"Looks like we can't hold this guys. Let's fall back.."

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drakortha, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. RHINO_Mk.II

    Battlefront was more "Squads vs Squads"

    Platoon vs Platoon zerg is absolutely horrendous to try and deal with other than as an EXP farm, because either you go sunderer hunting or your watch your whole team get pushed back by wave after wave of enemies because they think killing enemies is the way to win the fight.
  2. Zenith

    Your team would hold the waves, and then repel them, if they actually had sufficient numbers. As it is, everyone just goes ghost capping when a large force arrives, and so strength in numbers wins (until they get ghost capped and cut off). Everyone is losing out on a lot of fun because of this... well... except those who actually enjoy avoiding battles I suppose.
  3. LameFox

    I don't watch it much, is the base capture xp for a facility still 1k? I'm guessing with bonuses I'd get from 1.5 to 2k for it. Comparatively, I blew up an empty liberator earlier and got 1k. Sure I saw an 800 or so pop up over a vanguard as it died. Why on earth would someone cap bases for the reward?

    What I meant was that being in a war for control, we are taking land, which is easiest that way.
  4. jjruh

    Large battles arnt the only thing that makes this game unique, If you want directional linear huge player battles, play battlefield, or MAG, or even some MMO RPGs. What truly sets this game apart is the ability to choose when and where you want to fight. If you want to go 6v6 whackamole some "enemies detected" amp station, then by all means, go right ahead, I wont stop you from doing what you want to do.
    But the actions of 6 people, our of nearly 2,000 doesn't punish large battles. on the contrary it makes them more interesting. You are pushing your zerg against an enemy zerg somewhere, when all the sudden all your facilities on the front lines start being taken by 6-12 people at each. Now you have a choice to make, Continue fighting and sacrifice the front line, or pull some forces back and stagnate the push. Its these kind of decisions that set Planetside 2 apart from all the Battlefields of the world.
  5. RHINO_Mk.II

    Pardon those of us who would like to take vehicles anywhere near battles and not be annihilated by the "skill" of 5 people with strikers sitting 100m behind their own front line.
  6. Ripshaft

    This is just people... people suck. I went through a month or so where I tried to hook up with platoons and squads for a change... but this drove me nuts. I have no idea why the people are playing, but to me they're missing the point. I can be in a battle thinking "**** YEAH I LIVE FOR THIS ****", and some frustrated buttface comes on the comms "well guys we're not making any progress here, lets say we move to another continent... how bout amerish? lots of bases we can take there"... and much to my surprise every damn time, almost everyone is thinking the same thing and goes there....

    freakin mindblowing. So naturally I play solo, until I get the urge to attempt to find worthy people to join my vision of an outfit, should I choose to depart on that path. Still annoying to have people puss out of battles constantly, but at least I don't have to hear them rationalize it.
  7. jjruh

    You are exactly right, unless the person can only get 10 frames per second on low settings, almost noone caps facilities for the points. There are always those 3 or 4 people per continent, but that's 4/2000 a very small percent of people. In fact, one of the best ways to get points, is to sit in the middle of a armor column and repair ally tanks. The assumption that people ghost cap for the pure XP alone is just ridiculous.
  8. Slyguy65

    I know my outfit only does this to set up a better defense.

    Example holding NC at crossing...we see 50 tanks coming from the bridge with all points capped...we say ok fall back to fist. We then hold fist...usually wiping out their tanks hold them out there, then they get more vehicles, we then fall back to bio lab and force them to abandon their stuff lol.

    We do a defense retreat. If we go back to warpgate it is to pull gals and go right back into or right next to them so as to flank them.

    But ya i know what you mean. Right now. On amerish we have large outfits on amerish....which is empty and we own indar and esamir. And they fight over there instead of those 2 places...so ya i know what you mean, it gets annoying when they walk around the fight.
  9. Jrv

    You can be sure that =VX9= fights to the last man, and we use all the tricks in the book until we're sure it's impossible. It's the zerg clan sheep-herding mentality. They don't know how to direct their guys properly to win a fight, and so they focus themselves on the "meta game" and all of their orders are basically "go here, go here, go here."

    Don't join zergfits. Find a group of guys who want to be the best they can be with what they've got and that communicate well. That's the only way you'll get any true teamwork in this game. The good clans, imo, are the ones that know what needs to be done in order to make the greatest force multiplier of their guys. This means pulling MAXes at the best moments, getting the right troop composition, calling out enemies, spotting, pulling tanks, directing tank columns, etc. These clans can hold out buildings and defensive locations for long stretches of time without being overrun, while zergfits that are outnumbered tend to disintegrate.
  10. Jaedrik

    I've seen this issue time and time again, it's why I think about leaving all these large acclaimed outfits: THERE IS NO CONTROL, THERE IS NO LEADERSHIP, THERE ARE NO MEN OF ACTION. The only man of action I've SEEN is Buzz, and everyone hates him, but that doesn't matter, let's not turn this in to a thread about TE or Buzz at all, just ignore that. My point is that there are no men who consciously try to get in to fights, and it's incredibly detrimental. You get more certs fighting head on, killing fools, and best of all you don't get BORED. You have fun.

    Where are all the humans? Are the leaders we have just animals, afraid of humanity and its capacity for greatness? Do they loathe greatness? Are they jealous? I sure as hell don't know, if I had more time or passion I'd sure as hell lead, but then again I'm normally not a high tier man of action, just a medium man of action, and that's quite a sum more than most squad leaders. Maybe I should start putting certs into that leader thing.
  11. water fowl

    This is why I can't wait for the lattice system. There will only be 4 or 5 feasible conflicts going. No more running to get a few more certs.
  12. Kahlev

    This happens in real war.

    Fighting losing battles is a good way to lose a war.

    Brave does not equal stupid.

    Granted there is a line, you should try to defend somewhat, and a successful defense is an incredibly wonderful feeling in PS2, mostly because of how little it happens.

    Most outfit/platoon leaders are unfortunately aware of how skewed things are in this game for offense, the only way to really change this is to give defenders a bit more tools to use to actually defend their bases, as well as incentive to do so, in terms of defense capture prevention points of some type. Until the capabilities and incentive to defend is on par with offense, most people will just move on when decent resistance shows up.
  13. Slyguy65

    what if my in game toon is a female....

    HUH HUH???
  14. Jrv

    Look at my stats.

    A good clan can defend, a zergfit cannot. This is because defending requires actual combat-relevant communication. It's easier to go on offense because you can just say "GO HERE WITH YOUR TANK COLUMN" and hope for the best. Much harder to successfully defend against unfavorable odds if your guys aren't actively pushing the maximum force multiplier they can offer. This means sticking together with the right troop composition and communicating well.

    The "meta-game" is a good excuse to not actually do any leading at all.
  15. Tanelorn

    Yes. Galaxy + "infiltrator, hack me out a sundy" wins wars.
  16. Holomang

    Not sure if serious...
  17. Peacemaker12

    Ah, the dreaded "redeploy to Warp Gate" command. Bonus points if they make you set up a tank column there so you can drive halfway across the map. SERIOUSLY? We have an empty tech plant that we own nearby, why not use that? asdlkfjlsadjfal;k
    • Up x 2
  18. Ronin Oni

    We only do it when we want to move somewhere else we can't get to through deploy options... usually well across the continent.

    Also, We usually only run Gals on Amerish... cause driving long distances is a pain there. We only ever pull ground vehicles from near the front because there are no straight lines anywhere.
  19. Ronin Oni

    I've seen like 50 tanks all piled up STILL waiting...



    You have FIFTY tanks... enough to steamroll any opposition. Let the stragglers catch up.

    Even better, split up and go in 2 parrallel directions, capping twice the territory while STILL steam rolling

    bloody well /FACEPALM

    It's hilarious to see the "Tactics" some people employ. I think some larger organizations need to break down into sub commanders. 2 squads is enough for most fights. More than a platoon is never needed except at facilities.
  20. Phrygen

    I know... tactics... crazy stuff OP....

    Jesus christ...