Quite a few months back the minimum requirements for Planetside 2 were raised, and my laptop (which already didn't meet them) couldn't run it, no matter how much tweaking was done (the game looked like Quake). My signature should say when I stopped playing. What has changed in Planetside 2? Last time I played, Koltyr was in the Test Server, and I think there was a sniper-pistol in development. What new weapons have been introduced? Abilities? Vehicles? Server merges? Etc. Please try to keep it unbiased
It'd be easiest to just take a look through the Game Update Notes located here - https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?forums/game-update-notes.73/
blackhand was added(nobody really uses it), new vehicle secondaries, NC and VS got close in weapons (similar to the Vulcan) and the TR got a long-range rapid-fire secondary. Cloaked sunderer's were added, automated turrets for engis were added. Thats all of the notable stuff I think... ps: they added an NS mag-fed rocket launcher for nanite systems(tr was pissed)
What CloakandDagger said, plus great improvement to burst carbines accuracy. Koltyr mini continent is now available to low BRs (up to BR 15). There are also some new basic training directives to help new starters understand what can be done in the game. There was a generally unpopular (on the forums at least) change to flight mechanics and some changes to tank gun performance that I don't know anything about. I think Galaxys can now be equipped to replenish ammo, like Sundies. Also some activatable, OHK knives have been introduced. And the TR Striker got a buff. There are some changes to LMGs on the test server, making the less useful ones better and (this is the big forum topic atm) removing the controversial 0.75 ADS movement multiplyer from the vaunted Orion (and other LMGs except the NS ones, I think). New victory conditions are also being trialled on test server I think. And the ANT vehicle is being develpoed. For me (on EU servers) the game runs better and is more stable and updates don't crash my connection any more. I don't remember how many of these came in before you last played in March but I hope this is informative. Overall, I lke where DBG is taking the game and seeing it listed, I'm quite pleased with the number of changes they have made
Thanks guys! Unfortunately, yes. I know I can build a decent PC for much less than $1000, but I'm rarely at home.
If a Desktop really is a complete no-no, then yes, a Laptop "can" do it for under 1000. But it's not going to be pretty. First I'd recommend a rock-solid CPU. A major mistake people make in this game is that they have insufficient CPU's. While most other games need a strong GPU, for some reason PS2 is a major CPU Hog, and you will lag with the best GPU in the market if your CPU is some 2Ghz PoS laptop CPU from 2010. After that, RAM is important to remember. At LEAST 8 GB, 12 if you can manage. Make sure you read into the RAM's stats, and make sure that it has a frequency of over 1600Mhz and has the best timings possible. Timings, AKA the CS or CAS Latency, are a little complicated, but basically smaller=better. Search (x) RAM timings on google and it should come up with some benchmarking test that tells what timing it has. Personally I use the Ballistix Tactical, but I don't know if that option is generally available for the Laptop market. Third, but not far behind, is your GPU. When searching for your GPU, your most important factors are the FLOPS count and the frequency it runs at. These are what will determine your performance. At least 2GB of VRAM is likely your best price-performance ratio. Generally speaking, the smaller screen PC is likely to be drastically less expensive, at the cost(Suprise suprise) of a smaller screen. But another bonus feature of that is your battery will typically last much longer on a smaller 15" screen then some monster 17" or even some unholy 19" sex machine. If you can handle the Windows 8.1, this Laptop seems like it'd pretty much fit the bill perfectly. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...gclid=CKH_--Tb2MgCFQUGaQodLIkD5Q&gclsrc=aw.ds My PC has a GTX660, and I can run the game at ultra with only the most taxing settings turned to medium(Fog shadows off and Shadow quality to be exact). While you won't be quite at the 100fps ultra I get, since I also have an i5 3.4Ghz CPU, you should be able to run medium settings with shadows off and 75% render quality with a respectable FPS and no tanking. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...15129&cm_re=Aspire_v15-_-34-315-129-_-Product This one is a lil pricier, pretty much maxing out your budget, but it should eck out a chunk more FPS then the above laptop. Your choice at this point. psst... I'll tell ya a secret... If you ask a tech store, they can show you their floor model stuff, which is almost always waaay cheaper then the new versions... I got my mother a 1000$ laptop for 600$ by getting a floor model Laptop. Don't tell anyone though!
Hm... So a mITX build would be quite portable. A Gtx 970mini, an i5 and youre looking at around 800€ (860$). That would be an option if you got a 2nd flat or something likr that. As for Notebooks. The best possibility would be to look for something that has a Gtx 970M, when youre lucky youll find something for under 1000.
And the Archer Anti Material Rifle and that Sniper Pistol and the three new Empire Specific Anti-Vehicle weapons. And camos and helmets I suppose.
As for buying a new laptop I would recommend asking certain tech communities as they will probably find the best bang for the buck for your budget. The LTT community seems like a good start
For $1k you could have a killer desktop... or a very mediocre laptop... Your choice man. Well that sucks and you'll find it highly limiting... How long would it take you to add $500 to that Budget? Cause $1500 I believe can get you a pretty good gaming laptop to run modern games on high/very high settings at reliable frames. (I believe) For $1k you might be able to get a medium settings laptop or so I think... It should be able to play PS2 at least, and most other games, but new AAA top requirement ones might be pushing it.I honestly have never really researched it, because I know price point wise it's way off from desktop. Mobility is expensive as all hell.
I also took a long break (8 months). After coming back it honestly seems to be the only major development done so far to the game is: Weapon skins and new weapons You know its true!
You can spend $1000 on a mediocre(maybe decent) gaming laptop, or you can spend the same money to put together a pretty awesome gaming desktop. Unless you are forced to do most of your gaming while traveling, there is really no reason to buy a laptop for gaming.