Loving the new Patch

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DQCraze, Jun 17, 2015.

  1. DQCraze

    My game runs 100x better, im pulling 90 fps now in the big battles up 30%. All the bugs that were mentioned are fixed, game loads quicker as well. I love the new rifle, and the new squad deploy features. Im breathing a sigh of relief as I was expecting this to be messed up like the first patch.

    Anyway, thank you devs for the new features and making the game run perfect, GJ
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  2. JohnGalt36

    I forgot that was even happening today. I can't wait to get home and try the AMR out on my engineer!
  3. toast2250

    Your making me excited! Lets see,..
  4. Haquim

    Well, that doesn't sound like DBG at all.
    There is a reason why they got nicknamed "TheyBreakGames" as soon as they announced their new name....

    But I'm always open for pleasant surprises, and they DID promise to change their ways.....
  5. Nalothisal

    Aaah pessimism hehehe...
  6. Haquim


    "Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed"
    "Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment"

    Let's just say that I've learned that those quotes I heard first in some WH40k game have a lot more truth in them than I'd like.
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  7. Nalothisal

    *cough cough* Dungeon Keeper Mobile *cough cough*
  8. Haquim

    Ouch. Although since its mobile I don't think anybody really expected much.
    "C&C4" On the other hand....
    If I'd have bought the whole CoD franchise at launch I'd regret it less than the moment I laid eyes upon this.

    But I think we are kinda derailing the thread now....
  9. Pointyguide2

  10. Haquim

    Ok, just logged in.

    My connection apparently is so ****** up that it doesn't even bother displaying the ping and just claims it is "bad", interaction times for things like chat and terminals suggests its somewhere between 500 and 1000ms.
    When I logged in there was an Indar alert going on.
    8 minutes into the Indar alert I got an "Alert incoming" message, and truly, 2 minutes later, 10 minutes into the Indar alert - we suddenly have an alert on esamir.

    I think I lost my ability to even.... o_O
  11. KirthGersen

    Well, thats what I saw after the update:
    - Archer AM Rifle, I even killed one skyguard (with pilot)! Don't waste your certs on it unless you've already unlocked all you ever wanted.
    - Alert madness (up to 3 in one time)
    - No sound played when a lot of AV weapons are damaging your tank. Shredder, Mana AV and even launchers sometimes. And this is really, REALLY bad I must say

    I knew there will be some "compensation" for ejection bug fix but this is a bit TOO MUCH:rolleyes:
  12. AlterEgo

    New patch is great. Simply saving up for the AM Rifle. I have 1,700 certs, but I need MOAR.
  13. Liewec123

    big battles?
    i thought those were extinct! :eek:
  14. DQCraze

    Not on emerald, current alert i count 5 96+ fights, 3 48 fights a couple 12-24s and a few 1-12.
  15. Haquim

    Well my ping stabilized after the third try and it was mostly fine then.
    Met a couple guys who seemed to suffer a "no recoil, no cof" bug, but aside from those three guys the rest of the session was pretty good.
    Well except for VS dominating the alert on Esamir with 48% pop.

    Also noticed that the Indar alert I meantioned earlier didn't get overwritten by the Esamir alert and was still going.
    So I got XP for two alerts within 10 minutes XD.

    Just waiting for the "alert alert"
    Soldier, there are alerts EVERYWHERE.
    Gotta win them all!
  16. Pelojian

    anyone else notice how liberator engine noise and dalton impact sounds are missing now? had a lib sitting above me in a small battle with hardly any noise and the lib is completely silent. only found it there after it had fired on me due to hit markers.

    seriously DBG can you even release a patch without breaking something?

    changes to infantry render distance, av mine functionality, blockade armor and archer rifle are good but it'd be nice if for once to get a bug free patch.
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  17. Pointyguide2

    This is the first patch in this games history that did not come with a performance hit. Of course not counting the off or whatever it was called
  18. Ragnarox

    My performance is same /worst . They didn't fixed anything. Shame.
  19. Rivenshield

    Apparently I am disbarred from logging on because I still run a 32-bit OS. I understood they weren't going to *support* it any more, but I didn't think I'd be kicked out.

    FU too, Daybreak. Good bye.
  20. DQCraze

    Hey its 2015...just sayin. 64bit came out in 2003, might want to upgrade.
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