"Looks like we can't hold this guys. Let's fall back.."

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drakortha, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Vashyo

    YES, this is what I dislike the most. Cause there's allways free ground available for cap, people just ditch the current battle and go elsewhere for easier time. -_-

    I don't participate in unbalanced battles or play cat & mouse with some solo player going around ghosting
  2. Nariquo

    well there is another problem.
    if you stay at a heavy attaked base your people are killed very often.
    and many people dont like to be killed.
    as a platoon leader you have to "entertain" people! people want to have fun. especially if you are a random platoon.
    if the people dont have fun they leave.
    so most platoon leaders try to server that and leave a base before the situation gets cirtical.
    i think it isnt the fault of the platoon leaders. it is the fault of the community and bad game design.
    if you tell your platoon leader that all of you are ready to fight TILL THE END and still wont leave i think they would stay
  3. Klyka

    If your base is surrounded, there is no reason to keep spawning there and get farmed. But there is also no reason to abandon it.
    The best choice is usually to spawn everyone at a neighboring base, pull sundies and other vehicles if needed and then use the invading armies tunnel vision to surround THEM instead.
    Snipe their vehicles from afar, take out their air and then push in yourself.
    Maybe even leave a single squad at the spawn room and once they have to divert attention,have those guys push out.

    That always works pretty damn well for us on Woodman.
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  4. Daibar

    As long as we have a chance to flip the point, we're (XOO) staying.
    by that i mean, if there's adjacency, we're in it to win it.

    yes, there are times where you're kicked out, but there's no shame in leaving when you're kicked out by large forces.

    i took this picture and turned it into a recruitment poster.

    Please do not think that i'm using this thread to recruit.
    but simply to prove my point.


    now, some might argue that it's stupid to do this, but if you feel this way, then you're not the one looking at the world the way we do it.

    point being: we leave when we want to, not before :)
  5. Zar

    atm territory has no meaning so defending it means nothing to me when contents can be really caped aka home sanctuarys and all warp gates are neutral so we can attack from any of them and begin an assault on a content. then falling back return to sancs for a group attack will hold meaning other wise hold your ground stand and fight.
  6. maxkeiser


    Nothing better than leaving the surrounded base, redploying to the nearest tank spawn terminal and then coming up behind the besieging force with 20+ magriders. lol.
  7. Stanis

    We refer to this as a 'target rich environment'.

    Sometimes the enemy even form neat lines of vehicles and roll them towards us to be shot at.
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