looking for advice on Mattherson Command

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TaskSargent467, May 26, 2014.

  1. Negator

    sounds like the TR responded to the NC push on their territory
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  2. BaronVonVirtu

    Ah Wisdomcube.

    Wisdomcube is decently competent at the strategic game, but doesn't have a very successful way of presenting his case for doing something to others. To exaggerate this issue, Mattherson NC's command chat tends to be filled with folks who all have their own ideas as to the best way to do something and then collectively as a group do absolutely nothing. He's probably encouraging you to attack the VS for a fairly decent reason, most likely being the remaining specter that Vanu is the scary boogieman tends to lead to situations where VS is left to ghostcap their way to victory because NC wants to only attack TR.

    I did have an interesting run-in with Wisdomcube once on Mattherson TR. It was a 9bio and we made an interesting and risky decision to abandon Rashnu in the face of the hordes to trade it for Andvari. We were ahead in the alert at the time, but we were being pushed at every single lab concurrently. Abandoning Rashnu ended up buying us some decent time to respond to the pushes on Onatha/Xelas on Amerish, but ultimately we weren't able to hold both for the entire alert, only Xelas iirc. Wisdomcube made an arguement that dedicating to Esamir/Amerish would be our downfall because we wouldn't be able to get enough population on a continent to hold both from two factions at once. A valid concern, but a risk that we took by trying to delay losing the lead.

    Ultimately, we ended up giving up the win to the VS, not because of because of being stretched too thin, but because of AOD abandoning an adjacency capture on Andvari North before it was done, and some VS population taking advantage of it. I was at fault for not sitting in the map and noticing that AOD abandoned Andvari without telling anyone, but AOD was at fault for...you know. However, Wisdomcube spent about 30 minutes arguing with me about that decision to abandon Rashnu and just wouldn't let it go. We held 4 biolabs longer than we should have as a result of that move, but unfortunately the Andvari adjacency ****up kept it from being a tie alert. He just didn't see it that way. ;)

    I love hearing NC command chat.
  4. Lockerius

    "looking for advice on Mattherson Command "

    Sorry, I saw the title and just assumed it was about Mattherson TR. Silly me.
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  5. Ronin Oni

    I've muted more people on NC Matherson command chat than both my other servers combined. (not even limited to Command chat... Prox combined even!)

    Numpad Enter is your friend. Just mute them.

    Let them rage into their own ears. To hell with em.

    I think I know who you're talking about though :D
  6. Aeflic

    After you ignore him it becomes very easy. And honestly he is a small part of the problem which is corrected after you ignore him.

    Wisdomcube leads at most 6-8 guys usually only 2. The real issue is how many are you leading? Most outfits should be leading a platoon or at the very least 3 squads. BAX etc that have earned their spot as elite smaller outfits can do their 1-2 squads and be effective.

    Again the main issue is how many guys are you commanding? If you arn't leading the above numbers then you are part of the problem. I dont know how many times im in command and I'm moving a platoon or 6 squads here and there. I ask for help and I get a bunch of chatter on the command channel and everyone thinks they have the answer, myself included, but when asked how many squads they have, everything gets REAL quiet.

    There are literally DROVES of people running solo, tagless, new, or under a scrublords command who isnt even in command channel. Yet you have the balls to be on command with your 6 guys or your one squad and complain? This goes out to most people not any one person. You wonder why the NC is trash a lot of the time, but it falls on YOU. A lot of the big names no longer play or have gone underground because they already gave theirs and they just want to pew pew. It is YOUR turn to step up.

    If I dont like what commands doing I can say VCO will do X and we will do X without any support unless we are zerged to death. The rest of the people trying to do something dont have the man power to do it or are too slow or dont have the experience to make smart choices. If 6 people lead 6 platoons and worked together it would be GG easy mode, instead its 20 people leading 1 squad all trying to take charge.
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  7. Paragon Exile

    A Mattherson without Wisdomcube? Is such a utopia possible?

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  8. FieldMarshall

    So how does command chat work in PS2?

    After i cert into it, do i have to be a SL to see the chat?
    Or does it stay permanently? If it does, then i can see why people are frustrated at a "troll" chat that they cant get rid of.
  9. DrPapaPenguin

    Eh, it's command chat, of course it will be full of armchair generals trying to get their way and other random nonsense, I mean, this is pretty much what it's like for Miller TR:

  10. Doom721

    I too run an outfit in the single digits, really only being maybe eight members whos activity vary from "**** Planetside its broken" to "I could play this all day!"

    I've heard nothing but a cesspool of angry ramblings from Wisdomcube which I was only saved from thanks to the voice mute button. Now much like other angry people in command chat, he has a point but his delivery won't get support from anyone with actual numbers. Badmouthing our own faction, which by the way minus a few sometimes irate people ( Snuggles, Stew can get pretty angry but hes usually right )

    Yet on the other hand Wisdom is like "Oh I've got this plan, you all suck, why didn't you do this, Blue Lions suck blah blah blah" and its just crap. Minus this unpolished turd our command chat is typically REALLY CIVIL. We definitely don't always win, but man when they aren't on our only problem ( and by our, I mean our leaderships ) is that near the end of alerts it becomes a bit of a *********** of "Oh **** what do we do" and a tug of war discussion happens.

    The time I saw him jump on his alt to scream things in yell chat sort of solidified my annoyance, as I'm not going to take orders from some flip flop who isn't even moving pawns around the map like some of the alt-outfits. Like many of the less vocal ( on leader voice comms ) I'll just be listening to command to know where we can bounce around - or when a callout for a small resecure is to try and redploy and send some derpy grunts at them :p
  11. ChampagneDragon

    TR were only able to respond EFFECTIVELY because WC c4d our two sundies at the attack location.
  12. JibbaJabba

    Waterson guy here.

    We've got a guy on our command chat who I think had the best advice.
    "Guys, I wont' ever tell you what to do. I'm just going to keep you informed of what I'm up to and ask for help if I need it."

    *Everyone* wants help with the thing they are doing, but rarely does anyone want to go help someone else. My outfit tries during alerts to be the folks that answer the calls. We can't always do it, and sometimes it would be stupid to do so. In general though, give more than you get and over time people will remember you, owe you one, and come to your aid when asked.

    As for Eisa... I wasn't on your battle (obviously) but be careful with that base during an Esamir alert. It can be both a blue lamp to moths, and a quagmire you can never get out of. Concentrate first on controlling 3x then 4x lattice line large bases, second on reaching the 3x lattice line facilities on your coasts (need at least one, two is a luxury), then 3rd on controlling that tech plant. Obviously don't adhere to any plan (this one or others) such that you ignore situational opportunities.
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  13. Negator

    You missed my point. You never ever ever push the underpopped/losing faction in an alert. ever. ever ever ever ever. go biolab. go three way. but dont go for the other loser.

    What would have happened if you had taken the region? TR would have fought you anyways. Do everything in your power to avoid the other underpopped/losing faction; by doing so youre passively convincing them to fight the winning/popped faction.
  14. IamDH

    WisdomCube actually seems like a smart person, not joking.

    (Im not a mattherson player but thats the general message im getting from these posts).

    The issue seems to be that he is a sort of a rude person but he has good skill when leading. The first part doesn't really matter imo, its not like you should really care what he has to say about you. I'm sure if you listened to him he wouldnt annoy you (as some claim)
  15. PlatoonLeaderG

    It dont always work....most of our guys when we are underpop are mostly defenders that will not try to push into other territories.I hate it when both NC/VS attack us when we are underpop but its a good strategy to get as many bases from the weak and focus defending from your rival.TR does it too a lot of times and we won many times because of it.

    Its a cowardly/hateful/pitiful strategy but it helps. //not all always though :D
  16. EliteEskimo

    Mattherson TR have come a long way and we're quite organized when our outfits are working together. When BWC/903rd/VG are all coordinating together, epic wins occur for the TR.
  17. Negator

    No, its a terrible strategy under every circumstance.
  18. AssaultPig

    profoundly glad that most of the guys like this on waterson have either quit or shut the **** up

    disagreeing about strategy or not being particularly friendly are one thing (okay two things), but some people seem to go through their lives looking for any excuse to fly off the handle. Just ignore those people; let'em be mad/sad by themselves
  19. Ronin Oni

    SL's and PL's who have certed into it, can hear and speak in Platoon chat. Noone else can hear or speak in the channel. You can also opt to mute the whole channel or individual people. (Enter on numpad is a quick way to mute whoever is speaking over any channel to you at the moment you hit it)

    SL's and PL's who have certed into it can also make global (server wide) faction broadcasts with /orders which everyone sees.
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  20. Sigmundr Rumare

    Not to be picky, but WC is a good strategist, not leader. Being a good leader is not only making the right calls, but getting people to actually want to follow you. It's difficult to be a good and effective leader with **** social skills.

    Also, going so far as to TK friendly sundies because they're doing something you think is stupid in a game... makes me worry a little for how serious he is about all of it.