looking to join an outfit with goal of getting in an armor unit i am a noob so would like some training if possible loose on empire,,, but would prefer NC
Depends what faction you are, but Sunder Military Gaming [SMG] has a pretty good sized group of dedicated tankers. We do weekly ops nights (fridays mostly) and have weekly trainings for Air, Armor and Infantry (on different days). If you wanna learn tanking, our armor guys can really help you out. Look for DD1775, CappyDay1, Skifton2 (myself), in-game and we'll hook you up. In the meantime, go here: www.sunderHQ.com (click the "JOIN NOW! button on the right side), and sign up for a forum account, verify through your email, and then apply for the PS2 division here. Hope to see you in-game!
[SG]Sturmgrenadier is a tactical, mature Outfit thats also knows that the point of a video game is to have fun. We get our fun out of using teamwork to bring a Combined Arms approach to bear against the enemy. Whether you are brand new to Planetside 2 or a veteran from the days of Planetside 1 you will fit in great and feel welcome. There is a spot for you in an Infantry Squad, an Armor column, or a Air squadron. Dedicated tankers are always a fantastic addition. Our Infantry squads also frequently pull armor whenever the situation calls for it. We were all new at some point so each and every member is more than happy to help however and whenever needed. We currently hold trainings roughly once a week that cover everything from Basic Infantry Trainings to how best to use a Battle Galaxy. Our only requirements is that you be over 18 years of age and have a working mic. https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/sturmgrenadier-is-recruiting.172/ We are also the only New Conglomerate Outfit participating in the US Bracket of Community Clash. If you are unfamilar with Community Clash, it is an Outfit vs. Outfit competitive tournament where Outfits can test their strength against each other. Below is link to our First Round Match from last week. The gameplay that you see from Sturmgrenadier is exactly how we play each and every night on Live servers. First Half Second Half
Hey Bluebird, ToxinGamers right now is recruiting new players and looking for more tankers to join our ranks. If you are interested in getting to know more about us follow the link here or in my signature https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/nc-toxin-gamers-now-recruiting.176965/