My specs: 2.3Ghz Intel Core i5 with Turbo booster GeForce GT 525M (1GB) and Intel Intigrated Graphics 4GB Ram I usually get around 25-40 FPS while at base or in tiny battles (around 12vs12) In bigger battles, sometime I get around 20 FPS while looking away, and when I face the battle, it drops down to 1-8 FPS. My friend has the same rig as me and gets around 30 FPS in massive battles and around 40-50 FPS in small battles. Any tips? I can run other games, such as Skyrim and Crysis 2 on max settings. Why can't I run planetside?
Laptop user here, but still tweaking. If you get CPU all the time, after you using ALT+F. Try this. [Rendering] GraphicsQuality=2 TextureQuality=0 ShadowQuality=0 RenderDistance=1000.000000 Gamma=0.250000 MaximumFPS=250 UseLod0a=1 VSync=0 AO=0 OverallQuality=-1 LightingQuality=2 FogShadowsEnable=0 EffectsQuality=4 TerrainQuality=4 FloraQuality=1 ModelQuality=4 ParticleLOD=4 MotionBlur=0 VerticalFOV=59 ForceGpuPhysics=1 GpuPhysics=1 ParticleDistanceScale=0.450000 If it is showing GPU, then tweak the rendering quality in-game.
I experience low fps too, need some advice,here is my comp specs : Processor: Intel Core 2 quad Q8300 @ 2.5 GHz Memory :4GB Ram Operating system: Window 7 32 bit Graphic card : Nvidia Geforce GTS 250 Disk drives : Samsung HD754JJ ATA Device Here is my useroptions.ini ( already tweak):I get 20 - 30 in large battle , 30- 50 in small fights. [Rendering] GraphicsQuality=1 TextureQuality=1 ShadowQuality=0 RenderDistance=500 Gamma=0.000000 MaximumFPS=1000 UseLod0a=1 OverallQuality=-1 LightingQuality=0 EffectsQuality=0 TerrainQuality=0 FloraQuality=0 ModelQuality=0 VerticalFOV=55 ParticleLOD=0 ParticleDistanceScale=0.650000 FogShadowsEnable=0 MotionBlur=0 VSync=0 Nid some advice to get higher fps. Any help would be appreciated.
Darn, your specs just bummed me out, I have a similar Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4ghz and dual GTS 250's and was about to upgrade to an Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4ghz just for PS2 to see if I would get an increase; but seeing as my fps is already at 20, I don't think it will do anything. Are you maxing out on CPU with PS2? also: old comps unite
Your comparing apples with oranges. The OP is using a laptop by the looks. A i5-2410m at a guess (I have a similar laptop). You might get a small improvement with the Q6600 over the E6600 but best bang for buck is going to be saving up or waiting for SOE.
32-bit windows can only access 3Gb of RAM, just heads up. So you are actually maxing it and paging if it stays locked at 3.
Thank you guys advises. Also, I run planetside 2 with razer game booster but there is no noticeable difference to fps.
For reference, Q6600 @ 2.925GHz, 6GB RAM, GTX465, highly optimized .ini = ~35-40 fps at the warpgate, 23-28 during large battles. It's not worth the upgrade for such a small gain in my opinion.
I just got on PS2 today and saw that my fps dropped even more, I am now at 30 in warpgate and 5 in large battles, I don't know if there was a hotfix or something but my fps plummeted this week. I'm at ultra low settings with 85 render% Also I'm unable to overclock my CPU due to Dell being Dell.
I do hate Dell so very much... Not much you can do then unfortunately, your system just isn't up to par.