Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this, I'm just looking for answers and suggestions, any input is welcome.
  2. NC_agent00kevin

    This game loves the i series chips. They have a much more efficient architecture, though most of the time this is a non issue. PS2 is poorly optimized and hence poor performance on chips that otherwise would not break a sweat running games. (yes, i5s run the game better)

    I myself am running an overclocked AMD Phenom II X4 at 3.83ghz, and get the same 20fps in major battles. Since I can run anything else at highest setting with no problems, I feel any upgrade is not worth it for a single title.

    You might wanna upgrade your PSU to a 500w unit though. Give yourself a little headroom, and perhaps give that power hungry CPU a little more juice to work with.
  3. TheReevez

    since the merge I cant even play with a fps of 9-13.......such a fun game would be nice to play it
  4. TheEvilBlight

    Intel laptop i7 on a much worse video card.

    ThrottleStop is on, disabled most CPU-related settings. Drops to 15 at a super-crowded biolab (which is why I just avoid them instead of crying about it). Playing outdoors is more fun.

    Dumb question, you've checked with Alt-F to identify your bottleneck?

    Also, buying a good PSU is a futureproof investment. It may be time to buy one and port it with you if you upgrade your machine (and potentially your video card)
  5. McFly

    you need to understand this, not many machines in the world can handle PS2 now. Not because it's not so awesome it requires tons of computing power, but rather the computing power is there and PS2 doesn't use it. sooooo, do I answer your question?

    What I suggest you do is to simply stop playing the game until the game is optimized. The fact that my machine runs BF3 on Ultra with 80-100 fps, and dips to 35 when I am touching PS2. Right now, PS2 does NOT use your CPU efficiently.
  6. McFly

    give it couple of weeks and you will find it senseless, boring, and frustrated to play. Give it time...
  7. Fairlightfire

    It wouldn't become as boring for me if FPS didn't drop so much now, especially after merges. I've spent 144 hours in the game, playing and trying to optimize it. Since I can't be competitive in this game due to FPS, I am stopping playing it. I will be checking back for optimizations. I was also thinking about buying a sub, but I see no point because of the performance. I am certain that the main problem of this game is bad optimization, many people confirm that and I've seen an optimization guide on YouTube by a guy who runs this game on a great PC (from what I gather) with disabled SLI and draw distance set to 300 (!) in order to get better FPS.
  8. Ultramarine

    It has to be optimization, I run Crysis 3 on maximum with 50-60 frames, 40 if its doing something in the background but i only get 20-30 on this game, regardless of the settings which seem to have no effect on the performance at all.
    Edit to add: for the person with the power supply question, Yes. If you have too little power for the card, it will slow until its using what's available, or in some cases overdraw the power supply. If this happens it could potentially overload the supply, and fry your machine so i'd look into fixing that ASAP.
  9. FightingFirst

    What does you being able to run Crysis 3 on max with 50-60 FPS have to do with running PS2? They are completely difference games. Furthermore, your CPU has to track a hell of a lot more stuff than it does in Crysis 3. Just because you can run one doesnt mean you will be able to run another.
  10. Ultramarine

    It means a hell of a lot more than you seem to think it does. This machine runs a game with beautiful graphics, fantastic physics, and environments so alive you can hide not because you're blocked or the same color, but because people LOSE TRACK OF YOU AMONG THE ENVIRONMENT. While a mid to low end graphics, physics less, simple game with static environments runs at half the performance. Optimizing is a very clear problem and your post suggests ignorance. CPU is obviously not the problem, mine's more powerful than yours. I7 quad core with hyper threading and sandy bridge, 3.8 GHZ. Planetside consumes 20% processor capacity. Fun fact (assuming you haven't overclocked) the best i5 is 2.9 GHZ, not 4.2GHZ according to Intel's site unless you've spun your data or don't understand. (if my data is wrong, yell at intel) The higher of the two clock speeds you get with hyperthreading only happens in idle environments. the LOWER one is your actual clock rate while hyper threading is active and your processors are unparked
  11. DonnyD.

    Dude, no. First off, Fun fact! A 3570k comes stock at 3.4ghz turbo to 3.8ghz a 2500k is 3.3ghz stock both are i5. Hyperthreading, because you are simply wrong, is explained as follows.

    "For each processor core that is physically present, the operating system addresses two virtual or logical cores, and shares the workload between them when possible. The main function of hyper-threading is to decrease the number of dependent instructions on the pipeline. It takes advantage of superscalar architecture (multiple instructions operating on separate data in parallel). They appear to the OS as two processors, thus the OS can schedule two processes at once. In addition two or more processes can use the same resources. If one process fails then the resources can be readily re-allocated."

    The turbo speed ( higher speed), again because you are wrong, is the processors ability to increase it's own clock speeds dynamically in response to system load and thermal/voltage headroom, depending on your processor it may be restricted to only turbo when you are using less then all of the cores. In short when your CPU is not at 100% load and is below its thermal and voltage limits it can run faster. Hyper threading and parked cores have absolutely nothing to do with it.

    Also fighting fist is correct on all his points, and you saying his post suggests ignorance is beyond absurd to anyone with a clue. in reality your post is the one suggesting not ignorance but stupidity.



    Educate yourself before you go around calling people ignorant, since you don't seem to know the meaning of the word I would suggest starting there.
  12. DonnyD.

    That power supply is most assuredly affecting your performance with that video card and that CPU. The CPU alone will draw 125 watts at 100% load stock speeds. My 4ghz 1100t would draw almost 210 watts as measured by hwinfo64.

    A quick look at newegg finds this, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817207017&Tpk=xfx 850
    as what I would recommend for single card.
    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817207019&Tpk=xfx 1000
    that one for multi GPU configurations.
  13. JerryB

    Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it.