Lost Certs/XP during Briggs Maintenance

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by BeyondNInja, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. BeyondNInja

    Before the Briggs maintenance I specifically remember having a) more than 1800 certs (don't know exactly, possible up to 1850) and b) less than 109,000 xp to go to my next level.

    After the server maintenance I log in and have 126,000 xp to my next level and only 1791 certs.

    The values before the maintenance disconnect were checked sometime before I was disconnected from the server so the change is even more significant than this (I was in a MAX), I just don't remember the final values.

    The number of kills on my Mattocks were also reset to their values after my previous session last night, but I don't know exactly how many kills were lost there (checked my killboard and I lost a total of 37 between the two).

    EDIT: Just noticed that the number of kills on my GR-22 was also reset to before that play session (checked my killboard and 14 were lost), along with my Dalton (16 according to my killboard).

    I would like this rectified.
  2. BeyondNInja

    According to my killboard it was approximately a 90minute session and shortly before I was disconnected for the maintenance I was on 30,000 score per hour (using a boost atm). Thus my best estimate for XP lost, assuming the whole session was lost, is 45,000xp and 180certs. If SOE has a more accurate value for the discrepancy I'm happy to use that instead.

    I can't submit a support ticket, as I already have an unrelated ticket waiting for my account.