"Looks like we can't hold this guys. Let's fall back.."

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drakortha, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Korn Sarum

    There is no point in staying in a base, when you are outnumbered 3 to 1 and are pinned down in the spawn room. The only sensible thing to do is to fall back to another base and either prepare a better defense or attack in a different place.
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  2. L3TUC3

    Denying the enemy a certfarm is considered unmanly. Instead, stand firm with cheeks spread, enjoy the sound of chestbeating over yell and know that they at least can't color you yellow on forumside.
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  3. NoctD

    The best faction wide orders and organization I've seen seems to be with Waterson Vanu. The orders and choices of what to hold actually make a lot of sense. Alerts are played for territory gains, not necessarily capping the biggest bases or finding the biggest fights.

    Other servers I have characters on, the leadership can be totally ludicrous! That includes BCP and the Mattherson mega mess. But if you want a platoon that's always looking for a big fight, then you should come to Mattherson and join TE. They'll go for a big fight and let the rest of the continent fall apart even.
  4. Sharmanti

    Lol what?

    We also redeployed when things got to heavy... but that was when our leader saw that we were hitting a brick wall with a single squad or so. Then we redeployed and forced some kind of quick answer from the enemy, fortified the position and then got backup from 1-2 squads who cut of the enemy and then we pushed them back to the original position, took it and continued.

    We basicly just left a fight when:
    A) We didn't get through their defense
    B) When we were dying to much (mostly to keep morale high)
  5. LibertyRevolution

    This is proper way to fall back. EVERYONE please take note of this post.

    Falling back to the gate to redeploy to some other map or other side the continent is letting them win.. please stop.
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  6. Doktor Fink

    Mostly it depends on the base being defended. Amp stations - excellent place to keep defending when outnumbered, but a place like xeno tech labs? Awful. It depends, really. There have been times tho, where you fall back to a small base and only focus on destroying armor. It makes it easier at the next base defense.
  7. Kahlev

    It's extremely common to have roughly twice the defenses of assaults. Most of those defenses aren't really defenses as I consider them. One person or a squad trying to quick cap a small base, then getting run out, is not really a defense, defending a biolab, having someone cap a point for 10 seconds, long enough to pull it into defended status, then getting it back, isn't really a defense. A defense is when you have platoon+ level warfare, and have to kill 6 sundies and a platoons armor and air elements in order to push them out and force them to retreat. THAT does not happen often, simply because of the game design, the only base type that it does happen often at is Biolabs. But it is fun when it does happen elsewhere.
  8. Blashemer

    It is not strategically sound to have squads or even a platoon wrapped up on one point in a battle for a long time. The reason that most platoons move to a new location at the fight sign of a long, harrowed battle is because the enemy almost always ghost caps around the hex you're fighting in. It's better to keep your forces moving.

    I.E.: My platoon was holding Tawrich tech plant for so long from a constant bombardment of enemy armor and air that we hadn't a clue that the enemy had captured every surrounding hex until it was too late. We were so into the fight we'd forgotten about the rest of the map, which is more important than holding one point (especially when it's cut off).

    Only during alerts would I say prolonged defenses are necessary, and that's only during the end of the alert (last half hour or so).

    Once lattice is introduced, this will all change. But for now, this is why platoons don't like to fight each other for long (unless it's a Biofarm or something similar).
  9. hawken is better

    This is why I love zergs and usually run solo (unless I'm rolling with NUC, since we actively look for fights). Zergs don't stop until their Sunderers are destroyed or the base is captured.

    It seems like some people genuinely don't like to fight, and would rather ghost cap under the guise of "strategy," because in this game, "strategy" = holding as much empty territory as possible for the sake of holding as much empty territory as possible. Yup.
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  10. Torok

    it's the price of the leadership, many leaders falls under it's weight, "it's my responsability for having my platoon members die" and get scared,
    on my side i don't mind if the enemies are ghostcapping or picking on empty bases, what's important is where you're actually fighting, i usually go for something like:

    Being a Director General is a full-time job hehe

    when lattice comes out i believe many outfits will fail when they'll have to face real fights all the time and they'll actually need some creativity in order to overcome a fight, not to mention fast reaction, quick minds and the autorithy to have the members do as ordered!
    mahaha it's gonna be DRAMA everywhere

  11. Sen7ryGun84

    I know exactly what you're talking about Drak. I was in your platoon and I know exactly which outfit and platoon leader you are referencing here. I won't name names because it's impolite and beside the point.

    Some leaders just lose their sh*t when things get rough. Its not about territory or battle flow, they just fold up and avoid the hard clashes as soon forward momentum slows down or combat approaches a stalemate.

    I'll send you a message in game and we'll have a chat. I'm building at the moment and it sounds like you will be interested in what we are aiming to achieve.
  12. hansgrosse

    There was a little-known mod for Battlefield 2142 called First Strike. Single best Star Wars FPS ever made, even blowing away the Battlefronts. If someone were to grab up the team that made that and commission them to make a new game, we could actually have an amazing Star Wars title for once!
  13. Nenarch

    It's mainly the under BR 70 players.. I don't know.. The ones who want to fight stuff out are the highest ranking players usually.. tbh we don't even care about cap xp anymore.. let the zerg camp the enemy spawn.. we'r going forward at that point with our squad.
  14. -Zlodey-

    I`m give redeploy command to my platoon only when we start getting farmed, and there is no chance to change situation anymore.
    Until that, [MM] keep fighting.
    Sometimes we holding enemy off as long as we can, even of we have only one squad aganist enemy platoons - especially if TRAM command asking for this.
  15. Pella

    If your Squad leading. Make sure you know exactly where the main zerg is at all time's.

    We do fine considering our smaller numbers and only defend/attack if its Enemy platoon detected and below. Soon as it jumps to Platoons we deploy. But with the Allys dedtection in place it makes it allot better to see where the main bulk of the zerg is.
  16. Jrv

    Maybe less common for 2.5Xs, but maybe I got the math wrong. You seem to enjoy making assumptions, I'll have a go at it myself. You're not in an outfit that actively tests itself against the odds. Otherwise, if you had this kind of environment, you'd probably experience successful defenses more. Even if you don't win, you might as well see how long you can remain relevant before you're completely farmed. Sometimes it's fun to just outlast them as long as you can, it's a video game afterall. I'm here to have fun, stop thinking so much about the grand scheme of things and start focusing on what's in front of you. Often times it's possible and if leaders were more daring, they'd see opportunity and seize the moment. What OP is referring to is a zergfit's complete lack of effort to do any real leadership. They give up before the fight is over, you've seen it a million times. It's easier to go somewhere else, why should you fight a hard battle?

    Thank god the lattice is coming soon. Hopefully their wont be so much leeway for cowardice.
  17. SizeDoesMatt

    Same problem on Ceres.

    Platoon leaders are dumb and the game is not encouraging/forcing the players to perform better. Instead the Devs make the game easier for the idiots.

    I see so many platoons led by the biggest outfits who wait 10min to capture a station to get 4 certs points. Means they waste 40+ people for nothing while they lose other bases. So i go alone, but you dont win fights alone vs. 20 defenders. So iam forced to go with the zerg. Crap game!

    The Devs need to face the truth. Players will always choose the easy way to get certs. Waiting 10 min for 4 cert points is in the eyes of most players >>>> than killing 6 enemys in 10 min. (or going somewhere else doing useful stuff)

    """It seems like some people genuinely don't like to fight, and would rather ghost cap under the guise of "strategy," because in this game, "strategy" = holding as much empty territory as possible for the sake of holding as much empty territory as possible. Yup."""
  18. Nyscha

    The only time I order a platoon to fall back is to consolidate our forces and prepare a new attack.

    You can't win anything when everyone is spread out.

    My outfit did it a few days ago when Dehaka was lost, we went to the warp gate and summoned a awesome charge of lightnings which wiped out all the NC platoons attacking it.

    Played this song through it and it was awesome, it was like a group of zerglings attacking the terran marines.

  19. BarxBaron


    In almost every "losing battle" I get more kills then deaths.

    People cry about base composition but defenders do have several advantages if they make use of them.

    I've seen amp stations held from much larger forces for extended periods of time due to flank tactics. You know you're doing your job when you solo a sundy and 8+ people because they didn't expect you.
  20. Suffa

    I'm not going to read through 5 pages but to the OP I totally agree. Way too often when there is a vocal leader sure enough they do this.
    I'll usually run around if the Zerg is head butting each other and find the weak point and attack.
    Problem is also the game lacks proper command tools. Let squad or platoon leaders draw on the map like ps1.