"Looks like we can't hold this guys. Let's fall back.."

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drakortha, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Zenith

    That's what I always do. It ties up enemy forces, and makes them work harder for it.
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  2. QuakerOatsMan

    It's actually just as bad or even worse when a platoon leader forces his platoon to fight at eg: a biolab or so, while the rest of your faction's facilities are being capped down to your WG. It's a strategic move to retreat if the conditions are unfavorable, but it's rare to find a platoon leader to order so. Many platoon leaders have tunnel vision or lack strategy. It's a different story if the force you're fighting against is about even with yours and you can fight back, but if you want to stay and fight/gain certs, you can easily leave the platoon.
  3. Eckstacee

    Secondly, don't you think defending a major station instead of leaving it undefended keeps the platoon attacking you from 1, capping your station when it is unoccupied, and 2, keeps them from advancing to other territories and capturing those.

    Also, I am not talking about your faction losing all territory to make it clear. Just a constant, ok, we can't hold it (after 2 minutes) let'ss back up to so-and-so station.
  4. Morpholine

    It really depends upon the situation. There are times (and they're not uncommon, at least on Connery) when we're clearly overwhelmed and are just feeding the enemy xp. Redeploying makes sense then.

    In those times, it's never long before we're pushed back into the spawns. I'll farm what kills I can from the spawn while the territory counts down, if left to my own devices (And redeploy just prior to the flip; they don't get any xp for killing me), but at times the outfit calls for a redeployment elsewhere before things hit that point.
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  5. jjruh

    Again, there are times when its a good idea to do this, rashnu is falling, and you are trying to take zurvan, which is more important? capping zurvan, or defending rashnu?
    But I get what you are saying, and you should just avoid those types of platoons. but it almost got to the point where if felt like you though that ALL platoons were afraid of fights, which is what i wanted to correct.
  6. KariH

    Yep! And because of shame. Everyone thinks "what comerades thinks when I su....ck this much!!?. I must be hero not looser Everyone stares MY k/d ratio"

    I usually(TRY) quit as late when there are only 4-5 left on my squad and practicaly whole platoon has beter things to do with mom.

    Whatever you said about ZERGS but ZERGS are immune this kind of disease.

    ZERG : "Nobody cares - YES - HURAAAH - LETS DIE! " "Dozen more attacks agains The Crown - WE DEMAND!"

    I think platoons are too personally.

    Anybody willing to make Zerg platoon Ingognita-suiciders which takes only impossible missions?:p
  7. RIctavius

    been with the RSG on Cobalt... WE JUST CRAZEH!!! :D and die with smiles on our faces.
  8. gigastar

    Theres a fine line between knowing that you can win and believing you can win.

    Since belief is an undesireable factor in combat, i calmly evaluate how many we are up against, what kind of support they have, what kind of support we have, then whether we are making any pogress, then whether we arent just better off somewhere else.

    For example today on Esamir, the TR got themselves well entrenched in the hills around Saerro Listing Post, and pretty much had the whole area covered by Prowlers with little or no opportunity to destroy them either on foot or from the air without either getting murdered first or the Prowler retreating out of sight. In addition they were bringing in replacement and additional vehicles from Eisa Tech.

    I decided that attacking them in any manner was just going to get us farmed, so instead i took my platoon south to Echo Valley Substation, took it from the NC, continued on down to Glacier Station which was being held by an NC platoon who were bogged down on the bridge over Echo Valley, and took that from the them as well, then finally on to Eisa Tech, taking that from the TR, and cutting off thier advance on Saerro because they apparently did not move forward at all in the 30 mins it took me and mine to do all of that.

    And i was able to rout multiple platoons from an entrenched position, and capture a fairly important facility all because i knew when to give up.

    The only time i pull that command is when we are getting gatelocked. And only ifi cannot raise any other PL's on /leader to do it for me.
  9. AnotherNoob

    Ghost capping is about the worst way to farm certs in this game... Unless you are playing on a severely underpopulated server, there should be about a million other things you can do that will get you more certs, so I really don't think that is the case.

    From my experience, people just tend to go to the "next enemy base", and follow after other friendlies that are moving out, in the hopes that they know what they are going.

    Not that this discussion will do any good, as they are revamping the map system soon...
  10. Ranik

    Lattice isn't in yet. Getting stuck in a long fight isn't worth it tactically.
  11. Eckstacee

    It sure can be fun to try though.

    In the end, isn't it supposed to be fun? Die with honor and all that good stuff?
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  12. Ranik

    Well yes. But the thing is, while you are having fun and dieing with honor? Some **** is backhacking you.

    Hex system != Fun. That's something that has aggravated me forever. The fun thing to do in half of the fights was keep duking it out and throwing down. The smart thing to do was keep all the ghost hackers from stealing everything. Which is insanely boring.
  13. Zenith

    No it's not, but if you're not very good at killing people, then it's better than the fat nothing you will get otherwise. If it were just a case of cutting enemies off, or capping vital territory for strategic reasons, then there would be no need to run as soon as enemy players start showing up (you need to keep said territory after all). Having been with and against ghost cappers, this is exactly what they do; cap and run.

    Roll on Lattice I say, we need more of the huge battles the devs were promising, and not the 3v3 style base-hops we have with the current system.
  14. jjruh

    Dieing with honor does not mean assaulting/defending the crown for 5 hours while the rest of your territory gets pushed back to within one space of your warpgate.
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  15. AnotherNoob

    Strange, if anything I have had the exact other experience with "randoms", as soon as an enemy zerg rolls in they cower in the spawn room and try get some xp by killing the enemies that peak in at them, whereas moving out to capture enemy territory require some effort in terms of logistics and such.
  16. Eckstacee

    I defended the crown once, never again...

    Still not what I meant in the first place. Not neccesarily a losing battle, fairly even ground between you and enemy, and all of a sudden as the action sort of stays dead even for a few minutes, "let's back up to the crossroads"
  17. haldolium

    Actually, no. I haven't seen this happen often or at all. Though I avoid public/random platoons anyways since most people aren't even capable of setting a waypoint.
  18. jjruh

    I forgot to add, Someone meantioned something about how the game will be so much better when factions wont be able to do this because of the lattice system. I disagree. The game will become worse. It will be stale, and full of Zerg vs. Zerg game play, that's just simply no fun. With the lattice you wont be able to make a enemy stop and turn around mid battle because you cut them off. by taking a series of bases at the same time. And you cant box in a enemy and force him to fight in a specific location that you wanted him to fight at. This will be "good" for the pubbies, but as far as organized platoons go, the new lattice is a bad move.
  19. Zenith

    I've seen that as well, but by and large they redeploy and ghost cap something else. It's just a never-ending cycle of chasing phantom cappers, who rarely show themselves, and always run as soon as you start defending. Frustrating, and boring.
  20. Eckstacee

    I don't know if it will be "not fun"

    Star Wars battlefront was awesome... the was essentially "zerg vs zerg"