Lock-on launchers broken?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Marsodian, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Marsodian

    As of the latest patch (on the 13th) none of the TR lock-on launchers seem to be working, can some people double check this?
  2. gigastar

    Must have been a botched fix to the lock mechanic thats guiding missiles through solid objects.
  3. Justicia

    Great, let's move it to live :D
    • Up x 3
  4. Marsodian

    Haha, what a great idea! we must inform the devs! :D
  5. Takoita

    Also, is it just me, or does Grounder first-person-view model seem bugged? It is absolutely identical with the SKEP now (at least for me), despite third-person-view model remaining as it was before.
  6. MrIDoK

    If you try to lock on from the lower platform in VR training (where there are the vehicle terminals) for some reasons you can't. If you then step down from the platform you magically nanitically can.
  7. LohaMoha

    Lock-on range got nerfed.
    Striker range: 135m for AA, 85m for AG. (Live: 500m?)
    Standard AA lock-on: 210m (Live: 400m?)
    Standard AG lock-on: 135m (Live: 400m?)
  8. Mouse75

    I'm assuming these changes won't be going live because this is a drastic overnerf, almost to the point of uselessness.
  9. Tekuila

    Sounds perfect. Infantry have no business hitting air over 300m.
  10. MrIDoK

    Considering that i just went to the pts VR and locked onto a tank from 200 meters, i'd say that you should try again.
    Suggestion: stand outside of the lower part of the VR starting area (the one with the vehicle terminals) because it blocks lock-ons for whatever reason.