Lost single use camoes.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Niller, Feb 9, 2014.

  1. Niller

    I got some single use camo from the tier two crate and I accidentally unequipped one of them on my flash. Now I can't get it back, I understand that it is single use but could we atleast get a warning before we loose the camo?
  2. M2_Bradley

    It gives you a warning.And it also clearly tells you in the single use camo description.It's your fault.However,I did do the same thing once with the temperate forest single use.Still regret that.Oh well.We must move on eh?
  3. Niller

    No I did not get a warning and yes I knew it was a single use camo I just randomly clicked on another camo I had. I wouldn't have done if it actually gave me a "delete camo yes/no" option.
  4. Pokebreaker

    I'm forgainst it.
  5. Tommyp2006

    Don't worry, you'll probably get many more next week or the week after.
  6. Niller

    I don't care that much for the camo itself, a warning would be nice though.