Hey My name is bassace, Just got back into planetside, I'm an old school gamer from C&C ren days. anyways, I'm looking for a friendly outfit. Still getting used to classes but right now i'm playing mainly as an infiltrator. I'm used to ts(teamspeak) and can get a headset within a few days. Any help and/or suggestions would be great.
Get in line, everyone on the TR is looking for an outfit right now as far as I can tell there are no good outfits left on TR
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/napoleonicdrillinstructors# I want to talk to you and anyone who reads this thread about leadership. It is what we are missing in this game and society. I don't claim to be the best leader, but I can train the natural-born leaders to be even more effective. We take turns with officer, sergeant, and private roles. We learn from each other because we want to build our followers to be better than ourselves.
I can't find a decent outfit either, I played with The Enclave and the 382nd but i quit, now that i'm back the 382nd outfit is still up but despite 20-40 people always being online nothing ever happens & their website is down? I'm assuming the leadership quit the game, normally this wouldn't be a problem but I can't seem to find another outfit.
Well here is the deal. The majority of outfits are well just plain avoidable. They dont really contribute nothing to your experience that you cant get by just randoming on a squad/platoon. Thats it. It has less impact than WoW guilds. Id advise to just enjoy the game by just playing it, trying to get into an outfit will limit you in certain regards. Hell AODR is probably the most stifling of outfits out there. You cant do anything practically because they try to make it a hugbox. Their outfit "rules" are almost as bad as smash tourney rules. Other outfits have even odder rules that just conflict with individualism and wont let the player, be the player. So take this from some someone who has actually played for a while. Skip the outfits if you can, most of the time its not worth it and you end up having more fun being by yourself or just joining available squads/platoons.
Be a MasN. We are currently the most active outfit on Tr emerald. Casual. Squad up if you want or run solo. Start up a platoon, or join one running. Meeting tomorrow night at 9 pm to discuss outfit expansion and identify our dedicated leaders. http://ps2.fisu.pw/outfit/?name=Masn
Feel free to join [DiTF] Pallor in Ligno if you haven't found an Outfit yet. We have an Teamspeak server (you don't have to use it if you don't want to), but we do expect everyone in our outfit to have a mic (so everyone can communicate better), so you would have to get a mic if you haven't already. We are focused on teamwork and communication, and are always looking to have a fun time. Feel free to contact me at: PallorInLigno@gmail.com if you are interested in joining.