Looking for NC Outfit on Jaeger

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by The_Infirm, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. The_Infirm

    I was looking for an outfit that makes use of tanking columns in it's pushes. I feel that I am a competent tanker/support class soldier. I play sparingly but maybe with a good group I would be more active. My name on Jaeger is Infirm.
  2. DLJord

    Hey Infirm. I'd like to invite you to check out our outfit, Death Legion. We're a close-knit outfit that specialises in ground based company and we frequently use tank columns to make a push and also for escort of our sunderer blockades. You'd make a great addition to the group as a good tanker is always useful!

    Time commitments aren't much of an issue to us as we're a multi-gaming clan and as long as you can be somewhat active and take part in the community we'd be alright with that. We understand everyone has real lives that come first.

    You can join us on teamspeak and try us out before joining if you'd like to see if we'd make a good fit for you. We have dedicated operations days on Sundays and Wednesdays which would be the best days for a good try. But you're welcome to join in any day you wish.

    The teamspeak IP = ts3.death-legion.com
    Our Website = www.death-legion.com

    Please also check our Planetside recruitment thread:

    Cheers, see you on the battlefield!
    - Jord.
  3. SgtBlackbird

    I would recommend death legion. They use many tactics on the ground that would fit your play style. I always see death legion around in organized column and infantry strikes. Good bunch of guys.