"Looks like we can't hold this guys. Let's fall back.."

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drakortha, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. jjruh

    The platoon leader is just trying to do whats best for his faction, and sometimes they dont make the right call. Perhaps he had reports of a zerg coming in from twarich to crossroads. Or a VS workaround headed to crossroads from TI alloys and wanted to prepare.

    Also, keep in mind, platoon leaders can communicate over the leader chat, and as such know alot more information about whats going on than the typical soldier. Mabey he just knew somthing that you didnt.
  2. Emotitron

    Depends when they say it. If they are being spawn camped and can't even reach the point... it probably is time to regroup and think about the next fight.
  3. Zenith

    It's strange, people are always going on about how this game should be more like PS1, and apparently the devs agreed. Now though, it should apparently be less like PS1, and more like PS2 post beta launch. It boggles the mind. :confused:
  4. Drakortha

    Some really good points in here. So I guess I'm on the fence about it then.

    I still think the ghost capping is a really boring way to play, but I can also see now why it's an important part of winning for the faction and should be appreciated that platoons are doing it. But I also don't think it's a good mechanic, and I hope with the new lattice system platoons are encouraged to actually fight the enemy to gain territory.
  5. LameFox

    That's actually quite counter-intuitive in a strategic sense. If your goal is to 'cap everything' as the game vaguely suggests, it would be optimal to avoid large slow fights that tie down a lot of people, and spread your forces out, capping as much as possible against as little resistance as possible. Ever noticed what happens when your whole faction sits at the crown or some biolab(s)?
  6. Zenith

    It would make sense if ghost capping wasn't so rewarding. That is the single key problem with this game.
  7. Drakortha

    Ghost capping is required for the faction to win, I agree with that. I just think it would be better if the map design required platoons to face the enemy to win territory. I can't wait for lattice then.
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  8. jjruh

    Star wars battlefront didnt have 2000 players in it. it also didnt have 8kilometer by 8 kilometer maps.
    its not that the game wont be fun as a shooter anymore, but it will loose most of its standing as a "tactical" shooter, which is why I loved it in the first place.
  9. LibertyRevolution

    Same thing I see on waterson as NC... Encounter resistance, order fall back to redeploy to the warpgate..
    Then they gal drop a platoon or 2 onto enemies detected, then pat themselves on the back for there epic takeover..
  10. non7top

    Ghost capping is still a big problem, though there is now a lot more action with the new 'Alert' system. I liked my outfit (the famous Winning Duh of Ceres), but they did ghostcapping most of the time and never ever defended a single point. I'm not sayng that 'crown syndrom' is good, but galooping ahead and loosing everything behid doesn't feel right. Now I'm mostly playing single by pressing 'Instant action' untill I find a good place to shoot enemies.
  11. Zenith

    Those 2,000 players and 8 km maps are all but worthless, if all we're going to be playing is 6v6 whack-a-mole. It may as well be session based, because the whole point of the scale is being lost.
  12. Eckstacee

    Maybe we should petition Disney, the proud owners of the Star Wars franchise, to create their version of Battlefront in an MMO form.
  13. jjruh

    There is alot that goes on behind the scenes, the leader channel is usually pretty active. Alot of times, certain platoons get pegged as the "defense" platoon or the "attack" platoon, where the defense doesn't push the front lines, but instead defends the contested points (whether it be enemies detected or platoon(s) detected), while the attack platoon just pushes past everything no matter whats being backcapped behind them.
    And also, you can move forward, notice that something is being taken back by platoons, and call for one of the defense platoons to come help, instead of stopping your advance forward. Which will stop 10/10 times if you wait and defend.

    This isnt always the case, however, but I'm just trying to show there is more behind the scenes than meets the eye.
  14. Zenith

    No one gets Star Wars games right these days, ever. It's cursed. :(
  15. jjruh

    I'm not talking about a 6v6 whack-a-mole match, I'm talking about 12 people, 24 people, even 48 people all moving forward together, or staying back together. playing in a team of under 8 people, you have no reason or ability to leave the zerg, so just stay with it. But get 48 people together, and they become the zerg, and can do pretty much whatever they want.
  16. jjruh

    Maybe SOE should buy out the Battlefront franchise, and make a Starwarsside 3 or PlanetBattlefront 3, using their forgelight engine.
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  17. Devrailis

    Sometimes you just have to grow some balls and stick it out to the end.

    Paid off in a big way two days ago. A brave pair of NC squads faced-off against a ravenous horde of Vanoos. (I like to think they ran out of batteries and came looking for suitable entertainment. ;)) They even tried to Battlecrab crash us at one point. At several points, they had 5/6, 6/6 on our control point but we stuck it out for about 40 minutes. Just when it looked like we were going to get steam rolled...

    An entire platoon's worth of NC armour came rampaging down from Allatum, sweeping away the crazy, brainwashed techno-fetishists in a roaring wave of freedom, liberty, HEAT shells and BAWS rounds.

    Sure I might jab at NC's (many) derpity derp moments, but seeing that armoured NC cavalry charge down the hill from Allatum.

    It felt deep man. Helms Deep deep.
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  18. Zenith

    Ghost capping is essentially that 6v6 (though often 6v0) whack-a-mole. It punishes large battles, and forces players into session style confrontations, and away from the kind of battles which were supposed to make this game unique.
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  19. Stargazer86

    On the one hand, leaving a battle too soon sucks. On the other hand, staying in a battle that is obviously a lost cause just deprives your team of manpower that is needed elsewhere.

    Today, we were fighting the NC at a tech plant. It was pretty obvious their zerg was going to roll over us, and they did. Took the two outlying bases, took down the generators, took the point, bottled everyone up in the spawn room and nailed the SCU. We lost the tech plant. There was no way we were holding that base, and we didn't. However, during that time, my platoon was mixed in what we should do. Many of us, including myself, were suggesting that we pull back and head to another base for defense. My platoon leader, however, had been talking over command chat and called for reinforcements. Right as the NC capped the base, a whole slew of friendly tanks rolled in, took spawn points, destroyed the NC, and enabled us to recapture the base.

    Other times, it's just been a futile effort where resources are wasted. I've seen a single biolab hold out against countless invaders, but all other territories get captured in the process.

    You got to know when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, when to walk away, and when to run.
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  20. Devrailis

    This is basically it. This is what keeps me coming back to PS2.

    I'm not a huge fan of shooters in general. Never touched a console shooter and I don't own (and have not owned) any other FPS on my PC. I'm generally a strategy gamer through and through, with a dash of RPG on the side.

    But moments like the one I mentioned in my other post above are why I find PS2 compelling. The mass scale, RTS battles that you experienced in first person alongside hundreds of other people. Only PS2 has really given me that. Only PS2 can create experiences like the one I had two days ago.

    And to think, there are people who actively believe that creating these sorts of moments is somehow "not playing the game properly".

    Beatings are in order. Let me get my stick.
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