LOL posted by a dev on reddit: NC and teamkilling

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jawarisin, May 26, 2016.

  1. Jawarisin

    picture with the data MUST-SEE:

    Copy paste of "PromptCriticalSOE":
    "When analyzing the 95,739,847,363 points of infantry-to-infantry-non-self-inflicted damage done during the double-XP week, I noticed some disturbing trends:
    • NC do about the same amount of team damage as VS and TR combined
    • Connery does twice the amount of team damage that Miller/Cobalt/Emerald does, despite having a lower average population density
    • Almost 25% of all Connery NC damage done last week was done to teammates
    Notable mentions:
    • Cobalt NC for doing triple the team damage (20%) of their closest rival (TR, at 6.5%)
    • Briggs TR for being the only faction/server combo to beat NC, and by a huge margin as well"
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  2. Nie_Tutaj

    Best thing I've ever read. All time.
  3. Cyropaedia

    Connery Master Server

    Best NC TK, Higby, DonAlfresco Scythe Ball, BakaRaymoo C4 squad, Chinese, Koreans, real women....
  4. JohnGalt36

    All of this, plus the TR overpop pulling 15 libs and 30 prowlers at a time, is what makes me want to move to Emerald.
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  5. Armcross

    You can't blame over pop anymore after pop balance update. We just know how to concentrate our efforts. I haven't seen 15 libs in one place, it is common 2 at a time in one place. And yes we love our prowlers.
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  6. JohnGalt36

    "Concentrate our efforts"

    That's called zerging and it's not fun for anyone. I can't count how many bases I see that have 90+ TR pop for 12 or fewer defenders. MORI and BURT pull absurd amounts of libs and A2G mossies and just hover overhead while HE prowlers shell the spawn.

    Chongerry TR at its finest. It's cancer like that and the aforementioned scytheballs and Chinese lagwizards that are making everyone move to Emerald.
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  7. stalkish

    VS and TR aimbots dont target friendlies :cool:

    On a serious note this is interesting.
    Id like to see data on how much of that damage was <BR10.
  8. SpeedFreakPS1

    Probably because NC hit harder ? o_O
  9. Jawarisin

    Brigs debunked that. And no, look at connery. How can you explain that... same 3 factions same map... different players.

    Connery's just a terribad server xD
    And NC is a special faction :3
  10. Hegeteus

    Even if they were all drunk and using Jackhammer, that would still be embarrassingly high team damage rate :oops:
  11. Cyropaedia

    Did Connery have the highest overall population (maybe even double of next server)? I can see where Emerald-Miller-Cobalt divides up the "Old World." Connery serves US West, Asia, and Australia (since Briggs has slowed). Our high TK stat at 16% server wide might be explained by higher density rather than our aggregated skill (unless a revolving door of Asian newbs are the lurking variable). During the double XP period, we had all three factions running multiple 96+ battles for each side.

    There is more collateral damage in a crowded battlefield. :p
  12. Jawarisin

    As far as I know, emerald has more population. Couldn't swear on it though.
    But no, we've had more population than connery for a long period of time. Connery's skill level is very low compared to the other servers though. The only good players connery had all moved over to Emerald already.
  13. MurgNC

    That stat is incredible. Either there is a major problem with intentional TK'ing specifically on NC Connery, or NC Connery is disorganized as all heck, or it's something else. Kinda makes me want to make an alt NC Connery character just to see what the heck is going on over there.
  14. Cyropaedia

    Briggs has the lowest TK stat at 5.72% server wide. Does that make Briggs players (or even, Cobalt and Miller players - at 8.63% and 8.27%, respectively) better than Emerald players (at an even 9.00%)? :p

    My theory is that Briggs has low TK because of low density. Emerald's stat would fit as the 2nd most populated server after Connery during Double Experience period. Several veterans were playing on Connery during that period. So Asian pop and US West veterans might have boosted Connery pop.

    I think Connery may be beating Emerald pop now that the Chinese have fully migrated over.
  15. Cyropaedia

    Compton > Bronx
  16. Jawarisin

    During double exp? No, the servers were cramped full, and there's a maximum density per continent anyways. But when's the last time connery ever won a server smash ;)
    And honestly, from experience, connery at least as fair as air game/infantry is concerned, is incompetent. The air game is... there's nobody good anymore. And your good infantry players (recursion for eg) all moved to emerald.
  17. Jawarisin

    You can see it this way: every 4th bullet coming out of an ally's gun will hit an ally. So with an average accuracy of 20%, it means that with a Gauss Saw (200/shot) they kill a teamate every 125 bullets shot. Less because of HSR. And less if the teamate was already damaged obviously. And a good player with 33% accuracy kills a teamate every 75 bullets on average :3

    That's connery
  18. Cyropaedia

    Was Briggs really cramped full? (I didn't check). You can have maximum density but over what period of time/duration? Can that population density be better sustained over a longer period on either Connery or Emerald?

    Server TK Stat:
    Connery - 16.8%
    Emerald - 9.00%
    Cobalt - 8.63%
    Miller - 8.27%
    Briggs - 5.27%

    Connery's TK rate is an outstanding 2 Standard Deviations from the mean (just saying). It's a huge outlier. Briggs TK rate, on the other hand, is like 1 or 2 Standard Deviations the other way. It is generally acknowledged that Briggs has the lowest pop with Cobalt and Miller falling somewhere in the middle. I am deducing that population played a role. You can't be intellectually honest to say Connery's stat is based in skill. Last I checked, Connery was composed of humans with the same reaction speed and survival instinct so Connery's TK stat shouldn't deviate that drastically (from not just Emerald but Miller and Cobalt). Connery's population and sustainment of that population likely played a major role.

    Is Connery some cult that commits human sacrifice? You have to visit to see!
  19. Scatterblak

    Emerald rocks. We'd love to have you - c'mon over. :)
  20. thed1rt

    Im not suprised. When I tried my NC character there was an exploiter team killer at Koltyr just sitting outside the major spawn tube 1 shot sniping fresh people. He had some way to clear his team kill grief because he just sat there doing it over and over and over and over and never got grief-locked. Someone a long time ago showed me how to clear the grief lock but you need a squadmate or something. I was a total newb so dont remember how he did it. But there is definately a way to clear your teamkills and keep doing it.

    These small groups of people who switch to NC just to 1 shot headshot noobs in koltyr might be 80% of the teamkills. Who knows.