LuckyImperial's advice was good, assuming you downloaded from steam. If you are like me, however, and downloaded the client directly, it is in ProgramFiles/Sony Online Entertainment/installedgames There might be a PS2 folder in there, I just have all the files that would be in that folder in the "installed games" folder because I goofed some organizational stuff. Once you get to the folder where the PS2 files are, you should see folders with names like "CommonData" and "GraphicsData." Don't go into these folders; the file you need is here, listed as "UserOptions.ini" When I feel lazy, I'll just find the Sony Online Entertainment folder and search that for all files containing ".ini" You shouldn't need to redownload anything, just find the right directory.
I'm GPU bound most of the time, and changing the render distance makes no difference in framerate for me.
Bump for greater justice this is the ONLY fps tip that has ACTUALLY DONE SOMETHING thank you forever *also I fly and this doesn't bother me at all. Lower fps hinder my flying more anyway
It's like playing silent hill....blind folded. Useless Fun Fact: This is my 100th Post. I'll celebrate with by showing you my personal expeirence as a heavy assault with render distance set to 10.
holy hammer of thor! it works! i have next to no lag on medium graphics! i mean my fps is only marginally better (averaging 15 to averaging 30) but there is NO lag whatsoever (i hot dropped straight into crown to test it out) if there was a rep system you would be having some
Once you have your graphics settings where you want them, set the .ini file to read only, works for me.
i actually ended up solving my issue with the ini resetting and yall are gonna laugh. it was because i was in game when i changed it, then restarted. i had to change it with game closed DUH. then it no longer reset itself. i also dropped it as low as 200 which is pretty damn close to your face in a big fight, and no fps difference. maximum graphics balls 9mm to the wall, and no fps difference. im going to do 10 renderdist just to see NO FPS difference, so i can finally say i tried everything. I desperately want to play this freaking game. but i am extremely pleased i didnt have to buy it. PRAY TO THE TECHNOPHILE GODS!
Sounds to me like you don't know what scrub means and are trying to blame me for it. Protip: the definition on urbandictionary is not right
we still need some server-side optimations. altough it helps a little if you can optimize your memory timings to increase communication between cpu