Long overdue mine nerf incoming!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badgered, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Badgered


    From the Higglesworth himself. I look forward to drinking the tears of people who were exploiting death frisbees and legitimately trying to justify their current state. Thank you for doing the right thing, SOE.
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  2. FoeHammer_42

    About damn time.

    thank god. it's just insane that this has to come after an inexplicable nerf to C4.
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  4. illgot

    I'm looking forward to people actually laying mines in the road instead of using them as frisbees.
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  5. CrashB111

    Yet another cave in to forum whiners.
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  6. Gisgo

    Deploy AT mines, shoot them, problem solved.
    Can't shoot them? Cert ability pouch, deploy two couples of mines at crossroads/on bridges, problem solved.
    A lot of people will cry, some will adapt.

    Now give us more mines so we can deploy minefields and its a good deal.
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  7. ChaosRender

    It it a shame mines will have alot less value now, and that bad sundies will prevail.
    But I am glad they did it so people can stop complaining about mines.
    Mind you now will be the OP C4 threads.
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  8. Isila

    The only tears that will be drunk will be the tears of all the zero-awareness baddies who will still get blown up, just with C4 and unerbarrel grenades or rockets, or mines plus a sticky nade.

    AT mines were just the most convenient method of killing you instantly for not paying attention to your surroundings. We have plenty of other, almost-as-effective methods.
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  9. Cougarbrit

    Sounds like I'm going to buy sticky-grenades and laugh all the harder actually.
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  10. Korimer

    Like Cougar, looks like I need sticky grenades. Making mines less effective means there is going to be many more Sundys needing exploded. I was always against a big mine nerf as making them hard to kill meant more people would drive them for spawn xp. Defenders are often down to 1-2 spawn points and on large bases I have seen attackers with all 3 satellites and 4-5 sunderers spaced out just enough to deploy. Plus additional ones that actually waited to transport troops that are sitting there waiting for one to blow up so they can deploy.
  11. riker

    not really....just real world common sense rarely found in FPS games has finally been implemented, they are defensive weapons not offensive...and the forums were set up so we can tell them what we want
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  12. Eleo

    But...but...I though mines were totaly fine :eek:
  13. Viper279

    people didnt like the fact that an engineer with mines effective destroyed stuff i have been on both ends doing it and having do to me it gotten to a point i've invested in mine-guard love it love everything about it.
    BUT here my fav part some people are to lazy or dont want to get it because it requires effort on their part so they come to whine on the forums some people are moaning that now c4 disappears after death makes it useless (form what i gathered) what is this i always heard the pc where more mature seems like to me that it still as childish like on console i like to learn and adapt in games makes it more fun
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  14. CrashB111

    Brb finding a WW2 training video that proves you wrong about Mines not being used offensively.

    Now jump to around 35 seconds and watch that trained soldier run up and slide an Anti-Tank mine under the turret of that tank to blow it up.

    And in case your foolish "realism" argument hinges on them being pressure activated that is a fallacy as well, mines have had more triggers than pressure since WW2. They can be magnetic, pressure, proximity, trip wires, etc. and it even states in the in-game description that the in-game mines are proximity activated with IFF's to tell if the target is an enemy vehicle.
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  15. Consumer

    So this is assuming that you can't detonate mines by shooting them? It would tie in with the mechanic of defusing mines as well and prevent players from simply shooting their mines, adding in a second or two to the Sunderer-mining move.
  16. ST4LK3R

    yes tears...tears of joy. More efftards will be using Blockade but all I have to do is throw a nade or fire a few shots.
  17. riker

    the mine was invented to be a defensive weapon, that was merely an adaptation to their original purpose, and if its trigger is not passive, like pressure or magnetic or conductive, then it is not actually a mine it is a ''charge'' so while they have been used offensively they were not meant to be used offensively. nice video tho :)
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  18. CrashB111

    Their original purpose may have been for solely defense, but the original purpose of Lysol was to disinfect a ladies private parts we repurpose things all the time.

    And none of the triggers I mentioned were not passive in nature so your second comment has no bearing.
  19. riker

    i know i was agreeing with you (for the most part) ;)
  20. Dvine

    Yeap! Now you can go back and happily disregard your surrundings and leave your sunderer undefended, like the foaming mouth CoD reject! I wouldnt be suprised if one day your kind would ask for aim assist as its OP that some people have skill and the devs need to compensate!

    On the other hand, now te routine will be: Toss mines....toss grenade...KABOOM! :D
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