Looking for a new outfit on Connery

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by ArchangelDA, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. ArchangelDA

    Tired of running with barely active and uncoordinated outfits, so I'm looking for a new Vanu family that's active and actually works together. I'm a mag/engineer main, a pretty good sniper, and a mediocre everything else. BR56

    Whose hiring?
  2. Blam320

    I don't officially represent the outfit, however, look up the Federal Survey Alliance. We're a relatively new group with a little over 200 members. Our philosophy is victory through tactical superiority; we focus on deploying our troops in the most effective and impactful way possible. Zerging only gets you so far.

    Oh, just so you know, we have a personal vendetta against SoulFact (We got rid of him, yay!) and The Wild Cards.

    For more info, ask our fearless leader, Aurora the First (name change), when she's (preference) online.
    • Up x 1
  3. KhorneFlakez

    I run [D4RK] The Dark Reapers outfit on Connery VS; we are a small active outfit that communicates, trains, and stays together no matter where we fight. If you are interested, contact me ingame: KhorneFlakez or join our teamspeak: ts.MrYourMom.com

    Requirements to join:
    • have a working mic and log onto teamspeak: d4rk.daddycaddy.org
    • remain active ingame once a week and notify KhorneFlakez for prolonged inactivity
    • train once every week in 1v1/ internal scrimmages/ outfit vs outfit scrimmages