Love & Bullets are in the Air

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by Luperza, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. Camlost

    This. Fun is great and above all, but people all around you looking like hello kitty in heart camo tanks, lumifiber aircraft, pumpkins on harassers, and the god awful horns... Not to mention gold trims on all of the above mentioned, this turned into a bad cartoonish version of **** my ride realy quicky.
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  2. Luperza Community Manager

    Each of these are individual items, so you'll have to purchase them separately. NS camos will be available for all factions though. :)

    Not everyone is going to be in the celebrating mood. :) Glad you are looking forward to them.
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  3. TwoHeadedDevil

    You can. Just equip them in VR training and spawn the vehicle. Works with lighting too.
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  4. TommyXXL

    i hope the detect bolt for the crossbow is available only for infiltrators :confused:
    anyway, the special events were always interesting, keep 'em coming.

    at least vanu can't complain, hello kitty(is that camo in the game?) fits with their look :D
  5. Regpuppy

    Fear the Banana Conglomerate!
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  6. Elrohur

    Oh god this is so awful :confused:
  7. VinLAURiA

    Jesus Christ, that Loyal Hearts camo is vivid as hell. Though I guess it kinda makes sense, considering it's supposed to be a bold declaration of faction loyalty.
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  8. Diodeone

    Shark chum bait

    A US Navy report from the 1970s found “a standard yellow life vest occupied by a child dummy was repeatedly attacked by blue sharks. Strikes on a red infant flotation device were few, while a similar black flotation device suffered only two strikes.” This led to surfers and divers coining the term “yummy yellow”.
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  9. Dr.Destro229

    I might try that with my vanguard it just screams SHOOT AT ME!
  10. Rhumald

    Hey now, you take that part about the gold trim back!

    I understand it's ridiculous in other games, but in this one, it has just the right reflective qualities and coloring to be a great adaptive camo everywhere but Esamir, if I could color my whole vehicle Gold or Silver (current reflective qualities included), I'd never need another camo again.
  11. PK44JX

    1,400 Station Cash is a F***ing ridiculous price for the Valentine's Day crossbows.
  12. Dr.Destro229

  13. salembeats

    I didn't even put 2 + 2 together. They're releasing the stalker cloak for valentine's day...
  14. Sharp717

    Luperza, what about having a bolt for the crossbow that when your shoot it does little damage but it stuns the enemy and makes them have pink hearts fly all over the enemy players screen making it super hard to see? That would make for interesting tactics
  15. Extermin8er

    So iv looked at the camos and the red heart camo is weapon only is there any plan to release it for infantry armor?
  16. daicon

    In my humble opinion: It's bad enough that you can't buy the Valentine's crossbows with certs, but I feel like the price is gouged.
  17. LordMatt XLVIII

    *Sees Luperza's Name*

  18. NanoBitSplit
