Hi guys. Im a 55yo gamer looking for a good bunch to play with. Im a total noob to PS2 but have played other FPS's. This is a really cool looking game and I'd like to get up to speed with it. Im best as a support guy. Always content doing support duties for the squad. But I do have to learn the game first. Thanks much....................Rich
your more than welcome to come check us out here at RCN6 on the NC. always looking for good support squad members, add me totalBimbo as a friend ingame for squad invites. also if im not on there is MrTwister22, Karma3six, Blueshirt, spincycle, and icedude who could also set you up.
Join this steam group and you will be notified of the 20 minute exercises covering the basics of leadership, drill command, and the application of infantry formations. I taught cadets how to march for the Airforce Auxiliary, I am confident I can teach anyone how to move together. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/napoleonicdrillinstructors
First, do you have a faction preference? TR/NC/VS? Second question, are you looking for a large outfit (lots of players, someone's always on to play with) or a smaller outfit (tighter-knit group, easier to find one that fits your playstyle)? Or does it matter at all to you? Lastly, do you want a more casual group where everyone's just trying to have fun, or a more focused, "serious" outfit? Welcome to PS2, btw! It is indeed an awesome game - nothing else available today delivers the same experience. You're going about it the right way, too - finding a good outfit that fits your playstyle/personality/whatever is the single most important thing to do.
If you have or plan to create an NC character, I invite you to check out Septem Pro Vita. We are a team that focuses on training and implementing military tactics in whatever game we play. Even if you're new to the game, we have plenty of members who mainly play ARMA3 and are still learning Planetside 2 mechanics as well. We have a strict age limit of 18+ which seems to be right up your alley - and we have some old guns who may not have the fastest reflexes, but are still solid team members you can trust to cover your back. Feel free to send me a friend request on the Waterson server - RHINOmkII Or if you would prefer, you can join our teamspeak server to hang out and talk with us for a bit - septem.typefrag.com We will be running an operation tonight starting at 8~9PM eastern time with an open squad as well if you want to see us in game.
Wow thanks for all the replys guys. I'll be sending out some friend requests real soon. I guess I want a squad that can assist me in getting up to speed quickly in PS2. Stuff like game play mechanics and key mapping. For instance im trying to figure out now which keys are really necessary to map on my mouse and my G13. Im an easy going guy who doesnt jam up a comm with a lot of BS. Im also a pretty dedicated support guy, but first I have to learn them game. Oh, and BTW, I had a real life combat course in the service and understand tactics. Ive worn a uniform for the last 34 years. I think PS2 is an awesome universe. I really dig the futuristic, off world look.
If you are TR, you need to look up RD. They are a solid group, mostly more mature members. Red Devils Gaming. Add a guy named Shorin to your list, stand up dude that one.
Ash I tried applying to the RD web forum but the lack of a box for the Captcha text box didnt let me finish.
Hey USAF77, my name is Hythloday, I'm the leader of a Vanu Sovereignty outfit called Derp Company. We're an adults only gaming crew and from the sounds of it might be something you're looking for. We recognize as gamers we all have lives to lead outside of the game, and for that reason we have no time requirements, it's all opt-in at your choice. I strongly recommend that you check us out and what we bring to Planetside 2. We've got tons to offer, ranging from regularly scheduled operations, events for different kinds of playstyles to suit you, training courses (for both basic and advanced), element divisions, community departments, personal rewards & accolades, and a competitive group. We're a brotherhood here, you'll need a sense of humor to survive. I personally think you'll get the most out of your experience with us, however that's not up for me to decide, that's your call, don't wait another second man, check us out at derpcompany.com Look forward to hearing back from you! If not, then I wish you the best of luck finding the right outfit for you.
I wonder why so few people use "quote"?! easier for you to see when someone responds to your messages. hey there, looking at your name "USAF" probably means you're looking for a US server... I'm on an EU server (miller... the the biggest and best ) so it might not be what your looking for, but if you do want to play in hours that are unusual in the US (say 14-17 and on) this is where you should be heading If you're looking for a TR outfit that's mature, casual and multi-cultural (German, Polish, Finnish, Israeli, Dutch, Portuguese and a couple of others) who all (try) to speak English- iECP is something you'll enjoy. We're all about support types and coordinating with other outfits. There is also lots of know-how between our senior and junior players as well as a nicely stocked bar in our forum (i mean "intelligence folder"). not sure what u did in the USAF, but we have a bunch of roles I can think if we could put your experience to great use (yes, even aircraft mechanic ) You can even see a youtube of us below
Weird. Have you talked to any of their people IG? If you are having problems I'd bet anything if you can talk to one of their guys they'd tell you what is up. Also if you like I -may- (I think my wife has their information, I'll have to check, she ran with them a couple months back) have their TS information and can throw it at you in PM. Here is a member list which should tell you when they are on if you want to hunt them down yourself though. I and my family have played with Shorin for a While, off and on, which is why I usually steer people who are a bit older towards RD. I know Shorin plays with his son most days around mid day. I know there is at least one other outfit on the server that is run by a guy that is up in his 40s, but for the life of me I can't recall who they are. I think it may be that christian outfit, Saints3G. Another one you may consider (If you don't mind switching servers) is Sturmgrenadiers on Mattherson NC. They are a group that has unbelievable retention. Some of their members were allowed in, because their parents had already been members for 12 years. Only thing with them, is they ask for some membership dues (I think it's like 5$ a year or something, something paltry) that they use to pay for their TS and website. The left over money they give back to the members at the end of the year in the form of Christmas gifts.